Hot Interpretation|Three "high" moves to see Rizhao Port heading towards the sea

Release time:May 24, 2024 19:06 PM

The thermal interpretation port connects water and land transportation. It is a basic and pivotal facility and an important support for economic development. Throughout the ages, ports have often been regarded as the “barometer” of national economic development and the “wind vane” of international trade activities.

On May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Rizhao, Shandong Province, and the first stop was Rizhao Port. Here, the General Secretary focused on two aspects - the smart and green construction of the port and expanding opening up to the outside world.

The General Secretary once profoundly pointed out: "An economic power must be a maritime power and a shipping power." He hoped that my country's port construction should "aim for thousands of miles" and "make greater contributions to national development."

From the golden waterway of inland shipping to the port connecting the world with international shipping, the General Secretary has paid attention to the construction of my country's coastal and river ports on many inspection trips, and has carefully planned and promoted the construction of world-class strong ports.

As my country's coastal container domestic trade hub port and an important global energy and bulk raw material transfer base, Rizhao Port undoubtedly carries a "hard-core" mission. Anchoring the goal of building an "internationally leading smart green port" and building a world-class port, Rizhao Port has its own "high" moves:

——High technology "ignites" a new engine for smart ports.

Hot Interpretation|Three "high" moves to see Rizhao Port heading towards the sea

Technology and intelligence are important supports for the transformation and development of ports. At present, our country is accelerating the cultivation and development of new productive forces, adapting measures to local conditions, and promoting change with "intelligence" to provide strong momentum for promoting the transformation and development of ports.

In 2021, Rizhao Port will build the world's first shore-side open fully automated container terminal. Different from the mainstream fully automated container terminals in the world that mostly adopt a vertical layout model, Rizhao Port promotes the revitalization and upgrading of traditional ports and creates a new process of "arrangement along the shore for loading and unloading unmanned truck horizontal transportation" to overcome the problem of unmanned truck "safety officers" Cars and other world industry problems. 6 domestically produced and industry-first scientific and technological achievements, including independent research and development and integrated innovative unmanned card collection and dispatching system.

In August 2022, the State Council issued the "Opinions of the State Council on Supporting Shandong to Deepen the Conversion of Old and New Momentums to Promote Green, Low-carbon and High-Quality Development", clearly proposing to support Rizhao Port in building a smart green demonstration port for bulk dry bulk cargo. Rizhao Port continues to explore smart port construction paths and carbon reduction technology routes, and promotes the deep integration of new technologies represented by big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and green and low-carbon technologies with the main port business; it has built more than 50 automated loading and unloading units in 10 categories Equipment; research and development of key technologies such as the first unmanned electric locomotive in the country's ports, automatic unhooking of dumpers, and automatic train cleaning...

——High efficiency becomes the “motivating force” of green ports.

Green development is the fundamental solution to the port’s ecological and environmental problems. In the smart green demonstration operation area for bulk dry bulk cargo in Rizhao Port, operators are almost invisible in the huge docks and yards. Large machinery lined with tower cranes and criss-crossing process belts operate freely, efficiently and smoothly. Every process operation reflects the efficiency of the modern smart green port.

On May 9, 2024, ships operated efficiently at the coal terminal in Shijiu Port Area, Rizhao Port, Shandong Port.

Hot Interpretation|Three "high" moves to see Rizhao Port heading towards the sea

With the goal of green and low-carbon development, Rizhao Port adheres to the integrated development of "wind, solar, storage and hydrogen". An LNG filling station and a green dry bulk cargo transfer station were built and put into operation, 130 new energy heavy-duty trucks were introduced, 10 large wind power plants were planned and deployed, and the implementation of a photovoltaic power generation project with an installed capacity of 22 MW was accelerated...Through green energy use, the port's cost was effectively reduced Energy consumption and carbon emissions.

From the traditional water and coal unloading to the current process-based handling, the leap in the coal business is another epitome of the high-efficiency transformation of Rizhao Port. Rizhao Port has joined hands with Shanxi Coking Coal Group to build the country's first 10-million-ton coking coal blending base, which can complete the entire production process from raw coal selection and transportation to coal blending and shipment with one click, realizing "smart port intelligent coal blending".

——High-quality "supply chain hub" spreads its arms to embrace the world.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in order for the economy to develop and the country to be strong, transportation, especially maritime transport, must first be strengthened.

The country’s largest soybean, timber, and wood chip import port, the country’s largest metallurgical coal and coke launching port, the first-level port in China’s ore transportation system, and the country’s longest coastal port with crude oil pipelines... From a single coal export port, it has leapfrogged to upgrade As the world's youngest port with an annual throughput of over 500 million tons, Rizhao Port is opening up and developing at a non-stop pace.

Rizhao Port continues to expand its advantages in "sea-rail combined transport". In recent years, more than 30 sea-rail combined transport trains have been added to serve the "Belt and Road" construction through the Maritime Silk Road. Create a new "one-box" transportation model for railway 35-ton wide-body containers, and transport "door to door" and "one box to the end" throughout the entire journey to achieve "zero cargo difference", "zero loss" and "zero pollution".

Hot Interpretation|Three "high" moves to see Rizhao Port heading towards the sea

Ports play an indispensable role in the modern economic system and are an important channel for smooth domestic and international dual circulation.

Through the window of the port, we can see the strategic determination of "aiming for thousands of miles" and heading towards the sea, and we can also deeply feel the strong tenacity and vitality of the Chinese economy.

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