Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:52 PM

After exercise, it can produce dopamine that makes people happy. On August 8th, the strong smell of dopamine permeated Shanghai, and citizens exercising from morning to night in various corners of Shanghai outlined the 15th National Fitness Day nationwide.

"The public sports stadium is open for free on August 8th every year, and we have already booked swimming!" The swimming pool at Jiangwan Sports Stadium is steaming hot. Badminton and basketball are the preferred summer sports for children around them. Time flies, and this historic building that carries the sports memories of several generations of Shanghai people is still full of vitality.

The Huangpu Veterans Football Team started training at the Luwan Stadium early in the morning. Lin Zhirong, a member of the team, said, "The 50 year old in our team can only be considered a 'little brother'. This year, we went to Beihai and won the national championship." After nightfall, this place became a gathering place for Shanghai running teams and frisbee experts.

At the Bund Financial Center, where every inch of land is precious, the first urban sports center in Shanghai to utilize underground space officially welcomes visitors. The Bund Financial Urban Sports Center, which covers an area of over 4000 square meters, allows financial white-collar workers to push away their computer desks and immediately switch to a relaxed camping scene or engage in a thrilling combat exercise.

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

On January 1, 2023, the newly revised Sports Law of the People's Republic of China came into effect, and legislation clearly stated that "the week of August 8th, National Fitness Day every year, is designated as the Sports Promotion Week.". This year, "National Fitness Day" and "Sports Promotion Week" are linked for the first time. On August 8th, nearly 800 public sports facilities in Shanghai, including public sports venues, citizen stadiums, citizen fitness centers, citizen swimming pools, and fitness monitoring stations, were opened to citizens for free. During this year's "National Fitness Day · Sports Promotion Week", Shanghai city and district will carry out more than 50 sports promotion and cultural activities, as well as more than 260 national fitness competition activities, to promote the culture of national fitness in multiple forms and levels.

[Harvesting wool has nothing to do with lazy people]

According to the 2022 Shanghai Residents Sports Consumption Survey Report, the per capita sports consumption of Shanghai residents is 3435.6 yuan, demonstrating resilience and stability. In 2022, the per capita sports consumption of adult women is higher than that of men, with an increase of 148.8 yuan, and the incidence rate of sports consumption is the same; At the same time, adult women invest more in service-oriented sports consumption than men, especially in fitness membership fees and guidance, sports training, and education, which are significantly higher than men's consumption.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Chen, a citizen, opened the WeChat official account of "Shanghai Sports" and grabbed the sports coupons in the "Move to Shanghai - Fitness Map". "There are three time slots every day where you can grab tickets. Because your son has been swimming recently, the vouchers can be used to offset the expenses. We encourage everyone to participate in sports and also want him to try archery."

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

It's midsummer and the swimming venue is very popular. The reporter found that among the designated sports venues for "You Exercise, I Subsidy", the Shanghai Swimming Pool in Xujiahui Sports Park has the highest popularity, with a heat value exceeding 46000 yuan. Since the beginning of this year, as Xujiahui Sports Park has gradually revealed its full picture, Shanghai Swimming Pool, Shanghai Sports Stadium, and Shanghai Sports Center have been gradually opened, and supporting facilities have been continuously improved. On August 8th, the National Fitness Day, all sports activities of Wantihui and Shanghai Swimming Pool were fully and freely opened for the first time. The Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Oriental Sports Center, which once hosted the World Tour, also saw a surge in popularity. On the same day, the Yulanqiao Indoor Swimming Pool and Yueliangwan Diving Pool opened a total of 7 swimming slots and 4100 swimming spots.

Developed countries attach great importance to the construction of sports venues and insist on orderly opening of venues to the public. The Personal Health Investment Act of the United States stipulates that expenses incurred by American citizens for mass sports and fitness activities are not included in the consumption tax, which effectively stimulates the growth of sports consumption demand. Let's take a look at a set of data: In 2020, the sports industry in the United States had a scale of about 520 billion US dollars, ranking first in the world; The fitness industry in the United States has a huge market size, accounting for 32% of its entire sports industry. In the same year, the total output value of sports industry in Chinese Mainland was 2.7 trillion yuan.

Distributing consumption vouchers has been a major initiative in Shanghai in recent years to stimulate the vitality of sports consumption. The model of "sports+consumption" not only enlivens the atmosphere of national fitness, but also brings new consumption growth points for physical sports merchants, further unleashing consumption potential and driving the development of various sports. From January 1st to August 6th this year, there were a total of 647 designated sports venues, with citizens using a total of 23.61 million yuan in vouchers, driving a total consumption ratio of 1 to 2.91.

