What warnings do you have for internet celebrity cities? , the "thousand-person banquet" turns into a "peanut and edamame banquet"

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:52 AM

Recently, netizens complained that the "thousand-person banquet" that they spent 128 yuan to experience in a certain place was transformed into a "peanut and edamame banquet". After verification by the local authorities, the information reported online was basically true, mainly because "the number of participants was large, the organizer lacked experience, and the supply of As a result, the company was required to provide full refunds to tourists who participated in the event.

The "Thousand People Banquet" is originally the highest form and solemn etiquette of the Miao banquet. It has a history of thousands of years and is a tourism sign of the local cultural tourism. But a dishonest operation will have its negative impact multiplied exponentially on social media shared by everyone, far exceeding expectations.

This is exactly the realistic context faced by cultural tourism in various places. In the era of social media, niche attractions and activities in any place have the ability to attract fans and attract traffic, and leverage local cultural and tourism consumption through small ones. However, as long as there is any "out of the chain" behavior, local efforts may be wasted. .

Over the past year, cities such as Zibo, Harbin, and Tianshui have successively become “top-tier” cities in the tourism industry, and more cities have successfully emerged from the industry by virtue of their unique tourism resources, cultural characteristics, or food culture. But for a city, along with "traffic", there are also practical problems such as traffic congestion, difficulty finding a hotel room, and insufficient public services. These have put forward higher requirements for managers in different cities.

Taking Zibo as an example, after being selected by traffic, the local government departments have done a lot of work in strengthening market supervision, guiding honest operations, and maintaining social order, almost by mobilizing the resources of the whole society and stimulating the goodwill of all citizens. Only by dealing with large passenger flow can we avoid making big mistakes.

Compared with established tourist cities with many years of reception experience, new Internet celebrity cities will have shortcomings in terms of staffing, emergency response capabilities and handling experience, and any shortcoming may trigger a chain reaction. In terms of the final result, it is a trivial matter to turn a "thousand-person banquet" into a "peanut and edamame banquet" due to lack of experience, but things like the "Gansu Silver Marathon 100-Kilometer Cross-Country Race" that occurred three years ago and resulted in 21 deaths and 8 injuries , it is an irreparable loss directly caused by insufficient prediction and insufficient experience, which is an unbearable burden for the city and tourists.

In the past few years, in large-scale events such as torch festivals and music festivals held in various places, due to the influx of large numbers of tourists, on-site management was chaotic, and accidents and dangers also occurred. A tourist who recently visited a famous ocean landscape in a certain place told the author that the local beach was "hugely crowded, with poor guidance, and worried about a stampede along the way."

Today, a trip is no longer a matter of tourists simply paying for a certain attraction or activity, but a comprehensive experience of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of a place. Safety and comfort are the basic demands of every traveler, which requires that the local cultural heritage and management level can withstand inspection. This means that after the rise of Internet celebrity cities, only by improving the level of urban management accordingly can they continue to attract attention and attract traffic.

May Day is approaching, and according to the latest data, the domestic tourism market will usher in a boom again, especially tourism in small cities continues to heat up. The volume of travel orders in some fourth-tier and below cities has increased by 140% compared with last year. When the flow of people gathers in small cities in a short period of time, it will undoubtedly bring unprecedented challenges. It is necessary for local governments to carefully consider every detail in advance and deploy specific and feasible emergency plans - this is a required course before "embracing traffic".

What warnings do you have for internet celebrity cities? , the "thousand-person banquet" turns into a "peanut and edamame banquet"
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