Go to Lu'an Jianxi | Mouse | Toumian

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:16 AM

Three months ago. I didn't expect the first high-speed rail ticket from Shanghai to Lu'an to be so popular this morning, and it was sold out early on. Fortunately, Kun Ge was clever and quickly changed his mind. He grabbed two tickets on his phone to go to Hefei South in the morning, and then grabbed another train that started from an unknown location and passed through Hefei to Lu'an an hour later. Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief into his phone and said, "We've finally connected the relay to Lu'an.". Depart the next day. In the morning, the air is refreshing. At Hongqiao Railway Station, backpacks, suitcases, mobile phones, men and women, and a bustling crowd of people gathered everywhere, making the city seem lively and bustling. Kunge took steamed stuffed buns soybean milk and swiped his ticket through the gate. We both got on the car. Leaving the Shanghai border, the car sped silently, and the green fields opened up in a vast expanse. Looking up from afar, modern buildings and farmhouses, with red and green tiles interspersed between them; Gully rivers and lakes, with faint weeping willows and cauliflower fields, large areas of goose yellow. It feels like a long time no see. More than a decade ago, taking a high-speed train to Wuhan and passing through Lu'an, I saw sparse and sparse fields on the outskirts of the city in April, with gray buildings rising up. At that time, Lu'an, amidst anxiety, worked tirelessly to strengthen its intercity lines. I don't know how much wider this city is now?


Thinking about it now, I feel quite ashamed: 38 years ago, I only found out that there is Lu'an in Anhui. At that time, in the spring of 1985, economic reform was vigorously promoting the revitalization of circulation, encouraging farmers to work in cities or open businesses. On Sundays, engineers in cities went to the countryside to set up joint ventures and other factories. On this day, my colleague Guo Qiang, who had only known each other for less than half a year and later became friends, happily walked over with a large enamel cup. That cup, a labor protection product from an old factory, with the factory name printed in red on a white background. The workers of a large factory, holding a cup in their hands, are always proud. Guoqiang has rich experience. After graduating from junior high school, he went to the countryside to join the team, then returned to the city to replace his father in the factory, and then passed the college entrance examination. After graduation, he entered a unit that is now considered a superstructure, earning a monthly salary of 60. Guoqiang said that he was bleeding today. When he passed the tea shop, Lu'an Gua Pian came down and bought three liang of new tea. The tea has a delicate aroma, and the cup is slowly on top of it, seemingly non-existent. Smelling it, one feels refreshed and refreshed. I was ashamed of myself. At that time, I took it for granted that Lu'an Gua Pian was made from dried horned melon slices like zucchini, which was not worth much. Later I found out that this tea is very expensive, one, two, six yuan. Think about it, when I graduated from college, my monthly salary was only sixty. The reason why Guoqiang dares to make such a tough move is because he is filial, giving his father two liang and drinking it himself. He likes this because he jumped into the queue in Shouxian, located at the northern foot of the Dabie Mountains in the Liu'an area. In history, this place was also a major producer of tea, and villagers naturally picked and drank some. The educated youth who cut in line drew gourds just like before, and naturally brewed some broken old leaves to kill the dullness in their mouths and lives. Over and over again, they gradually became fond of this taste and learned that this tea made from early spring tender leaves is good. Because the country is strong, I know that Lu'an Gua Pian has two kinds of melon slices, one is inside the mountain, the other is outside the mountain. Neishan roughly refers to the area around Jinzhai in Lu'an, where the mountains and forests are dense and the altitude is high, and the quality and taste of tea are better; The outer mountain roughly refers to the tea produced in Shibanchong Shipodian and other places in Yu'an District, Lu'an City today. The area is relatively shorter compared to the mountains, and due to environmental and climatic constraints, the color and taste of the tea are naturally lower. However, generally speaking, Lu'an Gua Pian from the Dabie Mountains are made by frying the first or second leaves of spring tea. They are single pieces without buds and stems and look like beautiful melon seeds, so they are called melon slices. I heard such an interesting story when I went to Lu'an this time. It is said that there is a place called Mabu in Liu'an Jinzhai. A large family named Zhu has some affinity with the Yuan family in Xiangcheng, Henan. They send Lu'an Gua Pian there every year. Why? Because he received praise from Yuan Shikai. It is rumored that Yuan Xi eats stewed duck. When he comes up with a chopstick, he must first take the skin of his tail and roll it up to the spine, down to the neck, because it is beautiful, soft, and glutinous. Yuan often felt regretful after taking this sip: after finishing his meal, he couldn't swallow the local tea or rinse his mouth with chrysanthemums. Fortunately, with melon slices, I suppressed the greasiness in my mouth and gradually gained the fragrance of tea. From Guapian to Liu'an, it is regrettable that at that time it was also a matter of small details. At that time, Guoqian


