Stop talking about heroes based on their "good looks", leading cadres

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:30 AM

A few days ago, the Office of the Special Working Mechanism for Combating Formalism at the Central Level and Reducing Burdens at the Grassroots Level, together with the General Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, reported on three typical issues of rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots. One example is that some cities and counties in a certain province have increased the allocation of growth tasks to business entities at all levels, forcing grassroots data to be falsified.

This kind of situation is actually not uncommon. Especially in recent years, many places have set growth targets for the quantity and quality of business entities, requiring the number of business entities to "double annually" and even assigning indicators to enterprises to increase their contribution to GDP growth, tax revenue, and employment growth.

The vast majority of mission objectives are set in a decentralized manner, and the starting point may not be a bad one. The quantity and quality of business entities reflect the quality of the business environment and even the economic situation to a considerable extent. However, if you set unrealistic and illogical goals regardless of your own situation, try to replace market rules with administrative orders, and force subordinates to complete tasks, it will lead to all kinds of chaos and be counterproductive.

The notice mentioned that in order to complete tasks and respond to assessments, some towns and villages have adopted methods such as mobilization and agency to register some business entities with no actual business operations in the name of the masses for recharge, and there have even been cases where one person has registered more than 20 business entities. Some will cancel some business entities after the annual assessment and evaluation.

All these measures are ridiculous. In order to cope with "weekly reporting, monthly dispatching, quarterly research and judgment, and annual assessment" and to complete the "impossible task", the grassroots level had to "use all kinds of tricks". When they rack their brains all day long to cheat and deal with their superiors, do they still have the time and energy to actually optimize the business and development environment for the company? Large-scale inaccuracies and distortions in reported economic data may also lead to misguidance in the decision-making of companies and investors and even macro-decisions, resulting in more serious consequences.

The leading cadres of the party in charge must have a good grasp of the actual situation of the area they manage, and they also have a good idea of ​​whether they can achieve the goal of "doubling". Even so, they still choose to go against the rules and assign unrealistic tasks and goals at different levels. This is obviously due to the formalistic style of caring about "face" and ignoring "lizi" and emphasizing form over effectiveness.

What is formalism? In this regard, General Secretary Xi Jinping once made a profound analysis: "The essence of formalism is subjectivism and utilitarianism. The root cause is the misplaced view of political performance and lack of responsibility. Vigorous forms are used to replace solid implementation, and bright and beautiful forms are used to replace down-to-earth implementation." The appearance conceals contradictions and problems. "We must start from the leading cadres, especially the main leading cadres, establish a correct view of political performance, respect objective reality and the needs of the people, strengthen systematic thinking and scientific planning, do more practical and good things for the benefit of the people, and put an end to Pretending, putting on pretense, and blindly setting up shop.”

When evaluating the effectiveness of work, we should no longer judge heroes based on their "good looks", but should truly evaluate the ability to serve enterprises, optimize the business environment, and promote the high-quality development of business entities. This is not only related to the development of business entities, but the same logic also applies to all aspects of high-level reform and opening up, self-reliance and self-reliance through technological innovation, and the development of social and people's livelihood undertakings. For example, in recent years, it has been often mentioned that "invest early, invest in small, and invest in hard technology" because this is in line with the laws of technological innovation and the development of new productive forces. But if you only care about immediate revenue, profits and economic benefits, it will undoubtedly be difficult to create a soil for the healthy growth of "early, small and hard technology".

In the final analysis, we still need to avoid daydreams and empty claims, and strive to respect laws, seek truth and be pragmatic. Have the obstacles to reform been removed? Can long-standing conflicts be resolved? Is social vitality stimulated? Will people and businesses benefit? Those who can answer these questions well are good cadres who have given up formalism. Only by being down-to-earth and doing things in earnest can we answer these questions well.

Stop talking about heroes based on their "good looks", leading cadres
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