How much money can you save by purchasing vouchers? According to big data statistics, spending coupons can save up to half of fitness expenses. For sports enthusiasts, this is a tangible discount red envelope.

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

When ordering takeout, everyone likes to grab red envelopes and collect wool. Before and after this year's National Fitness Day, Meituan cooperated with sports consumption vouchers to distribute a wave of benefits unrelated to lazy people. Meituan has invested 5 million yuan in various subsidies, planned multiple promotional activities, and created a nationwide sports carnival through online and offline collaboration. Sports consumption vouchers combined with Meituan subsidies allow consumers to experience the fun of trendy sports such as archery, squash, and land surfing at their doorstep venues such as basketball, football, and swimming at lower prices.

Slow life, using sports as a medium

The concept of "using sports to create a fashionable slow life" is being increasingly accepted by more and more Shanghai citizens.

The popular sports nowadays, such as frisbee, paddleboarding, land surfing, and waist flag rugby, have gone from being niche to becoming popular on social media, which is not without reason. These mountain sports, which are popular among young urban people, are also a symbol of poetry and distance during the epidemic. "Mountain sports" originally referred to an extension of outdoor mountaineering, which now perfectly caters to the demands of young people for socializing, stress relief, and showmanship.

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

According to the "2022 Top 10 Lifestyle Trends" released by a certain social media platform, camping, paddleboarding, and frisbee are all considered "mountain lifestyle" trends, and their publication volume on the platform has increased by 5 times, 5 times, and 6 times year-on-year, respectively.

In the scorching heat, on the Silver Hoe Lake in Changfeng Park, a group of paddleboarding enthusiasts are having a lot of fun. "When I was a child, I often came to Changfeng Park to row boats. Recently, I heard that paddleboarding can be played here, but at first I didn't believe it." With her dark skin, Cui Wen looked like an outdoor sports enthusiast. Usually, he would drive with a group of friends to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to play. When he saw a suitable water area, he would inflate the paddleboards and then go into the water.

In Cui Wen's opinion, water sports have a better stress relieving effect than road running, which tests willpower. China has always had a tradition of rowing. In Su Dongpo's "Sixteen Delightful Things", the first sentence is "Rowing in the shallow waters of the Qingxi River.". Cui Wen went from playing kayaking to paddleboarding, and became unstoppable in water sports. "When feeling the most agitated, as soon as you come into contact with water, your mood relaxes."

Three years ago, Li Ming settled in Changfeng Park to operate the Shuguo Water Sports Center, which is currently the only water area in the city where water training and entertainment can be conducted. During the summer vacation, the courses at the water sports center were fully booked, and the number of participants doubled compared to last year.

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

"Paddle boarding has a low entry threshold and strong fun, even novices who don't know how to swim can quickly get started." Li Ming often encounters curious tourists and asks how to play paddle boarding. "We have introductory experience classes here, which can be attended from the age of 7 to 75. As long as you learn some safety regulations and master the diving posture, you can play on the water. Especially in still water, paddle boarding is more of a leisure activity, and you can also take your children and pets to play on paddle boarding."

At the Shuguo Aquatic Sports Center, the zero basic experience paddleboarding costs 258 yuan per hour, while the basic experience paddleboarding costs 160 yuan per hour. Here, you can also participate in the paddleboarding level training course for certification. There are four levels from L1 to L4, and L3 and above require mastery of swimming skills. To qualify for the coaching certificate, you need to reach L4 level. Of course, if you are a pure player, you can also participate in L4 level training and master more self rescue methods to surf in open waters.

Li Ming introduced that there are many kinds of paddle boards, including all-round boards, still water boards, racing boards, fishing boards, yoga boards, surfing paddle boards and white water boards. For beginners, you can choose all-round board, suitable for outdoor leisure and relaxation, family parent-child travel. If purchased by oneself, a set of basic paddle board sports equipment includes paddle board, paddle board, life jacket, air pump, etc.

The reporter checked the price of the paddle board and found that the price range varies greatly depending on the size and brand. On e-commerce platforms, the cheapest price is 600 to 700 yuan; The price of the mid-range range ranges from 1500 yuan to 3600 yuan; The price of racing paddleboards ranges from 4500 yuan to 5700 yuan. According to some consumer feedback online, you get what you pay for, and it is still necessary to buy professional brand paddle boards to ensure quality.

