The average salary in 2023 is released! This industry is bright

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 19, 2024 14:53 PM

In 2023, the average salary of employees in urban units across the country will maintain growth.

Data recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2023, the average annual salary of employees in urban non-private units across the country will be 120,698 yuan, an increase of 6,669 yuan over the previous year, a nominal increase of 5.8%, and a real increase of 5.5% after deducting price factors. The average annual salary of employees in urban private units across the country was 68,340 yuan, an increase of 3,103 yuan over the previous year, a nominal increase of 4.8%, and a real increase of 4.5% after deducting price factors.

In terms of industries, which industries are growing faster?

Among them, wages in the financial and mining industries have maintained rapid growth. Data show that in 2023, whether in urban non-private units or private units, the industries with wage growth exceeding 10% are the financial industry and the mining industry. Among them, the average wage growth rate of the financial industry in urban non-private units and private units is respectively The average wage growth rates in the mining industry in urban non-private units and private units were 11.1% and 10.4% respectively.

Annual average wages and growth rate of employees employed in urban non-private units by industry category in 2023

Wang Pingping, director of the Population and Employment Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, explained that the main reason for the high growth rate of the financial industry is that the insurance industry, which employs more than 40% of the population, continues to transform its marketing model, and the number of insurance agents with low wages has decreased significantly. This has led to a significant increase in the average wage in the insurance industry, and has also driven up the average wage level in the entire financial industry. Among the three main industry categories of the urban non-private unit financial industry, the average wages of the monetary financial services industry and capital financial services industry with higher wages increased by 6.0% and 6.7% respectively; the number of employees in the insurance industry with lower wage levels decreased by 17.7% %, and the average salary increased by 23.9%.

Wang Pingping analyzed that the average salary growth rate of the mining industry in urban non-private units and private units was 11.1% and 10.4% respectively. The higher growth rate is mainly due to the continued improvement of the mining market in 2023, the steady increase in the supply of major mineral products, Affected by factors such as the accelerated green and low-carbon transformation of energy, traditional resource-based industries are accelerating their integration and development with the new generation of information technology, driving faster growth in average wages.

For example, in recent years, the new energy vehicle industry has developed rapidly, and the widespread use of lithium batteries in new energy vehicles has made lithium ore resources a hot industry. Many mining companies have devoted themselves to the mining of lithium ore resources.

Annual average salary and growth rate of employees employed in urban private units by industry category in 2023

At the same time, wage growth in some industries is relatively low. Wang Pingping analyzed that the average salary in public management, social security and social organization industries in non-private units fell by 0.3%, and the salary growth rate in education and water conservancy, environment and public facilities management was also relatively low, at 3.0% and 0.6% respectively. The reason is that There are few factors for capital increase in 2023. The average salary of private units in the real estate industry fell by 0.6%, while the growth rate of non-private units was only 1.8%. This is mainly related to the continued downturn in the real estate market in the past two years and the related industries being in a period of adjustment and transformation.

Among them, the real estate industry is the only industry whose average salary will decrease in 2022. In 2022, among urban non-private units, the average annual salary of employees in the real estate industry was 90,346 yuan, a decrease of 0.9% from the previous year. Among urban private units, the average annual salary of employees in the real estate industry was 56,435 yuan, a decrease of 3.2% from the previous year. A reporter from China Business News checked the data and found that this is the first time in at least ten years that the average salary in the real estate industry has experienced negative growth. By 2023, the average salary growth rate in the real estate industry will continue to decline.

Zhang Bo, president of 58 Anjuke Research Institute, told China Business News that the sales volume of the real estate industry has continued to decline in the past two years, and the profit margin of the entire real estate development industry has also gradually declined, which will also affect the overall salary level of the entire industry. The income of employees in all aspects will be affected.

The downturn in the real estate industry has also affected the application for college entrance examination. In the past two years, related majors in some colleges and universities, such as civil engineering majors, have been greatly affected, and the investment lines have fallen sharply. For example, in 2022, the admission rankings of civil engineering majors in many provinces have declined to varying degrees, and have even become the "bottom" major in the admissions rankings of well-known universities that specialize in engineering.

From the absolute value of income, whether it is urban non-private units or private units, the three industries of information transmission, software and information technology services, finance, and scientific research and technical services rank firmly in the top three.

Among them, in 2023, among urban non-private units, the average salary in the information transmission, software and information technology service industries will be 231,810 yuan. The average salary in the financial industry reached 197,663 yuan, and in the scientific research and technical services industry it reached 171,447 yuan. The average salary in health and social work reached 143,818 yuan, the average salary in the electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry reached 143,594 yuan, and the average salary in the mining industry reached 135,025 yuan.

The average salary in 2023 is released! This industry is bright
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