The goal of "advancing to the group stage" is not a "smokescreen bomb", the disastrous defeat in the warm-up match reflects the current state of Chinese women's football. The first match of the World Cup | smokescreen bomb

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:54 AM

This morning Beijing time, the Chinese women's football team welcomed their first warm-up match after arriving in Australia, against the Brazilian women's football team. This closed game ultimately ended in a 0-3 defeat by the Chinese women's football team to the Brazilian women's football team.

As frequent visitors to the World Cup, both the Chinese women's football team and the Brazilian women's football team have won second place and are traditional strong teams in their respective continents. Now, in preparation for the upcoming Women's World Cup, they have agreed to practice their lineup through friendly matches, but they will be held in a closed state to prevent tactical secrets from being leaked.

The last time the two teams met was in the group stage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics women's football team. At that time, Jia Xiuquan led the Chinese women's football team to a devastating 0-5 defeat to the Brazilian women's football team, setting the second largest loss record in Olympic history.

Nevertheless, Chinese women's football coach Shui Qingxia regarded the Brazilian women's football team as a hypothetical opponent in order to rehearse the match against the English women's football team, and attached great importance to this. Chinese women's football star Wang Shuang has successfully returned to the team, allowing Shui Qingxia to send her strongest lineup to compete.

The goal of "advancing to the group stage" is not a "smokescreen bomb", the disastrous defeat in the warm-up match reflects the current state of Chinese women's football. The first match of the World Cup | smokescreen bomb

It is reported that the closed warm-up match between the two sides will be held in three sections, each lasting 30 minutes. In this game, Yang Lina, Wu Haiyan, and Dou Jiaxing started the entire game, while the current star Wang Shuang only played in one game. In the end, the Chinese women's football team suffered a devastating 0-3 defeat to the Brazilian women's football team.

After landing in the American Women's Football League last summer, Wang Shuang's form has been poor, with few outstanding performances. Now that the Women's World Cup is approaching, the same is true. Poor form will affect the Chinese women's football team, as there are no other players to replace her.

In addition, in the previous two matches against the Russian women's football team, 22-year-old Zhang Linyan scored a goal, assisted once, and scored a goal. The three goals scored by the Chinese women's football team were all related to her. However, in the current match against the Brazilian women's football team, she not only did not score a goal, but also did not provide an assist.

Although both teams rotated their players extensively in the match against the Brazilian women's football team, the last two goals sounded the alarm for the Chinese women's football team. In addition to quickly entering the rhythm of the competition through the competition, the purpose of these two warm-up matches for the Chinese women's football team is to find and solve problems. Former head coach of the Chinese women's football team, Shang Ruihua, also reminded the Chinese women's football team in a post: "Playing a good warm-up match to welcome the World Cup, the good state of the game is played out, and warm-up before the big game is essential, especially for China, where there are not many A-level matches in normal times. There are such warm-up opportunities before the World Cup, and coaches and players will cherish them very much and work very hard. However, warm-up matches are warm-up matches, not the main match of the World Cup. It is important to control the timing and avoid injuries, which is a very important point. In this regard, during the 2008 Olympic Games, we learned a very painful lesson. Playing a good game is necessary, but do not reduce personnel outside of combat. Pre match preparation is necessary. Wishing the women's football girls a smooth warm-up match, come on!"

The goal of "advancing to the group stage" is not a "smokescreen bomb", the disastrous defeat in the warm-up match reflects the current state of Chinese women's football. The first match of the World Cup | smokescreen bomb

In fact, coupled with the 1-4 defeat of the Swedish women's football team and the 0-3 defeat of the Spanish women's football team in Europe in the past few months, the Chinese women's football team has lost a series of big scores against the top ten teams in the world. Of course, for this World Cup, the Chinese women's football team has already put its posture very low and is ready to meet difficulties. For the first time as head coach to lead the team to participate in the World Cup, Shui Qingxia admitted that she would also be nervous, but would adjust as soon as possible to convey confidence to the players. "We should dare to show our sword in the face of difficulties and show our due mental outlook. We have many young players and many uncertain factors. I think the Chinese women's football team will meet the challenge with a smile no matter what the situation. Wang Shanshan, captain of the Chinese women's football team, said: "on the World Cup stage, the opponents are indeed stronger than us, but we also hope to show our strength and give full play to all our abilities. Play the game well and let more people see our women's football spirit ".

It is understood that after arriving in Adelaide, the Chinese women's football team arranges outdoor training every day, and each training session is between 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours. In addition to training, the team will also study the same group of opponents Denmark, Haiti and England game video. According to the plan, the Chinese women's football team will play another warm-up match against Colombia in Sydney on the 17th.

For the first time after the expansion of the 2023 Women's World Cup, 32 teams participated in the competition, and the top two of each group advanced to the top 16. The Chinese women's football team is in Group D with England, Haiti and Denmark. Shui Qingxia said in an interview that there is a gap between the Chinese women's football team and England and Denmark in the same group in terms of personal ability, which is a challenge, but the football game should be about the whole, and the fists should be pinched together to give full play to their own advantages, which can create more possibilities. "We have to learn the spirit of the women's basketball team, especially in the face of difficulties. Everyone rushes forward. This is the team." Talking about the goals of this Women's World Cup, Shui Qingxia said: "We definitely want to be able to qualify for the top eight in the group. Every game in the World Cup is tough, but people always have to have a goal and work hard to climb towards it." Judging from the state of the warm-up match, this understanding and goal are still pragmatic.

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Editor's note: On July 20th, 2023, the FIFA Women's World Cup will be held in Australia and New Zealand. The Chinese women's football team will debut against Denmark in the group stage on the 22nd, followed by matches against Haiti and England. This Chinese women's football team has a strong "Shanghai color": head coach Shui Qingxia has long coached the Shanghai women's football team, and five international players including Zhang Xin, Zhu Yu, Wang Linlin, Tang Jiali, and Xiao Yuyi are from the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank women's football team. In addition, overseas Chinese players Yang Lina and Shen Mengyu are also trained by Shanghai. On the occasion of the "Steel Rose" competing in the World Cup, the Liberation Daily's Shangguan News City Affairs Channel and the School of Journalism and Communication at Shanghai Sport University jointly launched the "Approaching the Women's Football World Cup" column, approaching the first "expansion" of 32 participating teams in the Women's Football World Cup, and exploring the Shanghai strength in the "Steel Rose"

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