The aroma of barbecue in Jinzhou is overflowing. Liaoning Governor made a recommendation at the meeting: Shenyang chicken rack is popular in the circle

Release time:May 25, 2024 11:21 AM

On the evening of May 24, the 2024 Liaoning Province High-Quality Culture, Sports and Tourism Integrated Development Conference Industry Investment Promotion Event was held at Donggang Music Fountain Square in Dalian.

According to "Liaoning Daily", on the evening of May 24, the 2024 Liaoning Province High-Quality Culture, Sports and Tourism Integrated Development Conference Industry Investment Promotion Event was held in Dalian.

The aroma of barbecue in Jinzhou is overflowing. Liaoning Governor made a recommendation at the meeting: Shenyang chicken rack is popular in the circle

Li Lecheng, deputy secretary of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and governor of Liaoning Province, delivered a promotion speech. He said that Liaoning is a warm and happy homeland, and you can enjoy the unique style in the fireworks alleys. It is an open, tolerant and eclectic place with a wide range of delicacies of good quality and low prices. It offers a wide range of high-quality products and everything you need to eat, making it sure that visitors from all over the world will have a worthwhile trip and come back with a full meal.

Li Lecheng, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and governor of the province, delivered a promotion speech.

The aroma of barbecue in Jinzhou is overflowing. Liaoning Governor made a recommendation at the meeting: Shenyang chicken rack is popular in the circle

According to a live video released by Liaoning media, when talking about "you can get whatever you eat," Li Lecheng said that there are not only classic Liao dishes such as roasted Liao ginseng with green onions and pot-wrapped pork, but also popular Shenyang chicken racks and Piaoxiang Si. The overflowing Jinzhou barbecue and other specialty snacks are sure to satisfy your appetite.

According to the "Liaoning Daily" report, this promotion event is an important part of the 2024 Liaoning Province High-quality Cultural, Sports and Tourism Integrated Development Conference and an important carrier to display the brand image of Liaoning's cultural, sports and tourism. The event focuses on showcasing Liaoning’s cultural prosperity, landscape beauty, ecology, and sincerity in hospitality, as well as the dividends and opportunities brought by the accelerated development of cultural, sports and tourism integration, attracting more friends at home and abroad to come to Liaoning for sightseeing, tourism, investment and business.

The aroma of barbecue in Jinzhou is overflowing. Liaoning Governor made a recommendation at the meeting: Shenyang chicken rack is popular in the circle

During the conference, 12 supporting activities will be arranged, including the Northeast Asia Food Culture Tourism Week, the Liaoning Province Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, and the International Federation of Chinese Sports Football World Cup, to fully demonstrate Dalian’s typical experience in promoting the integrated development of culture, sports and tourism, and enhance the The popularity, reputation and comprehensive competitiveness of cultural, sports and tourism in Liaoning Province lead the construction of a high-quality cultural, sports and tourism integrated development demonstration site in Liaoning.

He is the first vice mayor of a provincial-level city to be appointed as the first to fall from office this year! He is a Ph.D. born in the 1970s, Wang Qinghua | Supervisory Commission | Deputy Provincial level
He is the first vice mayor of a provincial-level city to be appointed as the first to fall from office this year! He is a Ph.D. born in the 1970s, Wang Qinghua | Supervisory Commission | Deputy Provincial level

This afternoon, according to the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Wang Qinghua, the deputy mayor of Wuhan, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Public information shows that Wang Qinghua, male, Han, born in June 1972, member of the Communist Party of China, on-the-job doctoral degree, doctor of engineering. Wang Qinghua once served as deputy director and member of the Party committee of Wuhan Dongxihu District Construction Bureau, director and Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Dongxihu District Education Bureau, vice president and member of the Party committee of Wuhan Commercial Service College, deputy director of the general office of Wuhan Municipal Committee, director and Secretary of the Party group of Wuhan Price Bureau, deputy secretary and head of Jiangxia District Committee, Secretary of Jiangxia District Committee and member of the Party group of Wuhan municipal government. In January 2022, Wang Qinghua was elected vice mayor of Wuhan. January 14 The 15th People's Congress of Wuhan

