The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:47 PM

Recently, the parent-child inspirational film "Goal! Youth", starring a group of Xinjiang football youths and French football star Cantona, held its global premiere in Shanghai. The atmosphere of thousands of people watching the movie was lively, with Xinjiang football youth invited to the scene and legendary coach Milutinovic leading the Chinese men's football team to the World Cup, along with his disciple Xie Hui, appearing, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

It is reported that "Goal! Youth" will be online in various theaters across the country before Father's Day, which is very suitable for parents to watch with their children and experience the teamwork, healthy life, and sportsmanship hidden behind football.

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Refusing match fixing reflects the discipline of football rectification

At present, relevant departments are rectifying and improving the system of Chinese football, demonstrating their determination to use strong medicine to treat diseases and rectify chaos, aiming to comprehensively build a good ecological environment for the healthy development of football. The plot at the beginning of "Goal! Youth" is so relevant to the current situation of Chinese football——

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

The legendary number 7, played by renowned Manchester United star Cantona, coached Shanghai Eagles, who won the championship one round early and played their last league away game against the bottom ranked Xinjiang team. As an investor in the team, the club president played by Chen Baixiang actually requested the head coach Cantona to cooperate in fixing the game, intentionally losing

Kantona, with his straightforward personality, not only refused the unreasonable demands of his boss, but also led the team to win the game and fiercely planned to manipulate the results of the game. This caused heavy losses to the behind the scenes betting players. Afterwards, Cantona was slandered and bribed by the club president, and was even framed by gang members before being sent to the desert to "destroy his body"

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

The film tells the story of a football coach played by Kantona who accidentally falls into a remote mountain village in Xinjiang. He is moved by a group of Xinjiang children's passion and dreams for football, and together they encourage each other, leading the children out of the village and towards victory. In addition to Manchester United star Cantona, the film also invited celebrities such as Chen Baixiang, Jiang Wenli, Qu Jingjing, Huang Jianxiang, and Milu to join.

The film extensively selected over 2000 professional football players from Xinjiang, and after several months of selection and training, it finally created the Magic 7 football players in the film. Under the leadership of international football star Cantona, they successfully kicked out of the boundless desert of Xinjiang, arrived at the bustling modern Shanghai beach, and finally won the championship trophy, heading towards a broader world. The film showcases the beautiful natural scenery of Xinjiang and the urban landscape of Shanghai, making it a great promotional film for Chinese scenery.

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

It is reported that this parent-child inspirational film took 7 years, and it is full of the most scarce characteristics of Chinese football: genuine respect, awe, and pure love for this sport.

Milu participates, insisting on dreams requires purity

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

To Kantona's surprise, one day he will appear in a movie about Xinjiang children and Chinese football for zero pay in Xinjiang, China; Milu, who once led the Chinese national football team to reach the World Cup final for the only time, may not have expected that although he only made a cameo appearance in the film, he still came from Qatar to Shanghai to make a name for himself and become the main character in the promotion.

After the premiere at the Shanghai Cinema, Milu appeared together with three Shanghai national football disciples, including Xie Hui, and the audience shouted "Ye Qing Hui". Milu said he has a strong connection with movies. When he coached the Chinese national team to compete in the semi-finals of the 2002 South Korea Japan World Cup in the Asian region, he played sports movies to motivate his team members. Milu hopes that the football themed movie "Goal! Youth" will encourage the new generation of young people to pursue their dreams and embrace friendship; He also hopes that more parents need to attach importance to the sports development of teenagers, accompany their children to participate in sports, and leave valuable parent-child time and growth memories together.

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Milu has led five national teams, including Mexico, Costa Rica, the United States, Nigeria, and China, to qualify for the World Cup. He is a magical coach who has led his team to compete in the World Cup five times in a row. As early as 1977, Milu led a Mexican club team to play international friendly matches in Shanghai, and had a special connection with this city.

