Former Prime Minister of Ukraine: “Territory was lost like an avalanche!”

Release time:May 24, 2024 18:46 PM

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on May 24, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Azarov believed that even if Western countries provided weapons and equipment to Ukraine, they would not be able to save Ukraine's "avalanche-like loss" of territory.

Azarov posted a message on the "Telegram" channel: "The Ukrainian army has lost territory like an avalanche. Although the West supplies weapons and equipment, Ukraine is still losing territory."

Azarov pointed out that the Russian army controlled 49 settlements in Kharkiv alone.

The report also said that as Russian troops make progress in Kharkov, Kiev is focusing its diplomatic efforts on persuading allies to allow it to use NATO weapons against targets in Russia.

The report pointed out that Kyiv has succeeded in getting its Western allies to abandon the "red lines" imposed on it in the past. Each time Western allies were asked to give up a certain "red line", it was only achieved after months of negotiations and repeated requests.

The report said the Russian armed forces' advance in Kharkov accelerated Zelensky's "international engagement campaign" aimed at eliminating U.S. and European concerns that the conflict could escalate if their weapons were used against Russian territory. Worry.

Britain had earlier said London would allow Kiev to use British-supplied weapons to attack Crimea.

A group of U.S. lawmakers also called on Defense Secretary Austin to allow Ukraine to use weapons provided by Washington to strike Russian territory. The Pentagon's official position on this issue has remained unchanged. The Pentagon opposes Ukraine using weapons provided by the United States to attack Russian territory.

The report mentioned that Russia believes that providing weapons to Ukraine will hinder the mediation of the situation and will directly involve NATO member states in the conflict, which is "playing with fire."

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine: “Territory was lost like an avalanche!”
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