Special education public welfare practice base helps them grow, and small charity supermarkets become extracurricular practice classrooms for children

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:35 PM

Ning Ning from Huangpu District Special Education Vocational School is very happy. Today, he set up a stall outside and the 10 small flower baskets he and his classmates planted together were favored by passersby. As a result, he gained his first income in life.

September 5th is "China Charity Day", and the unveiling ceremony of the Huangpu District Special Education Public Welfare Practice Base was held at the Bansongyuan Road Street Charity Supermarket in Huangpu District. In the future, this will become Ningning's "off campus classroom" - in the small society of charity supermarkets, children will try to practice various "professions" and be fully prepared for entering society in the future.

Shanghai Huangpu District Special Education Public Welfare Practice Base Unveiled

It is reported that the Huangpu District Special Education Public Welfare Practice Project will be jointly led by the Huangpu District Education Bureau and the Bansongyuan Road Sub district Office for trial operation. It will closely combine "social education integration" and "Putian integration" with practical social public welfare behaviors, and integrate the concept of social responsibility into knowledge seeking and ability cultivation. The project will showcase the concepts of "equality" and "acceptance" in the design of social practice activities for "special students", so as to enhance their confidence and adaptability in the project's social practice, and strive to create work opportunities for their integration into society through the implementation of the project.

Special education public welfare practice base helps them grow, and small charity supermarkets become extracurricular practice classrooms for children

East China Normal University Affiliated Luwan Auxiliary Experimental School, Shanghai Fourth Deaf School, Sunshine School, Huangpu District Special Education Vocational School, and Huangpu District Rongxin Public Welfare Service Center jointly signed the "Huangpu District Special Education Public Welfare Practice Project Co creation Agreement". In the future, the public welfare practice base will work together with the school to explore innovative extracurricular practice models and projects, practice a new perspective on children's education that integrates social education and general education, and focus on helping students master the skills needed to adapt to future life and development. The school can carry out regular public welfare practice projects in this practice base in stages and batches, such as public welfare book corner guides, everyone learning sign language, public welfare small interest classes, and charity sales corners. "We have also been thinking about how to integrate schools and communities well, so we want to use the establishment of our practice base this time to provide children with a place for social and educational integration. In the future, we want to use this charity supermarket platform to provide practical places and bases for children at all levels. Here, they can integrate with their own school curriculum to launch some courses that are suitable for children's lives. For example, folding clothes and being a supermarket salesperson can also help them better integrate into society." said Jin Yi, the head of the Small Education Department of the Huangpu District Education Bureau.

"The children were given courses on flower arrangement on site. In addition to flower arrangement courses, the school also purposefully cultivates skills for special needs children, including skills to better integrate into society in the future, such as baking, cooking, coffee making, handicraft making, art courses, etc. As a special education vocational school, we hope to build more social practice platforms for children." Introduction by He Ying, the principal of Huangpu District Special Education Vocational School.

In order to deepen the integration of medical education and special education in the district, the Education Bureau of Huangpu District and the Health Commission of Huangpu District jointly signed a memorandum of cooperation to promote the integration of medical education and special education. They worked together and coordinated management to provide diversified, personalized, and professional education, rehabilitation, and health services for disabled children in the district.

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