At the premiere, there were hardcore fans and fans rushing from Jiangxi to Shanghai with their children just to catch a glimpse. Milu specially invited this staunch fan and fan to come on stage, warmly embrace and take a photo with him. Milu praised, "When I grew up, I didn't have a father to accompany me. Fathers around the world spend less time with their children. However, 'Goal! Youth' is particularly suitable for fathers to take their children to watch, encouraging more fathers to spend more time with their children and actively express their love for them."

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Milu smiled and said, "Although I only appeared for 2 minutes in the film, every time I return to China or Shanghai, it always brings back beautiful memories for me, including the wonderful moment when I and the Chinese national team first qualified for the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan. We succeeded because we had excellent coaches, players, and management personnel, and also because we had fans who always supported us!"

At the movie screening meeting, Milu also asked the on-site fans what they learned from the movie? Some fans answer "dreams", some answer "hard work", and some think it's "unity". Milu believes, "Growing up means experiencing difficulties and setbacks, but to become a person with dreams, perseverance, and integrity, one needs to put in more effort and have a stronger belief. Whether you are a fan or not, you can experience purity and emotion in this movie."

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Not only movies, but also practical support for Xinjiang football

As the producer of this movie, Tao Yejian was originally an advertiser, and his company was also an advertising company. Of course, he is also a seasoned fan. He never expected that as an advertiser, he would eventually bring football to the movies.

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

He never expected that due to the pandemic, the major earthquake in Chinese football, and distribution issues, this movie, which started filming in 2017 and was originally scheduled to be released during the 2018 World Cup in Russia, would not have a chance to be released until the summer of 2023.

After completing this movie for 7 years and spending over 50 million yuan, Tao Yejian is now very concerned about box office. "We don't think much about box office anymore. It's enough to make more children and families feel the power of football and dreams," said a source. "Losing money is definitely losing, but whether it's our company, Cantona, or these football kids, we feel that we have done something very meaningful."

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

This movie is actually changing the lives of many people. Billy, from Xinjiang, originally relied on his solitary courage and raised funds to film a documentary about Xinjiang football. By chance, he participated in the collaboration and completed the movie "Goal! Youth". During the filming process, Kantona and his agent brother kept nagging - there are so many football players with potential in Xinjiang, and you can't just finish the movie. You need to establish a football agency to provide help and services for their growth.

So, this company, which used to do advertising, has now entered the football agency business - Yepai Sports was born. Now, Billy's job is not to make documentaries, but to become an agent for many promising Xinjiang players. Yepai Sports has multiple professional players from Xinjiang, and Muta Lifu, who plays for Chengdu Rongcheng, is one of them.

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Picture: Presenting the Liberation Daily · Shangguan News Cultural Souvenir to Milu.

"We basically focus on serving Xinjiang players, which is our advantage." Billy introduced that there are many children playing football in Xinjiang, "and they cannot all become professional players. Some can enter the campus football system as coaches, some can become referees, and some can use playing as a hobby to continue our education path. By establishing a football agency, we hope to explore more promising stars in Xinjiang football and make development plans for those children who cannot become professional players."

The sports themed movie "Goal! Youth" serves as a real warning for the emergence of pure and passionate football that Chinese football lacks. | Global | Movies

Tao Yejian brought Ye Pai's youth training to Pinghu City, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and also to some schools in Shanghai. Yepai Youth Training has established close ties with the French club Auxerre. They are rooted in Pinghu and have conducted youth training in fifteen or sixteen local schools, benefiting thousands of children. This year, they have selected the best few children to go to Auxerre Club for trial training and stay. In Shanghai, many young coaches from Xinjiang have walked into elementary school campuses and participated in campus football activities. "We were a bit worried that Shanghai students might be a bit unfamiliar and skeptical about our Xinjiang coaches, but the reality is that the children are very welcoming to us."

