Just to thank the meritorious coach Xu Genbao!, Shenhua General Manager and Commander in Chief landed on the island, "Genbao Wonton" everyone loves Genbao | base | Commander in Chief

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:20 AM

On July 7, 2023, Chongming Island Genbao Football Base celebrated its 23rd birthday. Here, several Shanghai seaport international players such as Wu Lei and Yan Junling have been cultivated successively; Here, we also transport a group of Shanghai Shenhua National Olympic team members, including Zhu Chenjie and Jiang Shenglong.

On July 14th, Gu Jiqing, Chairman of Shanghai Shenhua Club, and Wu Jingui, Head Coach, made a special visit to Shanghai Shenhua's first head coach, Xu Genbao, and expressed special gratitude: "The outstanding talents in the 1999-2000 age group who were transported from the Genbao base to Shanghai Shenhua have performed excellently. In the future, they will not only be reserve talents of Shanghai, but also of national brands.".

Xu Genbao currently serves as the head coach of the Shanghai 2005-2006 National Games team, and he also stated, "The Shanghai National Games team has several outstanding players from the Shenhua team. He hopes that the Shenhua club can provide more care and support in daily training, personnel recruitment, and other aspects in the future, and contribute to Shanghai football together."

Special visit to the island, thank you for becoming the theme

When it comes to Xu Genbao, people's first reaction is "Shanghai football legend", who is the general consultant of Shanghai Haigang Club. The first batch of disciples trained by Genbao Base, such as Wu Lei, Yan Junling, Zhang Linpeng, Wang Shenchao, and Cai Huikang, are now the backbone of the Shanghai Port team.

Just to thank the meritorious coach Xu Genbao!, Shenhua General Manager and Commander in Chief landed on the island, "Genbao Wonton" everyone loves Genbao | base | Commander in Chief

In fact, Xu Genbao was the first head coach in the history of Shanghai Shenhua team, creating the magical scene of Shanghai Bund after winning the Jia A championship in 1995. He is also a member of the founder of the Shenhua brand. Similarly, in the first phase of Chongming Island, several players have joined Shenhua, such as Cao Yunding, Bai Jiajun, Eddie, Li Yunqiu, Sun Kai, and Zhan Yilin, and they have also performed well.

Nowadays, Shanghai Shenhua continues its connection with the Genbao base: the 1999-2000 age group players transferred and transported by the Genbao base have become a new force for local Shenhua players. Whether it's Zhu Chenjie and Jiang Shenglong in the defensive line, or Xu Haoyang in the center and front, they all demonstrate their youthful strength. Looking at the 16 teams in the Chinese Super League, there is only one team that boldly uses young players, Shenhua.

"Jin Gui, you dare to use young people, which is very good!" Xu Genbao directly praised the current head coach of Shenhua, Wu Jingui. "In 2002, I coached Shenhua for the second time and boldly promoted the use of young players, such as Dewey, Sun Ji, and Sun Xiang. These players come from Cable 02, a youth training club I established myself. I told them, 'I trained you at the cost of my own dismissal,' and time proved that doing so was right."

Wu Jingui's response was very candid: "Director Xu praised me. I was your assistant coach in 2002, and becoming the head coach of Shenhua couldn't be separated from your promotion. Before Director Xu left, he specifically told the club leaders, 'After I don't do it, Shenhua doesn't need to find a foreign coach. Wu Jingui is very good and very good at learning.' Director Xu's kindness in promoting our younger coaches has never been forgotten, and now I am also training Li Chengming, Zheng Kewei, and others to learn and pay tribute to Director Xu."

As the chairman of Shanghai Shenhua Club, Gu Jiqing arrived at the base early and had in-depth exchanges with Genbao in advance. "For so many years, Shenhua may have been supported by talents trained under Xu's guidance, and even Shanghai football is like this." Gu Jiqing frankly stated that he has been wanting to visit Shenhua since entering the football circle. "Previously, it was impossible to leave the party school training. After the training, Wu Jingui immediately made an appointment with Xu's schedule. Mainly to express gratitude, if it weren't for the excellent players in the 1999-2000 age group trained and delivered by Xu's guidance, Shenhua might have really run out of talent. Now, these players are not only the cornerstone of Shenhua's development for the next 5 to 8 years, many of them are members of the national Olympic team, but also the future reserve of national talents."

