How to write outstanding essays for the Shanghai college entrance examination? Let's take a look at the "responsibility" of high school Chinese teachers | World | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:53 PM

The unified cultural examination for the enrollment of ordinary universities in Shanghai in 2023 will be held from June 7th to 9th. The Chinese composition questions for the 2023 Shanghai College Entrance Examination are as follows:

Is a person willing to explore unfamiliar worlds solely out of curiosity? Please write an article to discuss your understanding and thoughts.

Requirement: Write your own questions; Not less than 800 words.

How do Chinese teachers write college entrance exam essays? We invited four high school teachers to write four hydrological articles for readers to read.

Becoming a "Explorer"

Guo Renchao, a teacher of Chuansha Middle School in Shanghai.

A person entering an unfamiliar world, exploring and discovering, is indeed driven by curiosity, but the essence of it goes far beyond that.

The meaning of an unfamiliar world is rich, it can be a land that has never been explored before, it can be a field that has never been explored before, and this unknown summons humanity to constantly seek. When we were young, we always asked "100000 whys", what is on the other side of the mountain? Why is the sky blue? Why do the stars in the sky shine? We always have a strong curiosity about the land under our feet and the starry sky above us. This curiosity is the instinct to seek knowledge, and it is the instinct for humans to explore that distinguishes them from other animals.

The unfamiliar world is unknown and requires you to come out of this world. This world is familiar to you, can be a world that allows you to relax your guard, and also a world that makes you comfortable. Stepping into unfamiliar and unknown worlds not only requires curiosity, but also courage and responsibility. When there were bloody clouds everywhere and wolf dogs on the streets, Lin Juemin could have spent his entire life with his beloved wife, but he thought of a new China that would benefit the people of the world in the future. He was not afraid of bloodshed, and this was a social responsibility; When the COVID-19 continued to spread in Wuhan, medical workers from all over the country rushed to Wuhan in the face of unknown new viruses, fearing no sacrifice, which was a social responsibility.

Exploring unfamiliar worlds also means constantly exploring human cognitive boundaries. When the Shenzhou spacecraft continues to fly into space, it is constantly breaking the constraints of human space; The development of every art form, the analysis of every philosophical question, and the proposal of every scientific question constantly break through the limitations of human cognition. There is both human reverence for the unknown and the manifestation of the spirit of constantly breaking chains. If curiosity is the starting point for a person's willingness to explore, then facing an unfamiliar world with unwavering determination is not only a responsibility and responsibility to society, but also a courage for a person to challenge their own limits and cognitive boundaries. The "joy" here is the joy of experiencing setbacks and hardships, the joy of watching the thousand waves of rice and beans! It's the joy of Zhong Yang, the "explorer"!

Now, many of us may be willing to stay in their own "comfort zone", no pressure, no pain, but also less richness and diversity of life. In the face of the unknown and uncertain world, we should be "explorers", explore our own boundaries with courage and responsibility, explore the boundaries of human cognition, and find "supreme happiness" in "willingness".

Curiosity can start a prairie fire

Wu Zhirui, a teacher of Shanghai Shangde Experimental School.

A thousand years ago, Qu Yuan raised his head to the sky and asked, "Since ancient times, who has spread the word?" Li Bai wrote, "When will the moon come in the blue sky? I will stop drinking and ask." The two children debated the distance of the day, all of which reflect the strong curiosity of our ancestors towards the unfamiliar world. We opened our eyes in surprise and saw the world, extended our tentacles, and embarked on the path of exploring the unfamiliar world.

There is no doubt that for individuals, curiosity is a sign of self-awareness. To cast a curious eye on a strange world means the beginning of endless rational exploration. We think of ourselves as a seed, and when we are curious about the strange world, we begin to ask questions consciously, which means that the seed begins to sprout. "willing" embodies a person's spirit of actively seeking knowledge. For human beings as a whole, we have a desire for knowledge in our nature. the important reason for Homo sapiens' victory over Neanderthals is the unique imagination brought by curiosity. Want to know because of the surprise of the strange world, and then there is the exploration of philosophy and the development of science. According to Kant, enlightenment is "human beings break away from the immaturity imposed on themselves". Curiosity allows us to get rid of ignorance and explore a strange world.