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12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools

On August 18th, the Shanghai Sports Center, a "star venue" that witnessed the changes of the times and the countless glories of Chinese sports, welcomed the 2023 MAGIC3 Shanghai Youth Three on Three Super Basketball Tournament and the Shanghai Student Sunshine Sports League Three on Three Basketball Tournament Finals. In the summer of 2023, MAGIC3, this five-year "youthful promise", arrived as scheduled. This year, the public group of the competition attracted 3057 youth teams from 337 schools to register, with 12228 participants, showcasing the infinite charm and unique appeal of MAGIC3. After multiple rounds of selection in regional and regional competitions, it was ultimately decided that eight teams, male and female, each, would advance to the finals. The event will be held in Oriental Pearl TV Tower City Square, Xujiahui Sports Park, Shanghai Stadium, Songjiangguang

The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose
The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose

Editor's note: On July 20th, 2023, the FIFA Women's World Cup will be held in Australia and New Zealand. The Chinese women's football team will debut against Denmark in the group stage on the 22nd, followed by matches against Haiti and England. This Chinese women's football team has a strong "Shanghai color": head coach Shui Qingxia has long coached the Shanghai women's football team, and five international players including Zhang Xin, Zhu Yu, Wang Linlin, Tang Jiali, and Xiao Yuyi are from the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank women's football team. In addition, overseas Chinese players Yang Lina and Shen Mengyu are also trained by Shanghai. On the occasion of the "Steel Rose" competing in the World Cup, the Liberation Daily's Shangguan News City Affairs Channel and the School of Journalism and Communication at Shanghai Sport University jointly launched the "Approaching the Women's Football World Cup" column, approaching the first "expansion" of 32 participating teams in the Women's Football World Cup, and exploring the Shanghai strength in the "Steel Rose"

These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing
These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing

In the post Winter Olympics era, are there still people interested in ice and snow sports? Recently, at the Jiading District Citizen Fitness Center, the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai Urban Amateur League Shanghai Dry Land Curling Open Competition and the "All Jia Lai Competition" 2023 Jiading District Amateur League "Waigang Cup" Dry Land Curling Competition was lively. 14 representative teams and nearly 100 players from 12 streets and towns in Jiading District competed together, enjoying the "push and push" music of dry land curling. "The performance of the contestants is commendable. Compared to previous competitions, the strength of the participating teams has significantly improved, and the team members have a clearer and more thorough understanding of the arrangement and rules of curling." The chief referee of the competition, Wang Jue, once served as the curling event referee for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and gave high praise to the contestants. The champion team has added a new force and participated in dry land curling for the first time

"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City
"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City

On June 11, Beishuiwan Sports Park, Juyuan New District, Jiading District, welcomed nearly 100 scientific and creative talents and their families from various scientific research institutes in Juyuan New area gathered here, and had a healthy and happy tennis weekend. On the same day, the 2023 "New five cities net World" tennis series kicked off in Jiading District Juyuan New District Beisuiwan Sports Park. Jiading Juyuan "Horse Tennis" fun match kicked off this series of activities. This year, the "New five cities net World" series of activities will enter five new cities in Shanghai to ignite citizens' enthusiasm for tennis with various forms and creative new activities. The series of activities of "immediate Tennis" established by Shanghai Tennis Association aims to expand the popularity of Shanghai tennis population, mainly for the zero base of tennis lovers.

Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights
Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights

"Last year, my dad took me to watch a rowing competition in Suzhou River. I thought it would be great to come here and play paddleboarding one day, but my wish really came true." 8-year-old You You, who was playing paddleboarding, had a dark skin and a bright smile in the sunlight. On June 10th, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Developing Sports and Enhancing People's Physical Fitness", the 2023 "Suhewan" Shanghai Paddle Open was held in the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, marking the first appearance of the paddle competition in Suhewan. "Paddle" describes tranquility and elegance, embellishing Su River Bay. The main venue of this competition is located in the Butterfly Bay water area of the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, with different competition events such as racing, skills, relay, and parade, attracting nearly 300 participants from the Yangtze River Delta region to participate. Not only are there professional paddle boarders among them, but also