Two years after Shouxian was transferred to Huainan. Mr. Zhang, who enjoys exploring geopolitics and the history of our army's wars, said that this year marks the 70th anniversary of Liu Deng's army's thousand mile leap into the Dabie Mountains. Should we go to the Jinzhai in Lu'an this spring to have a look? So he gathered Zhao Shusun and his group of poets and was about to go, but his old friend Chen Sang found out and shook his arms to enter. Many years ago, he drove a Dodge ten wheeled truck at the Shanghai Film Studio, majestically traversing enemy artillery positions on the south bank of the Yangtze River in "Crossing the River Reconnaissance". Earlier, he followed his teacher's instructions to drive the big truck endlessly and put it into gear at Garden Bridge of Shanghai after dusk, repeatedly practicing the integration of man and vehicle. With his joining, the safety of the car dealership became even stronger, which made Mr. Zhang even more determined and overjoyed: he plunged straight into the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, walked around to see the mountain terrain, vegetation, climate, rivers, roads, village houses, men and women, local produce and food, revolutionary stories, rural gossip, and so on. Keep going. The sky and the layered mountains are faintly visible, and gradually, the highway leads straight into the mountains. In a flash, distant peaks, forests, slopes, valleys, and streams, scattered houses mostly consist of two-story white walled, brown tiled, or red tiled residential buildings. There are also few old yellow mud mud mud houses with black tiles in the mountains. It seems that the countryside has changed a lot. I remember that day, the Harrier Landing in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, the forest was already dusk, and the mountain wind was cold. On the tall pine tree, there are birds returning home from time to time rushing down. Mr. Zhang clearly did his homework well, saying that this place is located in the temperate transition zone across the northern subtropical zone, with an ancient geological history, complex ecological environment, abundant species resources, and unique biological resources and natural landscapes. Mr. Zhang said: In addition to scenic vegetation, before 1936, this place was the 13th Fortress in Nanshan Township, Huoshan County, Lu'an. It was the permanent residence of the Red 28th Army, the Anhui Western Special Committee, and the Anhui Hubei Special Committee, and the headquarters of the three-year guerrilla war in Hubei, Henan, and Anhui. It's really true. Today we are staying at a inn called Hongtuqing, which is only one mountain, stream, and ditch away from the Nie family's old house, the former site of the Red 28th Army's military and political affairs. We can walk for at most ten minutes and cross a plank bridge to reach it. Looking back at the notes from that year, it was a daily dinner, including mountain and wild preserved vegetables such as stream fish and dried bamboo shoots, as well as catching local chickens and drinking small cups of grilled meat. The next morning, with clear mountains and a suspension bridge, the Red 28th Army, which was rebuilt in 1935, settled here. Take a closer look at the terrain here, with high mountains and dense forests, steep streams and forests. The Nie family's yellow mud old house deep in the mountains is naturally easy to defend but difficult to attack. The leader of the Red 28th Army, Gao Jingting, used this as a base and established gun repair stations, Red Army hospitals, and other facilities, making it exceptionally popular. The rebuilt Red 28th Army was later reorganized into the Fourth Brigade of the New Fourth Army. At its peak, it ranked first in terms of personnel and guns among all the units of the New Fourth Army, becoming an important anti Japanese armed force in our army, which greatly impressed Chen Sang. In the northern foothills of the Dabie Mountains in the territory of Lu'an, Mr. Zhang led us downhill and uphill for a few days, searching and searching. It was really a heavy mountain. In the fiel


