Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

Release time:May 19, 2024 08:56 AM

The towering Great Wall, like a giant dragon, runs through the cultural context of thousands of years.

"The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization. It embodies the Chinese nation's spirit of continuous struggle for self-improvement and its patriotic sentiments of unity and perseverance."

On May 14, General Secretary Xi Jinping replied to the villagers in Shixia Village, Badaling Town, Yanqing District, Beijing, profoundly explaining the unique value of the Great Wall and the significance of protecting the Great Wall, and encouraged everyone to "keep this precious wealth left by our ancestors." passed down from generation to generation.”

Our country has a vast territory and complex and diverse topography. The Great Wall of the past dynasties has passed through mountains, hills, plateaus, deserts, Gobis, plains and other landforms. It is the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese nation and embodies the Chinese nation's national character of hard work, tenacity and self-improvement.

Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

In Chinese history, not only was the location the best place to build fortifications, but the Great Wall was also a military camp where troops were stationed in the past dynasties and a place where people from the north and the south regularly conducted trade.

Forty thousand miles in length and breadth, spanning two thousand years. As the largest existing cultural heritage in our country, the Great Wall is an important symbol of the Chinese nation. It has witnessed the vicissitudes of history and the great changes of the times, safeguarded the survival, reproduction and peaceful development of the Chinese nation, and protected the continuity of Chinese civilization from generation to generation.

△The remains of the Gubeikou Great Wall wall are the craters left during the Anti-Japanese War

On July 5, 1984, some units in the capital jointly issued a notice calling on social forces to sponsor the repair of the Great Wall.

Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

With the theme of "Love China, Build the Great Wall", the event set a precedent for the public to raise funds to restore key national cultural relics. The inscriptions by leading comrades such as Deng Xiaoping and Xi Zhongxun closely linked the protection of the Great Wall with the love for the motherland, setting off an upsurge in protecting and repairing the Great Wall among Chinese across the country and even around the world. The restoration process of the Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu, Jinshanling, Zhangyehan Great Wall and other places has also been vigorously promoted.

The Great Wall is a cultural treasure that embodies the feelings of family and country. It is also a window for the world to experience and understand Chinese civilization. Many foreign dignitaries have visited the Great Wall during their visits to China.

In 1984, Reagan climbed the Great Wall as the first U.S. president to visit China while in office after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. He later wrote in his memoirs: "Standing there and watching both ends of the Great Wall disappear between the mountains, I can't express the feeling at this moment. China is like this Great Wall, great and profound."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the exploration of the cultural value of the Great Wall and the inheritance and protection of cultural relics.

Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

On August 20, 2019, during an inspection in Gansu, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jiayuguan, the western end of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty. He climbed to the Jiayuguan Pass and inspected the passes, architectural layout and mountain and river conditions. The General Secretary emphasized: "In today's world, when people mention China, they will think of the Great Wall; when people mention Chinese civilization, they will also think of the Great Wall. The Great Wall, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, etc. are all important symbols of the Chinese nation and important symbols of the Chinese national spirit. We must attach great importance to the protection and inheritance of historical culture and protect the vital roots of the Chinese nation’s spirit.”

△On August 20, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jiayuguan Pass, climbed the tower to inspect the overall appearance of the pass, and listened to an introduction to the history and culture of the Great Wall and the pass in the Hexi Corridor.

In 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms. The meeting reviewed and approved the "Construction Plan for the Great Wall, Grand Canal, and Long March National Cultural Park." In 2021, the "Great Wall National Cultural Park Construction and Protection Plan" was issued. The "Plan" proposes to focus on building the Great Wall National Cultural Park into an important symbol for carrying forward the national spirit and inheriting Chinese civilization.

Last year, at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that self-confidence can lead to self-improvement. Only a nation with cultural self-confidence can stand firm, stand firm, and travel far. The Chinese civilization has endured for thousands of years and endured many hardships. This is the miracle of human civilization and the basis for our self-confidence.

Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

"The Great Wall of Steel", "The Great Wall will never fall", "If you don't visit the Great Wall, you are not a hero"... these familiar words contain the Chinese people's unyielding patriotic spirit and cultural gene of self-improvement.

Entering a new era, the protection of the Great Wall has been given new connotations. The majestic dragon stands with its head held high, glowing with new vitality and charm.

In recent years, based on its location advantages and resource conditions, Jiayuguan has deeply explored the culture of the Great Wall, frontier fortress culture, and Silk Road culture, constantly enriching the cultural connotation of the Great Wall, and by holding special lectures and conducting a series of research activities to drive more people to understand the Great Wall and protect it. Great Wall.

In the past, heavy troops were gathered at the foot of the Great Wall. Nowadays, residents adapt to local conditions and rely on the tourism resources of the Great Wall to embark on a unique road to wealth. In Beijing, in Shixia Village, Yanqing, an idle old yard has been "transformed" into a boutique B&B; along the continuous rammed-earth Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, the natural landscape, customs, history and culture are integrated, and the Shanxi Great Wall Highway No. 1 is full of charm all year round. It is a beautiful scenery; Hualougou Village in Luanping, Hebei Province has become a "check-in place" for Chinese and foreign photographers to take pictures of the Great Wall... The Great Wall culture has injected fresh vitality into the small mountain villages.

Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

Two years ago, at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the highly creative "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" countdown won praise from the world. Among them, the images chosen for the two solar terms Jingzhe and Heavy Snow are exactly the Great Wall. During the Jingzhe solar term, the Great Wall meanders among the mountains where all things are revived, showing the vitality of the Chinese nation; during the heavy snow solar term, the Great Wall is like a snow dragon, "flying" in the snow-covered mountains... In the Winter Olympics The elements of the Great Wall confidently show China’s style to the world.

If we don’t understand China from its long historical continuity, it will be impossible to understand ancient China, modern China, and future China. Only by insisting on moving from history to the future and by continuing the national cultural bloodline can we succeed in today's cause.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "To achieve the goals we have established, we must have the strategic determination to 'still calmly fly through the chaotic clouds' and the enterprising spirit of 'if you can't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero.'"

The ancient Great Wall stands tall, and the Chinese nation continues its thousand-year cultural heritage and writes a magnificent chapter in the new era.

Wenmaixiange丨"Protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage"

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