[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Chery Yin Tongyue: We will build Wuhu into China’s “Detroit”

Release time:May 19, 2024 15:43 PM

1. Chery Yin Tongyue: We will build Wuhu into China’s “Detroit”

On the morning of May 19, the Eighth China System Science Conference held a report meeting in Wuhu. Yin Tongyue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group Co., Ltd., said that Wuhu will be built into China's "Detroit".

Yin Tongyue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group Co., Ltd., delivered a report on "Promoting High-Quality Development of the Automotive Industry through Systemic Innovation". He said that Chery is currently in the best development period in history. From January to April 2024, it ranked first in the industry in terms of automobile sales growth, new energy growth, and SUV market share, and its export sales ranked first in China's automobile industry. one.

Yin Tongyue proposed six management methods, including building a double-chain-driven, open and collaborative technological innovation management system; building a global, full-life cycle quality management system; and building an ecological chain and ecosystem management system for symbiosis and mutual prosperity. By continuously optimizing corporate technological innovation, product quality and safety, and ecological chain expansion, Chery will strive to become a global, open, green, and intelligent innovative enterprise in the future.

Yin Tongyue also extended an invitation to the world to build Wuhu into China's "Detroit" and Anhui Engineering University into China's "Michigan University", and welcomed academicians, experts and innovative talents from around the world to become Chery's "partners" people".

2. Huangshan Tiandu Peak will reopen on May 20

According to the "China Huangshan" WeChat public account, an announcement was made about the reopening of Tiandu Peak in the Huangshan Scenic Area. The announcement stated that after comprehensive testing and evaluation, Tiandu Peak is scheduled to end its closed rotation period on May 20, 2024 and resume opening to the outside world.

For sustainable development, the management department of Huangshan Scenic Area implements regular closures of high-altitude scenic spots in the scenic area. Among them, the two peaks of Lotus Peak and Tiandu Peak are open in turn, with a rotation period of 5 years. During the closure period, visitors are prohibited from entering, and artificially assisted natural recovery is used to promote the growth of trees and understory vegetation in order to improve the ecological environment. It is understood that Tiandu Peak is the most dangerous peak in Huangshan Mountain and has not been open to the public for 5 years.

On May 19, Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park officially opened and will become the most important software research and development center besides Xiaomi’s Beijing headquarters.

Chen Zhichang, Mayor of Nanjing, said in his speech that Xiaomi and Nanjing have always been good partners with deep mutual trust and a two-way relationship. Currently, Nanjing is aiming to build the main bearing area of ​​an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the city through industry, and accelerate the cultivation and development of new productive forces. The development directions of both parties are highly consistent, and they have the conditions and potential to further deepen cooperation and achieve mutually beneficial and win-win development at a higher level and in a wider scope.

Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said that he hopes that the Nanjing regional headquarters will focus on the important mission of improving software capabilities, closely integrate Nanjing's industrial advantages, accelerate high-quality development in talent, innovation and other aspects, and build the Nanjing regional headquarters into a super R&D center. Let Nanjing become a "blessed place" for Xiaomi to take off, effectively support the implementation of the group's strategic goals, and help Nanjing develop new quality productivity.

The weather is getting cooler, and the garlic flowers are blooming
The weather is getting cooler, and the garlic flowers are blooming

After the beginning of autumn, several heavy rains made the heat no longer oppressive. In the purple mountain wheat winter field of the small park, suddenly stems of red garlic flowers sprang up, banging banging banging, like red feather umbrellas, standing straight open. Throughout August, I have been waiting for them to bloom. Living in this area for 8 years, passing through this garden countless times, watching these garlic grow from the initial four or five branches to eight or nine branches, to dozens, year by year. This year, there are countless, one in the east and one in the west, like a torch, burning passionately on the purple clouds of Shanmaidong. The fruiting rate of garlic is very low, mainly relying on bulb transplantation. These garlic plants expand their territory underground until they spread into a sea of flowers, blooming in clusters and shining brightly. They stand out among the flock of chickens, their colors are enchanting, and their blood red petals are like spreading dragon claws,

Drinking yogurt without licking the lid always feels like something is missing? The "no milk" yogurt developed by Wenzhou enterprises has caught the attention of dairy products | packaging | enterprises
Drinking yogurt without licking the lid always feels like something is missing? The "no milk" yogurt developed by Wenzhou enterprises has caught the attention of dairy products | packaging | enterprises