At 10:30, Kun and I transferred to the high-speed railway at Hefei South Station and arrived near Lu'an Station. Kun said that Mr. Liu, who came first for a day, has already been waiting. We need to go to a good place together in the afternoon. What's a good place? Following the crowd down the platform to the exit corridor, one can see the large and picturesque scenery and cuisine of Lu'an, with lively and seductive walls. There are Tiantangzhai, Wanfo Lake, Pig Head Noodle, and Mouse Baba. The streams are gurgling and the water is rushing, and the mountains and ridges are full of red reflections. How could Liu'an be as small a place as others say? I must bite the mouse cake today. With such thoughts in mind, Kun and I stepped out of the station and faced a very wide avenue, Jiefang South Road leading straight to the city center. The car took a turn and went from Foziling Avenue to Meishan Road, which was also a bustling road. Huishang Bank, Fortune Plaza, General Union Building, Agricultural Science Building, Lu'an People's Hospital, TV Station, Unicom Building, City View, Buildings, Large Areas of Trees and Vegetation, Crossroads, Busy Traffic. The air is humid, and there is water flowing. There is a large river by the roadside. Looking at both sides, green trees cover it, and the shrubs by the river are dense. The river surface is wide, like the Su River Bay. Is it Pi River? Driver chopping nails to cut off the railway: Wrong, it's a tributary flowing through the city. Later on, it was found that it was the main canal on the Pi River, as well as the water conservancy project. What about the Pi River that originates in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains? After leaving the mountain, there were many twists and turns that flowed to the city of Lu'an. The water is right next to the Confucian Temple Street in the south of the city, and there is a large Moon Island in the river. Anhui Provincial Key University, Wanxi College, with over 60 majors and over 20000 students, is located on this island. The Henan part of the island is a wetland park and the Lu'an Sports Center, with a large area of green and beautiful scenery. But what's even more beautiful is that after passing through Lu'an, this river flows into the Huai River through Shouxian, becoming an important tributary of the Huai River. In fact, at the head of the main canal of the Pi River, which is less than 30 kilometers away from the city center, the water surface is very vast. The two Pi rivers, east and west, converge here to form a magnificent river bend. There is a Sujiabu town on the side, which is the first town for the Pi River to flow out of the mountain and into the Huai River. It has long been a distribution center for agricultural and sideline products and a commercial center in the Dabie Mountains. It is a famous millennium old town in history, with well-developed water and land roads in the Ming and Qing dynasties, numerous commercial buildings, and is known as the Little Nanjing. This is also the famous location of the Sujiabu Campaign. At the turn of spring and summer in 1932, under the command of Xu Xiangqian, the Fourth Red Army annihilated more than 30000 Nationalist Army soldiers advancing to suppress the Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area, becoming a famous example of encirclement and support in the history of our army. It's a pity that I didn't know it was too late to go to such a good place, nor did I have a bite of the famous Ten Seas here.


