What should you do if your child suffers dental trauma or eye trauma? Experts are here to help

Release time:May 24, 2024 10:49 AM

Children are in a period of vigorous growth, but due to their poor awareness of self-protection and weak ability to foresee risks, they are prone to accidental injuries such as dental trauma and eye trauma. Recently, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, sponsored by the Office of the Shanghai Patriotic Health Campaign Committee and the Shanghai Health Promotion Center, the Minhang District Health Commission, the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai Xinguang School and Shanghai Municipal Government At the "Bright Eyes, Bright Teeth, Fun Childhood" Shanghai Health Lecture and Shanghai Green Apple Home themed event hosted by Green Apple House, experts explained this one by one.

50% to 70% of childhood dental injuries occur between the ages of 7 and 9

Hou Lili, director of the Nursing Department of the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said that 50% to 70% of children's dental injuries occur between the ages of 7 and 9. The incidence of dental trauma decreases with age. Dental trauma refers to the damage to the dental hard tissue, pulp tissue and periodontal supporting tissue caused by sudden trauma to the tooth, especially a blow or impact, which manifests as tooth concussion, fracture, contusion and dislocation. After dental trauma occurs, it will not only cause bleeding and pain, affect eating, speaking and appearance, but also affect the arrangement and development of the teeth.

Once dental trauma occurs, the dislocated teeth should be preserved as soon as possible, which is directly related to the success rate of subsequent tooth replantation.

Experts say: After a tooth is dislocated, it should be immediately placed into its original alveolar socket to increase the possibility of tooth survival. If the tooth falls to the ground and is contaminated, you can gently rinse it with pure water or cold milk and put it back in its original position. For teeth that cannot be put back into their original positions, they must be kept wet. You can place them in cold milk, saline or purified water. If conditions are unavailable, you can keep them in your mouth.

Hou Lili emphasized that dislocated or broken teeth should not be stored dry. People should never wrap teeth in paper towels, handkerchiefs, or put them in pockets or plastic bags. "Be careful when picking up a fallen tooth. You can only hold the crown of the fallen tooth with your hand and never touch the root of the tooth. After the tooth is properly preserved, try to arrive within the 'golden 30 minutes' Try not to wait more than 2 hours for treatment in the hospital. Even if it is a deciduous tooth that is broken or lost, it should be treated in time and cannot be ignored. "

1 to 2 weeks after a dental trauma occurs, the injured tooth should be allowed to rest. While maintaining oral hygiene, avoid eating hard foods and focus on light, soft and rotten foods. Experts also remind that after a tooth is impacted by an external force, the pulp tissue and periodontal tissue of the tooth can be affected. This impact may sometimes appear months or even years later. Therefore, everyone should follow the doctor's advice for regular check-ups, and pay attention to observe whether the teeth have discoloration, pain, gum abscess, etc. in daily life. If they occur, they should seek medical treatment in time.

Blunt trauma to the eyeball and ocular appendages The most common type of ocular trauma in children

Survey data shows that blunt trauma to the eyeball and eye appendages is the most common type of eye trauma in children, accounting for 96.9%, such as blunt eyelid trauma, eyeball rupture, orbital fracture, etc. Chief Physician Guo Wenyi, deputy director of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said that blunt eyelid contusion refers to eyelid injury, which manifests as eyelid swelling, pain, bruising, etc. In this regard, parents should check whether the eyeballs are injured. They can open the eyelids to determine whether the child can see clearly, and then use a flashlight to shine on the eyeballs to check the condition of the eyeballs and whites.

If the child can see clearly, and there are no abnormalities in the eyeballs and whites of the eyes, it can basically be judged as a blunt eyelid contusion. A cold compress can be given first, and then the child can be taken to the hospital for examination to avoid missing some potential trauma. If your child has blurred vision or bleeding from the whites of his eyes, his eyeballs may have been injured and he must seek medical attention immediately.

Experts emphasize that orbital fractures are relatively hidden and usually manifest as sunken eyeballs and double vision, but they are not easy to detect. Therefore, after a child has an eye injury, he should go to the hospital for examination in time.

Among eye injuries, special care must be taken when penetrating injuries and lacerations of the eyeball can easily lead to blindness. Pens, scissors, needles, bamboo sticks, branches, pets, firecrackers, etc. are the main causes of penetrating eyeball injuries and lacerations. Most penetrating eyeball injuries require surgical treatment, and the sooner surgery is performed, the more beneficial it is.

Once a penetrating eyeball injury or laceration occurs, use clean gauze to cover the injured eye and send it to a doctor immediately. During this period, you must not apply hot compresses, wipe or squeeze your eyes, and do not use alcohol to disinfect your eyes and wounds. At the same time, you must keep warm and avoid sneezing and coughing to prevent the tissue in the eyeball from being squeezed out.

Experts finally remind you: Don’t ignore chemical injuries caused by acids and alkalis. In fact, dish soap, detergents, essential oils in your home, and desiccants in some foods can burn your eyes. "When these chemicals enter the eyes, the most important measure is to get water immediately and continue flushing the eyes for at least 30 minutes to flush out the chemicals, and then go to the hospital for medical treatment."

As for the choice of water, there is no requirement, any water will do. If possible, you can use mineral water or purified water; if there is no tap water, you can also use it. If you are in the wild, even water from rivers or ditches can be used to rinse your eyes, because within one or two hours after chemicals enter the eyes, it is faster and better to rinse yourself than to rinse again after going to the hospital. many.

What should you do if your child suffers dental trauma or eye trauma? Experts are here to help
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