Recently, a packaging company in Leqing, Wenzhou, developed a yogurt lid packaging that can avoid getting a drop of yogurt, which has sparked a lot of discussion. Netizens have different opinions, some think it's too convenient, while others feel that there's a lack of ritual like licking the milk cap. When people usually drink yogurt, they always get a thick layer when they open the lid. Many people habitually lick it, while others feel embarrassed and waste it. Of course, Sun Guojin, the general manager of Zhejiang Jinshi Packaging Co., Ltd., has also encountered such an embarrassment. At that time, he was gathering with a few entrepreneurial friends. When someone opened the yogurt, the part attached to the lid splattered onto his body and could only be licked off with his mouth. So the other party half jokingly said to him, "Do you guys who specialize in packaging should research and invent a lid that doesn't touch milk?"

Only local players are allowed to play and foreign aid is strictly prohibited. More than 600 village basketball teams are participating, and a large-scale "village BA" in a city in Zhejiang province is starting. Local | Baishuiyang Town | Foreign Aid
Only local players are allowed to play and foreign aid is strictly prohibited. More than 600 village basketball teams are participating, and a large-scale "village BA" in a city in Zhejiang province is starting. Local | Baishuiyang Town | Foreign Aid

Recently, in Baishuiyang Town, Linhai City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, the first Huamei Rural Basketball League in Linhai City began. In recent years, rural basketball leagues have become popular in many places such as Guizhou, and many people have imitated abbreviations such as NBA and CBA, calling them "village basketball". The special feature of Linhai's "Village BA" is that it is a basketball tournament covering the entire city, held in 19 towns, with over 600 village basketball teams participating in the competition. In recent years, football matches have brought many changes to the towns in Linhai, where the village has accumulated experience in organizing activities and driven improvements in the village's style and appearance. Baishuiyang Town hopes to use sports as a platform to promote the integration of culture and tourism and the development of related industries. The basketball atmosphere in Baishuiyang Town, the most grassroots basketball game, is very good, and each village has its own basketball court. On July 25th, the reporter arrived at Shuanglou Village at around 8 pm in the evening

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Zhou Jiangyong, former Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, was sentenced to death with a reprieve for accepting bribes in the first trial | Zhou Jiangyong | Secretary
[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Zhou Jiangyong, former Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, was sentenced to death with a reprieve for accepting bribes in the first trial | Zhou Jiangyong | Secretary

1. On July 25th, the Intermediate People's Court of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, publicly sentenced Zhou Jiangyong, former member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and former Secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, to death for bribery. The defendant Zhou Jiangyong was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve, deprived of political rights for life, and sentenced to confiscation of all personal property; The proceeds and fruits of Zhou Jiangyong's bribery crime shall be recovered in accordance with the law and turned over to the national treasury. After trial, it was found that from 2001 to 2021, the defendant Zhou Jiangyong served as the Deputy County Magistrate of the People's Government of Yin County, Zhejiang Province, the County Magistrate and Secretary of the Xiangshan County Party Committee of the People's Government of Xiangshan County, a member of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Area Development and Construction Management Committee, the Acting Mayor and Mayor of the People's Government of Zhoushan City, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Hangzhou City Committee

Pinghu Lake in Zhejiang Province: Backed by Shanghai, with the functions of opening up mountains and expanding the sea, connecting rivers and reaching the sea, and serving as a forest and farmland mountain and sea | Features | Shanghai
Pinghu Lake in Zhejiang Province: Backed by Shanghai, with the functions of opening up mountains and expanding the sea, connecting rivers and reaching the sea, and serving as a forest and farmland mountain and sea | Features | Shanghai

Pinghu is located in the hinterland of the Hangjiahu Plain in northeastern Zhejiang Province, bordering Shanghai to the north and Hangzhou Bay to the south. It has a 27 kilometer coastline and 58 kilometers of adjacent boundary with Shanghai. Making good use of the "2758" code is the key to Pinghu's integration with Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta. In September 2022, the Shanghai Metropolitan Area Spatial Collaborative Plan was released, and in the functional structure of "1-3-6-12-19", Pinghu is one of the 19 global functional support nodes. For Pinghu, as an important member of the Shanghai metropolitan area, in order to embark on a path of integration with Pinghu characteristics, we need to focus on cultivating and developing four major functions: openness and coordination, innovation and leadership, transportation connections, and ecological and cultural development. We need to build the "Four Seas Ascending to Peace" First Bay, which is backed by Shanghai, opens up mountains and seas, connects rivers and seas, and forests and mountains. Specifically