Hong Kong people's "going north to consume" has become a trend. The Guangdong and Hong Kong Consumer Councils have signed another agreement to strengthen cross-border rights protection.

Release time:May 12, 2024 05:31 AM

“Going north” for consumption, cross-border shopping, and cross-city living are the current fashion trends in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. With the gradual formation of the "one-hour living circle" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, cross-city consumption by residents of Guangdong and Hong Kong has become the new normal. The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Consumer Council on the 11th that the association and the Hong Kong Consumer Council have recently formally signed the "Deepening the Guangdong-Hong Kong Regional Market Integration Consumer Rights Protection Cooperation Agreement" in Hong Kong to further promote the connection of consumer rights protection rules in the two places and at a higher level. Deepen cross-border rights protection coordination between the two places.

According to reports, in recent years, the Consumer Councils of Guangdong and Hong Kong have successively signed multi-level consumer rights protection cooperation agreements in Guangdong and Hong Kong, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region, and have carried out extensive cross-border cooperation in complaint mediation, comparative experiments, and consumer education. overseas business cooperation. The signing of a new round of cooperation agreement is mainly to adapt to new trends and new requirements such as the increasing number of Hong Kong citizens "going north" for consumption in recent years, the continued popularity of cross-border e-commerce shopping, and the accelerated integration of the Guangdong and Hong Kong consumer markets, and to further strengthen cross-border Consumer rights protection cooperation.

The new round of cooperation agreement clarifies that consumers who have consumer disputes when purchasing goods or receiving services in any place in Guangdong and Hong Kong can complain to the Consumer Council of the place where the respondent is located or where they live, which will help further reduce the cost of protecting the rights of consumers in both places. At the same time, in view of the difficulty in safeguarding rights caused by cross-border e-commerce involving multiple parties, it is clarified for the first time that "if the registered place of the respondent operator is inconsistent with the actual place of business, the case can be accepted by the consumer committee of the actual place of business" to make it more convenient for consumers Rights protection.

In order to further improve the transfer mechanism, this cooperation agreement clarifies that the consumer councils of the two places should try their best to transfer, respond to and report the results of complaint cases through the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Consumer Complaint Transfer Platform" if conditions permit. In addition, the cooperation agreement is also based on forward-looking requirements and proposes to gradually explore the establishment of a consumer complaint reminder and early warning system in Guangdong and Hong Kong.

The cooperation agreement also stipulates for the first time that both parties will take turns organizing consumer rights protection activities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to further improve the cooperation platform and promote regular exchanges. At the same time, the cooperation agreement puts forward principled agreements on the cycle, frequency, theme, form and content of the activities, and proposes that Guangdong and Hong Kong should communicate more through exchange meetings, symposiums, seminars, video conferences and other methods to continue to enhance communication. Protection linkage and rights protection cooperation.

The cooperation agreement proposes to further improve the rights protection business cooperation mechanism. On the basis of previous consumer rights protection business cooperation, the consumer councils of the two places will rely on their own new media platforms to create a consumer information zone in the Bay Area; where appropriate, conduct investigations and research on specific consumer issues; Explore and promote market entities operating across regions in Guangdong and Hong Kong to improve the convenience of after-sales services; explore a series of new areas of cooperation such as forming a list of consumer rights protection matters.

Hong Kong people's "going north to consume" has become a trend. The Guangdong and Hong Kong Consumer Councils have signed another agreement to strengthen cross-border rights protection.
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