Just to thank the meritorious coach Xu Genbao!, Shenhua General Manager and Commander in Chief landed on the island, "Genbao Wonton" everyone loves Genbao | base | Commander in Chief

New Teaming Mode, Genbao Seeks Support

Recently, Xu Genbao, as the head of the base, made his debut as the head coach of the Shanghai U20 men's football team and gave a speech at the summer training mobilization meeting of the Shanghai Sports Bureau. The new mission of Genbao Football Base is to organize and lead the Shanghai 2005/2006 age group men's football team to compete in the 2025 Greater Bay Area National Games and strive for good results.

Faced with the Shenhua CEO and head coach, Xu Genbao also admitted that he has encountered new problems in teaching this national sports team. Some members of the Shenhua team are not adapted to the semi military management style of the base: "I led Wu Lei and his team to win the National Games, and led Zhu Chenjie and his team to win the National Games. Both had a premise: these players have been training hard at the base since childhood and are accustomed to this relatively closed football training mode. Now, a few young players from Shenhua have proposed that they are indeed not adapted, hoping to return to the Shenhua team to maintain training."

Originally, Genbao Football Base trained for 6 days a week, with only one day off on Sunday - Sunday morning still required an hour of physical training, and after the day off, they had to return to the team before 10 pm. In contrast, the Shenhua team adopts a similar walking training system, training from Monday to Friday, with two days off on Saturday and Sunday. Young players only need to return to the team on Sunday night.

In addition, the Genbao base does not allow young team members to use their phones freely during the day, only sending them to the team members at night and still "collecting their phones" before going to bed; In contrast, the Shenhua team does not have very rigid management regulations for mobile phones, and team members have greater freedom. In addition, there are no shops around the Genbao base, and the team members can only rest with peace of mind; In contrast, there are many consumer places near the Shenhua Kangqiao Base, making leisure life more convenient.

Just to thank the meritorious coach Xu Genbao!, Shenhua General Manager and Commander in Chief landed on the island, "Genbao Wonton" everyone loves Genbao | base | Commander in Chief

Due to such management details and differences in the surrounding environment, some young Shenhua team members feel very uncomfortable after moving to the Genbao Base on Chongming Island for training for a period of time, and hope to return to the original club for training. Regarding this, Xu Genbao and the coaching staff have discussed and basically agreed to the young team member's request: to write a written application and, in principle, release the person back.

Xu Genbao explained, "This Shanghai All Games team is mainly composed of 2006 age group members who have been trained at the base for a long time, and has also joined outstanding young talents in the 2005 age group from Shenhua and Haigang. Unlike Wu Lei and his team, some players do not always train at the base, and after two months of team establishment, they may experience discomfort. We also seek solutions based on the actual situation: the uncomfortable players should organize about two weeks of training before the competition, and then move in to the base for joint training."

Coincidentally, Shanghai Shenhua's CEO and head coach visited at the door, and Xu Genbao also provided a detailed explanation of the specific situation, hoping that Shanghai Shenhua Club would strengthen its support for the preparation work of this Shanghai All Games team. Regarding this, Gu Jiqing bluntly stated, "Jiushi Group has a corporate culture of providing comprehensive services. Including daily club management, we pay special attention to the ideological education of young team members. A positive environment is necessary to build a team with combat effectiveness. As long as the coaching team of the National Games team makes a decision, I will inform and request the department responsible for youth training to implement it according to the decision of the Shanghai National Games team."

Upon hearing this, Genbao took a reassuring pill and said, "Thank you so much. This time, you not only came to visit me on the island, but also directly helped me solve the problem!" It is reported that after taking on the task of the national sports team, Xu Genbao, who is 80 years old, did not have a day off for seven days a week in the scorching heat. Even some training classes were meticulously meticulously detailed. "Wu Lei and Zhu Chenjie, who were trained hard at the base, cannot do without the strict management of the base. This time, we still demand results from training and strict management."

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