Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

Release time:May 12, 2024 05:31 AM

News: Look at the highlights through data, and look at the economy through data.

Understand China’s confidence in economic development through data

The national consumer price index rose 0.3% year-on-year in April

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

Data released today by the National Bureau of Statistics show that in April, as residents' consumer demand continued to recover, the national consumer price index rose by 0.3% year-on-year, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month, and a month-on-month increase of 0.1%, turning from a decrease in the previous month to an increase. .

Specifically, in April, among the eight categories of goods and services that make up the CPI, except for the decline in the prices of food, tobacco and alcohol, the prices of the other seven categories all increased year-on-year; the core CPI excluding food and energy rose by 0.7% year-on-year, an increase of 0.7% year-on-year. It expanded by 0.1 percentage points last month, indicating that the recovery of consumer demand in my country has further consolidated.

In April, industrial production continued to recover, and demand in some industries fell in stages. The national industrial producer price index fell by 2.5% year-on-year, and the decline was narrower than last month.

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

The AEO system helps foreign trade development "accelerate"

From May 8 to 10, the 6th Global "Certified Economic Operators" Conference was held in Shenzhen, providing strong "intelligent" support to leverage the advantages of the AEO system and continue to promote economic trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. The AEO system refers to a certification system advocated by the World Customs Organization that provides preferential facilities to companies with higher credit status, law compliance and safety levels. It is known as the "golden business card" that helps companies "accelerate" their foreign trade development. It has a unique “password” in promoting global trade connectivity.

Currently, China has more than 5,800 AEO companies. As of the end of April, these more than 5,800 AEO companies accounted for about 1% of the number of import and export companies, contributing nearly 40% of China's import and export value. China implements the AEO system with high quality and has introduced 28 preferential measures in 5 major categories. As enterprises with the highest credit rating by the customs, AEO-qualified enterprises can enjoy exclusive "benefits" such as priority for rapid customs clearance, port inspection and sampling of import and export goods, and priority for local inspections. A series of trade facilitation measures have greatly helped enterprises to develop markets more efficiently.

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

In terms of expanding AEO international mutual recognition cooperation, on May 9, the General Administration of Customs signed AEO mutual recognition arrangements with the Tax Service of the Republic of Burundi and the Icelandic Tax and Customs Service. Up to now, China has signed AEO mutual recognition agreements with 28 economies, covering 54 countries and regions. The number of signed mutual recognition agreements and the number of mutually recognized countries rank first in the world. China is exploring the establishment of a regional AEO mutual recognition and cooperation mechanism to promote global trade connectivity.

The "Shenzhen Work Plan" was formulated based on the discussion results and consensus of the conference, and will be submitted for internal review according to procedures before being promoted and implemented globally. It is proposed to vigorously promote the construction of smart customs, make the implementation, evaluation and mutual recognition cooperation of the AEO system more digital and intelligent, so that enterprises can more conveniently enjoy the convenient measures provided by the customs; continue to expand the implementation scope of the AEO system around the world, and actively promote cross-border e-commerce Provide AEO credit cultivation for emerging businesses such as merchants, small, medium and micro enterprises.

On May 10, the People's Bank of China released its monetary policy report for the first quarter of this year. The report pointed out that the prudent monetary policy in the first quarter was flexible, appropriate, precise and effective, creating a good monetary and financial environment for the economic recovery to improve.

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

The report pointed out that the People's Bank of China lowered the reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 percentage points at the beginning of the year, releasing more than 1 trillion yuan in medium and long-term liquidity. We will lower the re-loan and re-discount rates to support agriculture and small businesses by 0.25 percentage points, and guide the market quotation rate of loans with maturities of more than 5 years to decrease by 0.25 percentage points. At the same time, a 500 billion yuan re-loan was established for technological innovation and technological transformation. These policies have effectively supported the development of the real economy and promoted a virtuous economic and financial cycle.

In the next stage, the People's Bank of China will maintain the stability of monetary policy and increase support for the real economy. We will continue to deepen the market-based reform of interest rates, give full play to the role of the loan market quotation rate reform and the market-based adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates, and promote the steady and steady decline of corporate financing and residents' credit costs. Smooth the monetary policy transmission mechanism to prevent funds from being idle. We will continue to effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas, and resolutely maintain the bottom line of preventing systemic risks.

