"Leading the healthy development of the global new energy industry"

Release time:May 24, 2024 07:19 AM

China is committed to promoting high-quality development. After years of nurturing and growth, the new energy industry has achieved solid development. In particular, the "three new products" of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products are widely favored in the global market. People from many countries interviewed by this reporter believe that China's new energy industry is booming, mainly relying on continuous technological innovation, a complete industrial chain system and full market competition, which has adapted to and effectively promoted global green and low-carbon transformation and sustainable development.

"China's new energy industry advantages are shaped by full market competition."

Currently, countries around the world generally support the development of new energy industries and green and low-carbon transformation. Under the influence of the market mechanism, China's new energy products rely on the huge domestic market and complete industrial system to form advantages through full market competition and technological iteration and innovation. This is the result of the continuous efforts of Chinese enterprises themselves.

Jin Ruiting, a researcher at the Macroeconomic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said that the international competitive advantages of China's new energy industry are rooted in the complete supporting industrial system, the talent advantages of high-quality workers and entrepreneurs, and the demand of ultra-large-scale markets. "China's new energy industry advantages are shaped by full market competition. China has a very large domestic demand market that is rare in the world, which has driven the vigorous development of the new energy industry."

Shakeel Ramai, CEO of Pakistan's Asian Ecological Civilization Research and Development Institute, said that from the perspective of technology research and development, Chinese companies have made early arrangements in the field of new energy and have formed leading technological advantages through long-term investment in research and development. From a production perspective, China has the most complete industrial system and strong industrial supporting capabilities in the world. "Based on these conditions, China's new energy industry has gradually gained significant comparative advantages."

"China's new energy vehicles are favored by the international market, benefiting from the improvement of China's manufacturing level, as well as the advancement of enterprise technology and operating capabilities. Vigorously developing the new energy industry is a concrete action by China to actively respond to the challenge of climate change." China Automobile Industry Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president and secretary-general of the association, said that China has always focused on independent innovation and strived to develop new technologies to enhance the competitiveness of the entire chain.

"China actively responds to climate change and vigorously develops the green energy industry, which not only promotes the high-quality development of the new energy industry, but also contributes to global economic development." Mexican Federal Representative Alberto Villa Villegas said that in recent years , China's exports of new energy products have achieved rapid growth, providing the world with products of good quality and reasonable prices. "This is a concrete manifestation of China sharing the dividends of green development with other countries in the world."

"It has played a positive role in promoting countries to accelerate green transformation"

Pakistan is short of traditional energy sources, but has abundant resources such as hydropower, wind energy, and solar energy. There is still much room for improvement in the proportion of clean energy in total power generation. "As Chinese photovoltaic products and technology enter Pakistan, many Pakistani families have installed photovoltaic power generation equipment on their roofs, and some farmland is irrigated by photovoltaic power generation. Chinese photovoltaic products not only meet people's electricity needs, but also reduce electricity consumption. Cost." Shakeel Ramai believes that China's new energy products have played a positive role in alleviating Pakistan's energy shortage.

Alberto Villa Villegas said that Mexico, which is rich in renewable energy, is actively cooperating with Chinese companies to vigorously develop new energy industries. “These cooperations provide more jobs for local residents in Mexico, help Mexico narrow regional development gaps, promote balanced economic development, and accelerate green transformation.”

The Khalsa Power Station is the first non-fossil fuel power station in Qatar, helping the Qatari government realize its commitment to hosting the carbon-neutral World Cup; the Al Dhafra photovoltaic power station in the United Arab Emirates can meet the electricity needs of 200,000 local residents, making clean energy available in the country. The share of the UAE's energy structure has increased to more than 13%; the Shuback Wind Power Station, managed and operated by a Chinese company, can meet the electricity needs of about 30,000 households in Jordan every year... "China is accelerating the development of new energy industries represented by photovoltaics and other products. "It has played a positive role in promoting countries to accelerate green transformation, and Jordan has also benefited greatly," said Hassan Daja, a professor at Hussein Bin Talal University in Jordan. China has promoted green technology cooperation and provided financial support. , promoting countries around the world to jointly create a green and beautiful future.

De Wit, chairman of the Belgium-China Economic and Trade Commission, said that the comparative advantages of China's new energy industry have reduced product costs, benefited importing countries of related products, helped expand the scope of use of new energy products around the world, and promoted the international community to better respond to global climate change.

"Chinese new energy companies proactively integrate into the global value chain, deeply integrate domestic superior resources, and continue to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness." In Jin Ruiting's view, the supply and demand of the new energy industry are global, and the production capacity of different countries reflects the global economy. comparative advantage. Some countries have restricted the export of China's new energy products, artificially dividing the global new energy industry chain, and seriously violating the principles of market economy and international economic and trade rules.

“Promoting green development is a common cause for all mankind”

In the Mymensing region of Bangladesh, photovoltaic projects invested and constructed by Chinese companies have generated approximately 300 million kilowatt hours of electricity for the local area since they were put into operation; in Aswan Province, Egypt, the Benban Photovoltaic Industrial Park can generate 3.8 terawatt hours of electricity every year, which is extremely high. This has greatly made up for the electricity gap in Egypt... China's green technologies and green products respond to the needs of various countries to alleviate the energy crisis and respond to climate change, and promote the global green and low-carbon transformation.