However, although curiosity is our inner drive to explore unfamiliar worlds, it is not only curiosity that can propel us on a long journey. People have a natural tendency to settle for what they have learned. A familiar world brings us stability. We can be curious about unfamiliar worlds, but like children, we always want to touch and retract our hands. Perhaps it is out of fear of the unknown, or perhaps it is due to limited abilities that we have not taken the first step towards the unfamiliar world. And at this moment, curiosity is like a flame, dispersing with the wind.

Because curiosity is a human nature that everyone possesses, but there are always very few people who can walk out of stability and explore unfamiliar worlds. This makes us wonder, besides curiosity, what else do we need to possess to make this spark ignite like a wildfire?

Curiosity is just the beginning of our exploration of unfamiliar worlds. To break the stability brought by familiarity with the world, we also need to have a skeptical and critical spirit towards reality. Pang Long wrote in "The Prelude to Tolerance" that to leave the valley of ignorance, one needs the guidance of pioneers. "The name of a person who first challenges the darkness and terror of the unknown world can lead people towards new freedom." Perhaps it is dissatisfaction with the present, pursuit of happiness, or perhaps in order to improve oneself and realize one's own value, we need to first examine the land under our feet. Just like in "Autumn Water", Hebo sees the vast North Sea and exclaimed, "Observing the North Sea, one knows the ugliness of the world." We are amazed to see the unfamiliar world, yearning to leave, and what supports you in taking the first step is your courage to change the present and the spirit of seeking change and innovation.

Everyone holds the seed of curiosity in their hands, but to set sail and explore a strange world, it is necessary to view the world with a rational spirit, and even more so, to have the courage and will to persevere in pursuit. "The road is long and arduous, and I will search up and down." When the people in the cave walk out of the cave for the first time and see the sunshine, we not only awaken, but also continue to climb the mountain top and obtain the ultimate happiness from the process of climbing. We must maintain a humble heart, persistent curiosity, and then resolutely move towards the unfamiliar world. This is the attitude of humanity that is always upward.

There is no end to life without ceaseless exploration.

Ji Wei, a teacher of Shangnan Middle School in Shanghai.

A delicious food we haven't tasted before, a shop we haven't walked into before, a city we haven't set foot in before, a scenery we haven't enjoyed with our own eyes... The unfamiliar world seems to be filled with a magical magnetic field, attracting small pointers in our hearts, making us involuntarily want to explore.

We are full of curiosity because we are unfamiliar, unknown, and have never experienced it firsthand. Curiosity is the most common source of human curiosity and the most common driving force for seeking knowledge. Born with curiosity, a newborn baby wants to feel the sound, light, color, and taste of an unfamiliar world; Newly enrolled students always want to get to know their peers, learn about the classroom, and be exposed to new knowledge; Qu Yuan wanted to know, "At the beginning of ancient times, who spread the teachings? The upper and lower levels were not formed, so why did they be tested?"; Hawking wanted to know what kind of world the vast space was... The flame of curiosity from the heart ignited the beacon of exploration, allowing humanity to constantly try the unfamiliar and unknown, step out of the wild beasts and primitive world, and enter the realm of science and art.

However, sometimes we are willing to explore the "unfamiliar world", not necessarily because we are curious about it, but also because we are tired of the "familiar world". The monotonous and repetitive life is easy for people to cope with, but like chewing gum that has lost its sweetness, it has no taste, and even just thinking about it makes people lose their energy. So we realized something was wrong and began to reflect on whether something was wrong in life. Exploring shops, traveling, bungee jumping, surfing... Strange and exciting things inject into life like a shot of adrenaline, bringing a sense of freshness. But cardiac stimulants are only for emergencies and cannot be injected daily. Exploring unfamiliar worlds cannot always be about jumping out, sometimes it can also lead to returning to oneself.

The exploration of the dusty and unfamiliar spiritual world often comes from a reflective mindset. On some ordinary days, we live calmly and even refuse to be ordinary, and our hearts become less sensitive in the comfort zone of life. Our clear essence of life is mixed with various impurities for various reasons, while our numbness is called adaptation. In this kind of adaptation, we ignore the call for help from the soul and close off sensitive intelligence. To rediscover the vitality of life, we must shed our heavy disguise and re examine ourselves with a natural mirror under the clear breeze and moon, in order to truly use the light of our hearts to illuminate the mundane world and break free from the mundane nature of life.

The motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds comes not only from the search for personal vitality, but also from the sense of responsibility that constantly opens up paths for the group. Being a resident of Peach Blossom Land for a lifetime, without taking risks or worrying, can bring happiness. But for groups, for humans, it is always necessary to move forward under the protection of some pioneers with missions. "Heaven does not give birth to Zhongni, and eternity is like a long night." Without Confucius exploring a path of entry and education, many ordinary people still do not know how to experience their short lives. Poet Dylan Thomas said, "Don't walk gently into that good night." While we can pretend to be deaf and sleep soundly in a gentle night, stability will eventually be broken, and once dreams wake up, they will be irreparable. So in the bright night, human warriors resolutely turn their gaze to intelligence and technology, to the deep sea and space, to history and culture... to the unfamiliar void that may not succeed in a short period of time and have no return. An Lewo and Peach Blossom Spring are certainly beautiful, but humanity, especially young people who bear the responsibility of the times, cannot fully devote themselves to them and abandon their ideals and exploratory spirit.

Only by maintaining curiosity, reflection, and a sense of responsibility can we always maintain a thinking and exploratory attitude, and nourish the long journey of life with the clear spring dug out by thoughts and inspiration.

Exploring the Meaning of Life

Ye Xiaoyue, Sanlin Middle School, Shanghai

The unfamiliar world is mysterious and distant, pointing towards an unknown transformation. Throughout history, exploring the unfamiliarity and unknownness has constructed a process of human questioning and forming conclusions. The natural thirst for knowledge and exploration of humans stimulates curiosity, driving us to explore unfamiliar worlds, constantly occupying territories, and forming more familiar cognition. However, "willingness to explore" is not solely driven by curiosity, it points to a deeper and broader meaning.

Curiosity is the innate psychological desire to add attributes to something when all or part of its attributes are blank. Human beings naturally fear emptiness to prevent themselves from falling into the void of survival. Humanistic psychologists, represented by Rogers, emphasize the role of curiosity in individual exploration of the world. Curiosity, although derived from an instinct, can form the most effective and persistent source of power. Newton's "ripe apple", Watt's "hot water vapor", and Li Bai's "iron pestle" are the curiosity of children and adults about the world, which in turn become the source of their continuous growth and exploration of ideas. Starting from here, some people move towards regularity, some towards invention, and some towards literature.

However, curiosity is scarce and precious, and it seems to be a privilege for children, or directed towards wise individuals who are good at thinking and possess charm. When the adult world strikes, the territory of curiosity is eroded, but human exploration never ends. Instead, it becomes more urgent and willing, more proactive and proactive. I think that comes more from survival needs and spiritual redemption. Jos é Alcatio Buendia, who explores outside in "One Hundred Years of Solitude," embarked on the path of exploring the land around Macondo based on the needs of survival and development. He walked alone in solitude and enjoyed it tirelessly. The exploration of the Silk Road stems from the needs of economic development, while the exploration of the aerospace road stems from the needs of technological development. The need to trigger a purpose that makes humans willing to do it, and the behavior is inexhaustible. The practical need is the helplessness and willingness of humanity to constantly explore ahead. However, exploration should not bring harm, that is, it is necessary not to prioritize harm, and exploration and expansion that ignores the common interests of humanity can only be difficult to smooth out and add to its sins.

When survival is satisfied, there are more psychological needs besides curiosity. After being entangled, people are also willing to do so in an attempt to achieve self redemption. Maturity brings numbness, and the era of consumerism binds and guides our souls. Some people jump out of the environment of vomiting and chirping, attempting to explore more possibilities in the unknown world within the known world. Muxin once said, "The so-called bottomless abyss, going down, is also a vast future." In this spiritual abyss, some people explore more possibilities. Li Ziqi, Dianxi Xiaoge, and others shine in a relatively unfamiliar world, that is, a world far away from cities and rich in soul, and then introduce the unfamiliar Chinese world to the world. They have given contemporary people who want to redeem their souls an inspiration: whether I can escape from my known pain and find my own possibilities in unfamiliar rural or other worlds. Modern young people are thinking and willing to explore more ways of life. But escaping is not the goal, exploring suitable strangers is the only way to make this trip worthwhile.

At the beginning of a person, it is to explore an unfamiliar world alone. People passively enter this world and then actively explore and learn, so life does not need to set its own priorities or consider them. Exploration and search are its original meaning. When curiosity gradually dries up and the road ahead is always unfamiliar, move forward with curiosity, maintain an independent attitude, and create your own new story.

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