A 4-year-old boy's head is stuck on Jiuqu Bridge! Firefighting demolition; Are railings cultural relics? Do parents need to compensate? Railing | Head. At Jiuqu Bridge in Yu Garden | Parents
A 4-year-old boy's head is stuck on Jiuqu Bridge! Firefighting demolition; Are railings cultural relics? Do parents need to compensate? Railing | Head. At Jiuqu Bridge in Yu Garden | Parents

On the evening of June 3, a boy about four years old got his head stuck by a stone railing on the Jiuqu Bridge in Yu Garden Garden in Shanghai. After about 30 minutes of rescue, firefighters broke down some of the railings before rescuing him. On June 4th, the reporter saw at the scene that the incident location had been placed under quarantine and security personnel were on duty. This incident has sparked a lot of discussion among netizens. Some netizens believe that it is normal for a child to look at fish with a short head and should not be called a bear child. Some netizens also expressed that parents should compensate, and some netizens exclaimed, "Is the poor railing a cultural relic?"? The response of Shanghai Radio and Television Station: The Yu Garden was built in the Jiajing and Wanli years of the Ming Dynasty. Both the Jiuqu Bridge and the Lotus Pond existed at that time. The Jiuqu Bridge was originally a wooden bridge, which was rebuilt into a cement bridge in the 1920s,

Intelligence personnel holding secret meetings on board the ship? 21 people falling into the lake, 3 deaths Israel | Italy | Intelligence personnel
Intelligence personnel holding secret meetings on board the ship? 21 people falling into the lake, 3 deaths Israel | Italy | Intelligence personnel

The capsizing of an Italian cruise ship is still fermenting. On May 28th local time, a tourist boat carrying 23 people capsized in Lake Maggiore in northern Italy, with 19 people rescued and 4 missing. On May 29th, the Italian fire emergency department confirmed that the incident resulted in four deaths, including two Italian intelligence personnel, a former member of the Israeli security forces, and a Russian woman. The Italian security department stated that two of the deceased were Italians, a 62 year old male and a 53 year old female, both of whom worked for the country's intelligence agency. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that one of the deceased was in his fifties and had previously served in the Israeli security forces. According to media reports, the fourth victim was a 50 year old Russian woman who was the companion of the captain of the ship involved in the incident

Expert interpretation → Restoring the most serious train collision accident in India this century, with nearly 1200 casualties in Sabang | India | Accident
Expert interpretation → Restoring the most serious train collision accident in India this century, with nearly 1200 casualties in Sabang | India | Accident

Author | China Business News Qian Xiaoyan According to the latest official data from India, a train derailment collision in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on the evening of the 2nd has killed at least 288 people and injured nearly 900 others. The accident involved two passenger trains and a freight train with about 3500 passengers on board. Judging from the number of casualties, this is the worst train collision in India this century. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the site of the incident on the afternoon of the 3rd. He said that those guilty of the accident will be severely punished. Initial investigations by the Indian side showed that the accident was most likely caused by human error. Modi also said that the accident is heartbreaking and the government will do its best to provide all necessary treatment for the injured. Secretary, Center for China and South Asia Studies, Shanghai Institute for International Studies

Grasp these points | Gaokao gas station, exercise to relieve stress and welcome the Gaokao milestone. In addition, sports and gas stations
Grasp these points | Gaokao gas station, exercise to relieve stress and welcome the Gaokao milestone. In addition, sports and gas stations

The college entrance examination is a crucial milestone for every candidate and their family. During the pre exam period, candidates bear a great deal of mental pressure. Many candidates and parents are concerned that sports will not only squeeze their review time, but also pose certain risks. In case of muscle and bone injuries, it will also affect the exam. In fact, choosing a suitable exercise plan before the exam can not only improve the body's immune system and enhance disease resistance, but also regulate the candidate's tension, improve their physiological and psychological state, and be beneficial for pre exam review and exam performance. Here are some suggestions for exercising before exams, hoping to be helpful to everyone. The selection of suitable exercise methods before the exam varies from person to person, and each candidate's actual situation is different. The selected exercise items, amount of exercise, and exercise methods should also be different