"China's new energy industry has made positive contributions to the global response to climate change and the realization of green development on the basis of meeting domestic demand and promoting the realization of the 'double carbon' goal." Jin Ruiting said, "Promoting green development is a common cause for all mankind. China adheres to new development concepts, accelerates the construction of modernization in which humans and nature coexist harmoniously, and provides more Chinese solutions to promote global sustainable development and build a clean and beautiful world.”

In Fu Bingfeng's view, China's exports of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products have filled the periodic shortages in the supply of related products in some countries and regions, and are well received by local consumers. They "make a contribution to the global response to climate change." made important contributions."

Hassan Daja said that climate change is a global challenge, and developing new energy industries and achieving green and low-carbon transformation is the common aspiration of all countries. As the world's largest renewable energy market and clean energy equipment manufacturer, China continues to provide high-quality new energy products and deepens international cooperation in the field of renewable energy, "helping to promote a more sustainable and greener future for all parties." .

"China's new energy industry production capacity is the advanced production capacity urgently needed to promote green development and lead the healthy development of the global new energy industry." Shakeel Ramai believes that China actively promotes the "going out" of green energy technology and experience to help countries achieve sustainable development. Renewable energy development goals and promote common prosperity. All parties should strengthen communication and coordination and actively promote global industrial cooperation. “Only by expanding opening up and deepening cooperation can we usher in a future of green development and win-win development.”

"Leading the healthy development of the global new energy industry"
Liu Ren
May 26, 2024 11:38 AM
Lonely patient 6AQ
150 degrees
May 26, 2024 08:26 AM
oriental hunter
May 25, 2024 20:54 PM
Riding a thin horse on the ancient west wind road🐒🐒🐒
NT$3 million is equivalent to about 700,000 RMB, which is normal!
May 25, 2024 13:01 PM
Go sit on the Leshan Giant Buddha
Good things can not only be bought by Chinese people but also by foreigners. The territory of the country is very small. You can buy a tram and travel all over the country with one charge. It saves money and is environmentally friendly.
May 25, 2024 10:53 AM
That's what it's called
Don't be arrogant~ He is Taiwanese and of course he is talking about Taiwan dollars.
May 25, 2024 10:16 AM
Taiwan dollar
May 25, 2024 07:43 AM
China in the classics🐲
May 25, 2024 06:45 AM
Quiet and indifferent
May 25, 2024 06:44 AM
May 25, 2024 05:03 AM
A smile makes no difference°
May 25, 2024 03:45 AM
snail five years ago
May 25, 2024 01:39 AM
Awesome [laughing]
May 25, 2024 01:31 AM
May 25, 2024 00:59 AM
Liu Guanghua
May 25, 2024 00:18 AM
Comrade Lao Zhang
May 24, 2024 23:33 PM
User 2959881727341
[Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] If China is not strong, the people of the world will still be bullied by devils and beasts at will.
May 24, 2024 22:33 PM
User Piaoxue
[Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Like] [Coffee] [Coffee] [Coffee] [Coffee] [Coffee] [Coffee] [Peace Fruit] [Peace Fruit] [Peace Fruit] [Peace Fruit] Fruit][Peace Fruit][Peace Fruit]
May 24, 2024 22:17 PM
Peaceful life yuechun
Welcome home and take a look
May 24, 2024 21:50 PM
Jiaaosheng Kitchenware Store, Longhua District, Haikou
800km is too exaggerated [face covering]
May 24, 2024 21:20 PM
Lonely patient 6AQ
150 degrees
May 26, 2024 08:26 AM
Haha, welcome Professor Yuan to come to Fuzhou often...[Compare your heart][Compare your heart][Compare your heart]
May 24, 2024 19:45 PM
Liu Ren
May 26, 2024 11:38 AM
Domestic demand is enough. Do you still need to rely on foreign trade? ?
May 24, 2024 17:49 PM
Go sit on the Leshan Giant Buddha
Good things can not only be bought by Chinese people but also by foreigners. The territory of the country is very small. You can buy a tram and travel all over the country with one charge. It saves money and is environmentally friendly.
May 25, 2024 10:53 AM
Prodigal man
Why does it cost 300W of fuel to drive a 100W km car?
May 24, 2024 17:36 PM
Riding a thin horse on the ancient west wind road🐒🐒🐒
NT$3 million is equivalent to about 700,000 RMB, which is normal!
May 25, 2024 13:01 PM
That's what it's called
Don't be arrogant~ He is Taiwanese and of course he is talking about Taiwan dollars.
May 25, 2024 10:16 AM
Taiwan dollar
May 25, 2024 07:43 AM
If it flies into my borders, shoot it down.
Shandong Khan's patriotism[666][666][666][666]
May 24, 2024 15:39 PM
Look on coldly
Asking the world, there happens to be a small 9 [呲ya]
May 24, 2024 15:24 PM
Happiness 1938927468682
The professor is humorous and humorous. Welcome Professor Yuan to visit Fuzhou often [Like] [Compare your heart]
May 24, 2024 14:53 PM
[呲呲] went to Minhou High-tech Zone
May 24, 2024 13:12 PM
oriental hunter
May 25, 2024 20:54 PM
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