I went to another place. On the day before departure, Kun Ge caught a ticket and told me that in Lu'an, there is a nationally endangered species, which is a rare and endangered medicinal plant under national protection. It can be said that it is the giant panda, Chinese sturgeon, and soft gold in the plant kingdom. It has gone through four extinction periods in history, but has been reborn on a large scale in recent years. Just now, on the way to stay, I could occasionally see their traces. LED screens in commercial buildings, flashing their green colors; Monopoly shops also come up every now and then, hanging their small yellow bodies entwined like snails: known as the Liu'an Huoshan Mihu, the dragon head and phoenix tail, ranking first among the nine immortal herbs such as ginseng, Lingzhi, and Sanqi. At the intersection near the Red Street of Wanxi Hotel, there is actually a local braised pork sausage. The red lettering on the store wall reads: "Now grab hot braised pork, take a bite, and you'll be in your soul.". Kun said, "Mr. Zhang likes this bite the most. Can you cut it into two pieces and bring it back?"? There are several shops selling rice and dendrobium on the road, highlighting their handsome appearance: elegant small yellow flowers, stems like grasshopper legs, some sparkling and translucent. There are few beauties. For thousands of years, it has only been attached to the wet valley walls of the Dabie Mountains within the Huoshan Mountains in Lu'an. In history, how many people praised it? History records that Li Shimin, Wu Zetian, and Qianlong all ate it as tribute. This is a disaster. People fear fame and pigs fear strength. In the Republic of China, the "Huoshan County Annals" recorded that Huo Hu had long been famous, with many collectors and almost all of them searched, like a morning star. Until a hundred years later, Lu'an was able to regain the reputation of being the birthplace of the rice plant Huoshan. In the afternoon of this day, we were standing on the wall of the hall of a national 3A level cultural and museum park built with it, and saw the lonely, tenacious vitality and legendary mother base. It is said that it was discovered and reported by a herbalist named Xu Jie more than ten years ago. At that time, it was crawling and remaining by a deep mountain stream called Taipingfan in Huoshan. Afterwards, with the arrival of Fang Chaoyang and Dai Yafeng, they were determined to continue the growth of giant pandas and Chinese sturgeons in the plant kingdom. Rebirth is not easy. They found through classics and numerous practices that this delicate first-class protected plant prefers to grow in rocky areas of streams and valleys, and is associated with moss and stone reeds. Seeking advice from Chinese medicine masters and relevant universities, they carefully extracted embryonic tissue from the mother plant, built a greenhouse, and created a cool, humid, ventilated, and foggy microclimate that the rice dendrobium prefers. Finally, they successfully explored two methods that could promote the reproduction and revival of Dendrobium officinale. Now, the sprouts that have emerged from generation after generation have appeared in large areas in the embryonic discs of the sand and stone beds in the cultural and museum cultivation hall. Today, after thirteen years of unremitting efforts, Lu'an has established over ten thousand acres of wild cultivation bases in the Dabie Mountains region; The Huoshan Dendrobium in Lu'an has broken through multiple bottlenecks in large-scale breeding and industrial cultivation, and has built a comprehensive system that integrates wild seed protection, tissue culture seedling cultivation, wild cultivation, product research and development, and cultural and tourism experience. The production model of companies+bases+farmers+tourism has also become a path for poverty alleviation and prosperity in old areas. According to Yunguang Cooperative, there are over a hundred, and many farmers have lifted themselves out of poverty by planting rice and dendrobium. Mihu's whole body is re

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On 1.66 million square kilometers of land in Xinjiang, the rivers and lakes are beautiful, the ecology is improving, and people and nature coexist harmoniously. Nowadays, the scientific examination and utilization of water resources is historically expanding the development space of Xinjiang. Tianshan Mountain is located in the north and south, surrounded by clear water, with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in urban and rural areas; Three mountains and two basins, rivers and lakes are peaceful, with green waters and lush mountains shining brightly. Xinjiang fully implements the water management policy of "prioritizing water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance, and dual efforts", promotes the transformation of water resource management from extensive mode to refined and scientific mode, supports sustainable economic and social development with sustainable utilization of water resources, and strives to achieve effective protection of water safety, efficient utilization of water resources, significant improvement of water ecology, and the gradual development of a colorful picture of harmonious human water relationship.