China's international balance of payments remained basically balanced in the first quarter

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

The latest data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shows that in the first quarter, China's current account surplus was US$39.2 billion, which was 0.9% of its GDP in the same period, continuing to be within a reasonable and balanced range. In the first quarter, China's goods trade surplus on a balance-of-payments basis was US$121.1 billion. Among them, the export of goods trade was US$751.1 billion, a year-on-year increase of 2%; the import of goods trade was US$630 billion, a year-on-year increase of 3%. In the first quarter, China's net outflow of equity direct investment abroad was US$25.7 billion, and the net inflow of equity direct investment in China was US$19 billion. China's international balance of payments maintains a basic balance, trade in goods maintains a surplus, and two-way cross-border capital flows remain reasonable and orderly.

Chongqing International Railway Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone was approved for establishment

The reporter learned from Chongqing Customs that the Chongqing International Railway Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone has recently been officially approved by the State Council for its establishment. The Comprehensive Bonded Area is located in the Chongqing International Logistics Hub Park. It focuses on building three major industrial bases: Lintie high-end equipment manufacturing, complete vehicle industry chain, and integrated cold chain industry. It will further assist in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the Western Land and Sea Innovation Zone. Channel linkage development.

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

Development in multiple fields has yielded "fruitful results" and is inspiring

Eight new cities in the Mainland can apply for "individual travel visa" for Hong Kong and Macao

The China Exit-Entry Administration issued an announcement today. With the approval of the State Council, starting from May 27, qualified personnel in 8 cities including Taiyuan, Shanxi, and Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, can submit applications to the local public security bureau’s entry-exit management department to handle “individual travel to and from Hong Kong and Macao”. Travel endorsement" or "Group travel endorsement".

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

The total number of registered nurses nationwide exceeds 5.6 million, and the construction of the nursing team has achieved significant results.

The reporter learned from the National Health Commission today that my country's nurse team construction has achieved remarkable results. As of the end of last year, the total number of registered nurses nationwide reached 5.63 million, and the number of registered nurses per 1,000 people reached 4. More than 80% of nurses have a college degree or above. , the overall quality of the nursing team has been significantly improved.

The 2024 National Medical Insurance Fund unannounced on-site inspection is officially launched

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

The 2024 National Medical Insurance Fund unannounced on-site inspection was officially launched in Henan today. The unannounced inspection adopts the model of "national organization, cross-provincial cooperation, and territorial cooperation", covering all provinces across the country, and carries out key inspections on illegal and illegal use of medical insurance funds, fraudulent insurance, and false drug purchases in medical institutions and designated retail pharmacies.

Shaanxi Changqing Nature Reserve once again photographed wild giant pandas "mother and child in the same frame"

Recently, staff at the Huayang Management and Protection Station in Shaanxi Changqing National Nature Reserve discovered while sorting out monitoring data on giant pandas and their habitats that infrared cameras deployed in the wild once again captured several scenes of wild giant pandas "mother and child in the same frame" precious images.

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

This video was shot at an altitude of about 2,000 meters. The giant panda mother is strong and walks calmly in front. The cub is petite and cute, following closely behind her mother. Ten minutes later, the figure of the "mother and son" appeared again at another point in the same ditch.

An infrared camera at an altitude of about 1,500 meters captured another pair of panda "mother and child". In this video, the giant panda cub is obviously smaller and wobbly when walking, looking very naive. In recent years, the population of wild giant pandas in the Changqing National Nature Reserve has grown steadily, and infrared cameras have increasingly recorded scenes of wild giant pandas "mother and child together".

Luoyang, Henan: More than 30,000 Cliff Sand Swallows "settle down" in the Yellow River Wetland

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality

Recently, more than 30,000 cliff sand swallows flew to Luoyang, Henan Province, and nested in the Yellow River Wetland Reserve, becoming a beautiful scenery.

On the sandy cliffs of the Baihe section of the Yellow River Wetland National Nature Reserve, there are densely distributed irregular circular nest-shaped caves. Tens of thousands of cliff sand swallows sometimes hover at low altitude, sometimes chase and play, and sometimes fly back with food in their mouths. The scene is Spectacular.

Cliff sand swallows belong to the order Passeriformes and family Yanidae. At present, some sand swallows have begun to lay eggs. The incubation time of the cliff sand swallow is short, usually hatching in 12 to 15 days. It is expected that by mid-to-late June, all the cliff sand swallows here will leave their nests.

