Ensure the safe, efficient and orderly operation of the city! Chen Jining investigates Shanghai Urban Investment Group

Release time:May 23, 2024 18:34 PM

Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out during an investigation of Shanghai Urban Investment Co., Ltd. this afternoon that it is necessary to revitalize Shanghai's state-owned enterprises, better promote modernization and high-quality development, and further demonstrate the institutional advantages and vitality of socialism with Chinese characteristics. political responsibility. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Shanghai, conscientiously practice the people’s city concept, accurately grasp functional positioning, more closely integrate the improvement of management service capabilities, breakthroughs in key core technologies with the long-term development needs of the city, and accelerate the improvement of the core competitiveness of enterprises. efforts to ensure safe, efficient and orderly operation of the city, better serve the construction of the "five centers", and better play a leading role in stabilizing growth, promoting transformation, and benefiting people's livelihood.

As a leading state-owned enterprise in Shanghai's function guarantee category, Shanghai Urban Investment Group is responsible for important responsibilities such as urban infrastructure investment, construction, and operation management. It is currently focusing on the reform goals of "collectivization, marketization, internationalization, and specialization" to The deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform has promoted the construction of world-class enterprises and accelerated the establishment of an excellent overall solution provider for infrastructure and public services. Chen Jining inspected projects in the industrial sectors such as roads and bridges, water affairs, environment, and real estate in the group, and learned about the progress and effectiveness of major projects such as the Beiheng Passage, the water industry chain, the full classification guarantee system for domestic waste, urban renewal, and the construction of affordable rental housing. Pay close attention to the rectification and implementation of feedback issues from ecological and environmental protection inspections, listen to situation reports, and put forward clear requirements.

Subsequently, Chen Jining presided over a symposium to listen to the overall overview of Shanghai Urban Investment Group and the work report on reform and development, combined with the implementation of the actions to deepen and improve the reform of state-owned enterprises and better serve the overall economic and social development of the city, and have in-depth exchanges and discussions with the comrades present. Chen Jining pointed out that the main responsibilities and businesses of Shanghai Urban Investment Group are closely related to people's lives. It should better play its role as the main force in urban operation and management, work hard to improve the quality of management services, and better meet people's yearning for a better life. Maintain safe, efficient and orderly operation of the city. The position should be higher, the vision should be broader, based on the longer-term development of the city, accelerating the transformation from the construction system to the operation system, and fulfilling the overall responsibility with one corner of the effort. Focus on optimizing and improving the urban infrastructure network system, effectively change concepts, promote business transformation, do a good job in operation and maintenance, and build new advantages for future development. We will better leverage the effects of scale operations, strive to improve systematic operation capabilities, effectively reduce costs and increase efficiency, and improve infrastructure and public services. It is necessary to focus on the main responsibilities and main businesses, strengthen functional business performance management, enhance the competitiveness of operating businesses, continue to work hard on improving management service capabilities and breakthroughs in key core technologies, improve its own resource allocation and management operation efficiency, and better achieve high Quality development and sustainable development.

Chen Jining pointed out that the bottom line of urban safety must be guarded with a sense of responsibility that "can't be reassured at all times." We must resolutely overcome paralysis and fluke mentality, strengthen the investigation and rectification of potential risks and early warning and forecasting with higher standards and stricter requirements, and improve emergency response capabilities. Make response plans in place, focus on preventing major floods, fighting major dangers, and rescuing major disasters, continue to improve the operation capacity of the drainage pipe network, strengthen precise prevention and control based on large-scale meteorological models, and implement various flood prevention and disaster prevention measures in detail. Strengthen water quality monitoring and early warning in water source areas to ensure the safety of drinking water. Establish a firm awareness of risks and safety, strengthen the treatment of hazardous medical waste, strengthen the coordination of source collection, logistics transfer and terminal disposal, and continue to carry out daily supervision and regular inspection and rectification of the whole process.

Chen Jining emphasized that we must unswervingly strengthen party building, improve the party's organizational system, enhance the professional capabilities of cadres, and boost the entrepreneurial spirit of officers. It is necessary to lead the modernization of corporate governance with party building, continue to strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, increase supervision and discipline enforcement, strengthen the construction of internal control systems, and tighten the institutional cage. It is necessary to take the study and education of party discipline as the starting point, use cases to explain disciplines and cases, increase the intensity of warning education, and create a good ecology of cleanliness and integrity.

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