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To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province

During the summer vacation, various theme parks, fairy tale towns, and other places are bustling with people. In contrast, Wuyi County in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, which is striving to build a "hometown of fairy tales", appears somewhat desolate. This mountainous county was famous for its hot springs in the early years, and in recent years, it has proposed the "Fairy Tale Wuyi" urban brand, planning to create a highland for Chinese fairy tale culture and creativity. To this end, Wuyi established a specialized working organization called "Fairy Tale Office" and held 8 "Fairy Tale Congresses". However, the results were somewhat less than expected. The counterattack of mountainous counties is deeply related to the concept of fairy tales and children's literature in Wuyi. "Wuyi's fairy tales, aside from their historical origins, first have soup and then concepts," Wang Xiaoling, Executive Deputy Director of Wuyi County Fairy Tale Office, explained to reporters. Tang Tang is the Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Writers Association and a well-known children's literature writer in China. Tang Tang has mentioned multiple times that since childhood, she has

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When it comes to bad fish, people in Jiangnan understand it, but when it comes to bad fish, many people are confused. In fact, both "zao" and "gui" refer to the method of marinating fish and vegetables with seasonings. "鲊" initially only referred to the pickling of fish, and as they were pickled, they became something that could be pickled by all things. When marinating fish, use rice and salt as seasoning. When making rice, either by pressing it with a stone or twisting it inside a cloth, it is done to remove moisture and add flavor, hence the word "rice". Wrapped in a lotus leaf, it is highly favored by famous scholars. In the summer of the third year of the Changqing reign of the Tang Dynasty, with the sound of cicadas singing in the fields of lotus leaves, Yuan Zhen went to Yuezhou and passed by Hangzhou on the way. Bai Juyi held a boat banquet on West Lake to welcome his friends and enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains. The table was filled with delicious dishes, including lotus fish buns and lotus leaf wrapped buns. Lotus room fish buns are made by taking fresh lotus seeds, digging them out one by one, filling them with small fish balls, and steaming them until cooked. The freshness of the fish meat is accompanied by the freshness of the lotus seeds

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Yesterday, the 6th Shanghai Special Products Exhibition and Sales Fair for Corresponding Regions kicked off at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. In the exhibition area of Bachu specialty products in Xinjiang, the company leader provides detailed introductions to customers who come to purchase Bachu Liuxiang melons and other "Bachu Liuxiang" brand series products. As a transportation hub in southern Xinjiang and the eastern gateway of Kashgar region, Bachu County, with its unique climate conditions and land resources, produces a series of high-quality, green and healthy agricultural products, such as Bachu Liuxianggua, Bachu quinoa, Apocynum tea, etc. A local production in Bachu called Cookbai Hot Melon, also known as Green Skin and Green flesh Melon, has a long history of cultivation in Bachu and is a unique variety of Bachu. Its flesh is crispy, refreshing and juicy, sweet but not greasy, and it has a unique "vanilla ice cream taste". In recent years, due to its unique taste, it has been favored by Shanghai Xinjiang aid officials,

Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou
Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou

A while ago, the government research group of Hailing District, Taizhou City, published "Zibo Barbecue is So Popular, What can Taizhou do?" The key to learning from Taizhou Hailing lies in how to make the renewal and transformation of Taizhou's old city smoother: like Zibo, Hailing, which is also in the midst of transformation, is the main carrier of Taizhou's national historical and cultural city. Faced with the hardcore task of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee "focusing on implementing the renewal of the old city, carefully making the" Fengcheng River "cultural core, and building a cultural ancient city that gathers humanities, carries memories, and expresses homesickness", Taizhou should learn from Zibo... The article analyzes and summarizes in more than 5400 words. There are three noteworthy points, three thought-provoking questions, and three valuable experiences for Zibo barbecue. Hailing District is the main urban area of Taizhou, with Taizhou's total economic output ranking among the top 50 in the country, including pharmaceuticals and shipping