Why do popular celebrities repeatedly collapse their homes?, Cai Xukun Breaks Silence, Traffic Star | Top Stream | Cai Xukun

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:25 AM

On July 3rd, "top tier" artist Cai Xukun broke his silence and publicly responded to a series of scandals accused of him by relevant individuals on social media. He stated that his relationship with Ms. C was voluntary and did not involve any illegal activities. The online accusations of "the woman being a minor" and "forced abortion" were not true. Cai Xukun did not mention any other serious allegations of illegal activities, including his mother hiring private detectives to investigate the woman, installing cameras to secretly capture her, and disseminating relevant videos online.

When Cai Xukun broke the silence, the related topic had been fermenting on the internet for a week. His idol image in the entertainment industry is also on the verge of collapse, and his idol status is on the verge of collapse - public information shows that Beijing Cai Xukun Film and Television Culture Studio has been listed in the list of abnormal business operations; Some music and film network platforms have taken down their music works, video works, and variety shows; The advertising industry organization has issued risk warnings for its related public opinion fermentation; Some commercial brands that he serves as image endorsers have cleared all content related to him on their official social media accounts.

After a long list of names such as Wu Yifan, Li Yifeng, Zheng Shuang, and Deng Lun, Cai Xukun became the latest celebrity to experience "house collapse". They repeated their mistakes repeatedly, and their situations all had some similarities - before the collapse of the house, their images were shining brightly and flawless; After the collapse of the house, their true appearance, whether morally corrupt or committing crimes, forms a strong contrast with their usual public image, which surprises their fans, supporters, and the general public.

Why is there such a huge contrast in the image of these popular celebrities before and after the collapse of their homes?

Public image is the lifeline of traffic stars. Under the "traffic star making" mechanism, entertainment companies cater to the psychology of fans and market demand, carefully planning and packaging the character and image of artists. Those marketable "persona elements", including outstanding image and talent; Either affectionate and devoted, or pure and flawless. In front of the camera and in front of the public, they perform and present according to the requirements and internal logic of this "persona". Under such packaging, the perfect image presented by the artist deeply matches market demand and audience psychology, making it easy to gain a huge fan following. Their words and actions have gained widespread attention on the internet, quickly becoming famous and popular with the support of traffic, becoming traffic stars.

On the other hand, while deliberately packaging, creating, and maintaining public image, some popular celebrities neglect moral cultivation, exercise their acting abilities, and even ignore moral bottom lines and legal red lines, becoming the black sheep in the entertainment industry who suffer from moral decay and commit crimes. It is precisely this different behavioral logic on and off stage, both inside and outside the play, that makes their true selves vastly different from the virtual selves presented to the public, forming strong contradictions and contrasts.

Only valuing superficial image and neglecting intrinsic qualities; Only managing virtual character designs without cultivating real character, such a popular celebrity is destined to not go far. Artists can perform on stage and in front of the camera, but society is not a stage after all, and life cannot rely solely on acting skills. Legal norms, public order and good customs, social morality, and personal morality all pose normative requirements for real individuals. Ignoring these regulatory requirements, a celebrity with a golden and jade appearance and a scum in it is like a tower on a beach or a paper house on a flame. When the truth comes to light, it is the day when their character and image collapse.

Time and time again, the mistakes of traffic celebrities have repeatedly demonstrated similar principles. In a commercialized market environment, it is understandable for performing arts companies and performers to use market-oriented strategies and means to carry out moderate image packaging and promotion. However, in addition to achieving "face" through image packaging, we must not forget the more important "essence", which is the continuous refinement of performing arts abilities, the continuous cultivation of artistic and personal ethics, and the continuous improvement of comprehensive abilities and qualities. The combination of external image and internal qualities builds a solid foundation of professional ability and moral cultivation in the performing arts career. Only then can artists stand invincible on and off stage, in and out of the play, and stay away from the dramatic life of collapsing and "collapsing houses" overnight.

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