Seizing opportunities for foreign trade development and monetary policy to boost confidence...China's economic growth continues to glow with new vitality
World Ranking Rising! The head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team speaks out, world | competition | world ranking after four consecutive wins
World Ranking Rising! The head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team speaks out, world | competition | world ranking after four consecutive wins

On June 2, 2023 local time, in Nagoya, Japan, the Chinese women's volleyball team played 3-0 for the German women's volleyball team at the 2023 World Women's Volleyball League Japan Station. With a four game winning streak in Nagoya, Japan in the World Women's Volleyball League, China's women's volleyball team has surpassed Italy and Serbia in the world rankings, rising to third place in the world, and is less than 10 points away from the second placed United States team. In summary of this trip to Nagoya, head coach Cai Bin said that the Chinese women's volleyball team is maturing. Cai Bin told Xinhua News Agency reporters that the biggest highlight of the Nagoya Station competition is that the entire team has become more mature. He said that the competition tested the results of the past three months of closed training, and the team members completed the task very well. He specifically mentioned the mentality of the team members, saying, "Everyone wants to play to their best level, and everyone doesn't care."

Intelligence personnel holding secret meetings on board the ship? 21 people falling into the lake, 3 deaths Israel | Italy | Intelligence personnel
Intelligence personnel holding secret meetings on board the ship? 21 people falling into the lake, 3 deaths Israel | Italy | Intelligence personnel

The capsizing of an Italian cruise ship is still fermenting. On May 28th local time, a tourist boat carrying 23 people capsized in Lake Maggiore in northern Italy, with 19 people rescued and 4 missing. On May 29th, the Italian fire emergency department confirmed that the incident resulted in four deaths, including two Italian intelligence personnel, a former member of the Israeli security forces, and a Russian woman. The Italian security department stated that two of the deceased were Italians, a 62 year old male and a 53 year old female, both of whom worked for the country's intelligence agency. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that one of the deceased was in his fifties and had previously served in the Israeli security forces. According to media reports, the fourth victim was a 50 year old Russian woman who was the companion of the captain of the ship involved in the incident

Interview: The United States is not qualified to serve as a teacher of democracy and human rights - Interview with Russian political scientist Mirzayan Country | United States | Human Rights
Interview: The United States is not qualified to serve as a teacher of democracy and human rights - Interview with Russian political scientist Mirzayan Country | United States | Human Rights

Moscow, June 4th (Xinhua) - The United States is not qualified to serve as a teacher of democracy and human rights - visiting Russian political scientist Mirzayan. Chen Ting, a Russian political scientist and associate professor of finance and economics at the Federal Government of Russia, said in a written interview with Xinhua that the United States is not qualified to serve as a teacher of democracy and human rights and has no right to impose hegemonic ideologies on other countries. Mirzayan said that the current United States cannot guarantee universal and basic human rights, leading to the abandonment of the fundamental values that make up American civilization. "This is undermining the foundation of America and has a very negative impact on society." Mirzayan pointed out that a small number of American social elites can manipulate the media and social and political organizations simply because they have more money and power

Hohhot: High quality forage yields a bountiful harvest of alfalfa | Planting | Hohhot
Hohhot: High quality forage yields a bountiful harvest of alfalfa | Planting | Hohhot

Recently, in the National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone of Tumote Left Banner, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia, over 3000 acres of high-quality alfalfa were harvested for the first time, and large machinery and vehicles were busy in the fields. In recent years, Hohhot has actively built a demonstration base for alfalfa industrialization planting, increased the area of high-quality forage planting, improved the self-sufficiency rate of high-quality forage, and provided important guarantees for the development of the entire dairy industry chain. On June 4th, mechanical vehicles were harvesting alfalfa in the National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone of Tumote Left Banner. On June 4th, mechanical vehicles were harvesting alfalfa in the National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone of Tumote Left Banner, Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Lei. On June 4th, mechanical vehicles were harvesting alfalfa in the National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone of Tumote Left Banner, Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Lei. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Lei: This is a Tumote shot on June 4th

"Risk reduction" is the biggest risk. Global | Economic | Risk
"Risk reduction" is the biggest risk. Global | Economic | Risk

Beijing, June 3 (Xinhua) - The United States verbally replaces "decoupling theory" with "risk reduction", but continues to piece together the "containment puzzle" of "de sinicization" in action. Just after the G7 summit, the United States recently convened a ministerial meeting on the Indo Pacific Economic Framework and a meeting of the US EU Trade and Technology Commission, with the aim of wooing allies to build a "parallel system" that excludes China. This practice of dividing the world under the guise of "risk reduction" poses enormous risks to the deeply integrated global economy. Concepts are the foundation of thinking, and the United States promotes the concept of "risk reduction" by misleading the international community to think in the direction it hopes and draw favorable conclusions. The United States convenes international conferences and repeatedly promotes the issue of containing China within the framework of "risk reduction", with the aim of delineating China from "risk"