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

Data shows that during the forecast period from 2021 to 2025, the global standing paddle market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 6%, reaching $108 million. The annual compound growth rate of China's domestic paddle market has reached 11.9%.

Similarly, with camping culture as the selling point, the "Four Seasons Run" event IP, originally created by Shanghai, relies on the natural environment of Jiabei Country Park and Park Cycling town, creatively integrating the popular concepts of "camping" and "road running", combined with sports competition, social entertainment, and cultural experience, to create an accessible outdoor "micro vacation sports life" experience for urbanites.

On weekends, a family of three came to the park, and camping, barbecue, mountain biking, and paddleboarding became the way for the family to take a slight weekend break before the competition. The sports consumption chain mediated by "dew running" is rapidly expanding. "One day competition, multiple days of stay" and "one person participating, multiple people consuming" have become the norm for the "Four Seasons Run" competition.

[New Consumption, Creating New Scenarios]

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

According to the 2022 Shanghai National Fitness Development Report, the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise in this city reached 50.1% in 2022, an increase of 1.1 percentage points from 2021 and exceeding 50% for the first time. In 2022, the proportion of citizens under the age of 40 who regularly participate in physical exercise has slightly increased.

A market always has a potential market before a real market, and only when the potential market size is large can the real market size be large. The key to developing potential markets is to identify people's basic needs, and through marketing incentives, guide people's desire to meet certain basic needs to certain forms of products, services, and brands.

At the Bund Financial City Sports Center, Mr. Yang got off work to schedule a basketball game with friends, had a light salad, or lay on a lazy couch watching a movie... Such a leisurely scene, just a few floors away from his own company, no wonder Mr. Yang gave a thumbs up and said, "Next to the sports field is a bustling campsite with green plants, clear water, and small fish. Watching it relieve stress, give this design a score of 100."

Sports and fitness are no longer just for sweating, but carry more diverse functions and can provide a high-quality life. In the Garden City of Singapore, there is a place that covers an area of 350000 square meters, is about the size of 70 football fields, and costs about 1 billion US dollars to build - this is Singapore Sports City, the first comprehensive center in Asia that integrates sports, leisure and entertainment, business, and lifestyle. Men, women, and children of all ages can find their favorite sports here.

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

Starting from 2020, Shanghai has also been exploring the creation of an integrated sports service complex called "Urban Sports Center" that integrates multiple formats. The urban sports center, through the integration of national fitness and sports industry development, has spawned more new consumer formats, created new sports spaces with Shanghai urban characteristics, accommodated more sports new projects, and created a multi-level, diversified, and personalized sports consumption experience new scene for citizens.

CAZ is a derivative of CBD, which not only includes the financial and commercial service industries. Through spatial layout and functional reconstruction, it is also a large-scale commercial and cultural activity gathering area that integrates tourism and leisure, shopping and consumption, cultural entertainment, sports and fitness.

In the Green Tide commercial center not far from the Bund Financial City Sports Center, the Rock Park Golf Club has overturned the traditional impression of sports facilities. In addition to the city's "Golden Corner and Silver Edge" sports field, citizens can also enter the "CAZ", making sports life more upscale.

The starry sky basketball court is undoubtedly the biggest highlight of the club. The signature jerseys of NBA stars on the wall of the rest area create a strong basketball culture atmosphere. The design of the basketball court is also highly futuristic, with stars shining brightly on the ceiling of the elevated space. Many citizens who came to play football said, "The space of the stadium is very good, playing is particularly enjoyable, and I feel like a star under the starry sky."

Shanghai people are becoming more and more adept at playing sports, and the city is rich in "dopamine" sports | Consumption | Shanghai

Huangpu District is located in the central urban area of Shanghai, with limited sports venue resources, making it a "snail shell dojo". Pan Minhong, Deputy Director of the Huangpu District Sports Bureau, told reporters, "Through market-oriented operation, we can meet the needs of multi-level groups. Sports venues not only have the attributes of meeting public services, but also become a new carrier for driving sports consumption through cross-border integration and iterative upgrading."

According to the 2022 Shanghai Residents Sports Consumption Survey Report, outdoor sports have the greatest potential among emerging sports, while fishing has the highest per capita consumption. In 2022, nearly 30% of residents will have consumption related to outdoor sports, with huge potential. The per capita fishing consumption of the fishing sports participating group reached 2317.4 yuan, significantly higher than other emerging sports. From the analysis of the quarter chart of consumption incidence rate and per capita consumption amount, it can be seen that the advantage of purchasing emerging sports related products is very obvious, and there is still room for growth in participating in venue activities, competitions, and education and training.

12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools
12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools

On August 18th, the Shanghai Sports Center, a "star venue" that witnessed the changes of the times and the countless glories of Chinese sports, welcomed the 2023 MAGIC3 Shanghai Youth Three on Three Super Basketball Tournament and the Shanghai Student Sunshine Sports League Three on Three Basketball Tournament Finals. In the summer of 2023, MAGIC3, this five-year "youthful promise", arrived as scheduled. This year, the public group of the competition attracted 3057 youth teams from 337 schools to register, with 12228 participants, showcasing the infinite charm and unique appeal of MAGIC3. After multiple rounds of selection in regional and regional competitions, it was ultimately decided that eight teams, male and female, each, would advance to the finals. The event will be held in Oriental Pearl TV Tower City Square, Xujiahui Sports Park, Shanghai Stadium, Songjiangguang

The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose
The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose

Editor's note: On July 20th, 2023, the FIFA Women's World Cup will be held in Australia and New Zealand. The Chinese women's football team will debut against Denmark in the group stage on the 22nd, followed by matches against Haiti and England. This Chinese women's football team has a strong "Shanghai color": head coach Shui Qingxia has long coached the Shanghai women's football team, and five international players including Zhang Xin, Zhu Yu, Wang Linlin, Tang Jiali, and Xiao Yuyi are from the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank women's football team. In addition, overseas Chinese players Yang Lina and Shen Mengyu are also trained by Shanghai. On the occasion of the "Steel Rose" competing in the World Cup, the Liberation Daily's Shangguan News City Affairs Channel and the School of Journalism and Communication at Shanghai Sport University jointly launched the "Approaching the Women's Football World Cup" column, approaching the first "expansion" of 32 participating teams in the Women's Football World Cup, and exploring the Shanghai strength in the "Steel Rose"

These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing
These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing

In the post Winter Olympics era, are there still people interested in ice and snow sports? Recently, at the Jiading District Citizen Fitness Center, the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai Urban Amateur League Shanghai Dry Land Curling Open Competition and the "All Jia Lai Competition" 2023 Jiading District Amateur League "Waigang Cup" Dry Land Curling Competition was lively. 14 representative teams and nearly 100 players from 12 streets and towns in Jiading District competed together, enjoying the "push and push" music of dry land curling. "The performance of the contestants is commendable. Compared to previous competitions, the strength of the participating teams has significantly improved, and the team members have a clearer and more thorough understanding of the arrangement and rules of curling." The chief referee of the competition, Wang Jue, once served as the curling event referee for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and gave high praise to the contestants. The champion team has added a new force and participated in dry land curling for the first time

"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City
"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City

On June 11, Beishuiwan Sports Park, Juyuan New District, Jiading District, welcomed nearly 100 scientific and creative talents and their families from various scientific research institutes in Juyuan New area gathered here, and had a healthy and happy tennis weekend. On the same day, the 2023 "New five cities net World" tennis series kicked off in Jiading District Juyuan New District Beisuiwan Sports Park. Jiading Juyuan "Horse Tennis" fun match kicked off this series of activities. This year, the "New five cities net World" series of activities will enter five new cities in Shanghai to ignite citizens' enthusiasm for tennis with various forms and creative new activities. The series of activities of "immediate Tennis" established by Shanghai Tennis Association aims to expand the popularity of Shanghai tennis population, mainly for the zero base of tennis lovers.

Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights
Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights

"Last year, my dad took me to watch a rowing competition in Suzhou River. I thought it would be great to come here and play paddleboarding one day, but my wish really came true." 8-year-old You You, who was playing paddleboarding, had a dark skin and a bright smile in the sunlight. On June 10th, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Developing Sports and Enhancing People's Physical Fitness", the 2023 "Suhewan" Shanghai Paddle Open was held in the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, marking the first appearance of the paddle competition in Suhewan. "Paddle" describes tranquility and elegance, embellishing Su River Bay. The main venue of this competition is located in the Butterfly Bay water area of the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, with different competition events such as racing, skills, relay, and parade, attracting nearly 300 participants from the Yangtze River Delta region to participate. Not only are there professional paddle boarders among them, but also