Both the public and lawyers can consult "Farala" in the field of labor and personnel, marriage and family law AI big model release | Law | AI

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:42 PM

The artificial intelligence big model craze triggered by ChatGPT is penetrating into various industry sectors. Recently, a company founded by graduates from Shanghai Jiao Tong University released the AI model "Farala" for labor law and family law. Both the public and legal professionals can raise questions about labor, personnel, marriage and family affairs under the laws of China through the WeChat official account "AI Yuyan Intelligent", and obtain free consulting services.

Lawyer Huang Enlin, a senior partner at Longan Law Firm who has tried "Falala", believes that the big model can effectively understand the "vernacular" expressed by non legal professionals and provide accurate answers, which is expected to bring changes to legal technology and "sending the law to the countryside".

Precision tuning of large models to create AI lawyers

In the field of legal AI robots, the United States has taken a step forward. In 2015, Stanford University student Joshua Browder created the DoNotPay system, which can handle many legal issues including parking tickets, landlord tenant disputes, labor disputes, etc. It automatically generates legal documents for users and guides them through legal procedures. After the rise of the big language model, legal AI robots have become more powerful. They have a better understanding of the questions posed by users and provide more accurate and comprehensive answers. In addition, with the help of an open-source large model base, the training cost of AI robots has also been reduced.

It is precisely because of the potential market brought by the big model that Liu Yinghui, a master's student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and others founded Shanghai Yuyan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. this year. The R&D team of this company has compiled millions of legal industry data, including legal provisions of labor law and family law, arbitration documents, and professional book knowledge, and inputted them into an open-source large model base to train universal models into legal professional models.

"'Farala 'is essentially a fine-tuning model," explained Liu Yinghui. "We use some advanced AGI base technology to enhance the generalization ability of fine-tuning models, and at the same time, we use engineering technology for legal industry data fine-tuning, including instruction learning and prompt learning, so that the trained models can meet the personalized needs of the industry."

At present, this model has been released on the "AI Yuyan Intelligent" official account, and the public can use it for free. "Is it legal for a company to dismiss employees for serious violations of rules and regulations? Please help me search for a case." "What are some good ways for migrant workers to seek compensation?" "I have a 2-year-old child, and my job is relatively stable. The male partner does not have a stable job. In this situation, who will be awarded to the child if they divorce?" Users can answer various questions related to labor law and family law.

Screenshot of user consultation on "AI Yuyan Intelligent" official account

Both the public and lawyers can consult "Farala" in the field of labor and personnel, marriage and family law AI big model release | Law | AI

Can be a capable assistant to first-year lawyers

Lawyer Huang Enlin felt that "Farala" did a good job after trying it out. Its algorithm can capture the legal knowledge points in "vernacular" questions, provide relatively accurate and comprehensive answers, and also meet the needs of precedent inquiry. In addition to serving the public, the big model can also significantly reduce the workload of legal assistants and junior lawyers. As an AI assistant, it provides them with efficient legal retrieval services.

Huang Enlin introduced that current entrepreneurial projects in the field of legal technology can generally be divided into three sub tracks: first, instrumental projects that serve law firms and large corporate legal teams; The second is smart judgment and smart government projects that serve political and legal institutions, arbitration institutions, and government departments; The third is the smart legal education and "sending laws to rural areas" projects mainly serving street, township governments, and grassroots organizations. With the rise of AI big models, more advanced technologies have emerged in the first two tracks, and more projects will be implemented and applied. The third subdivision track is related to AI lawyers. Huang Enlin believes that the big model can play the role of a lawyer to a certain extent, such as providing advice on legal issues, but may not be able to replace lawyers. "This is a human question, and it is people who can gain people's trust the most."

When it comes to the future development plan of the legal model, Liu Yinghui said, "Our model is still in its early stages and has only developed a question and answer function, which can only provide retrieval direction for legal staff. In the future, we will make technological breakthroughs in some directions, such as further strengthening the natural language understanding ability of the model, generating controllability, and aligning human intentions, to provide better and more legal services for B-end and C-end users."

[Related link] Example of user and "Farala" Q&A

Q: Is it legal for the company to dismiss employees for serious violations of rules and regulations? Please help me search for a case.

Answer: If the employer terminates the labor contract on the grounds that the worker seriously violates the rules and regulations, the people's court should support it. I have found a case that will be elaborated on from the judgment rules and court opinions. The case is: Wang v. Beijing Huahui Chuangyuan Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. Labor Dispute Case.

If an employer terminates a labor contract on the grounds that the employee seriously violates the rules and regulations, the people's court shall examine whether the procedures for formulating the employer's rules and regulations are legal, whether the employee's disciplinary behavior is clearly defined in the rules and regulations, and whether the punishment imposed on the employee by the rules and regulations is reasonable. If the employer cannot provide evidence to prove that the employee has seriously violated the rules and regulations, their claim cannot be established and they should bear the legal consequences of the inability to provide evidence.

Both the public and lawyers can consult "Farala" in the field of labor and personnel, marriage and family law AI big model release | Law | AI

In this case, the Employee Handbook formulated by Huahui Company was developed through democratic procedures, and its content does not violate laws, administrative regulations, and policy provisions. There are no obvious unreasonable situations, and it can be used as the basis for the trial of labor dispute cases. Wang repeatedly sent obscene, insulting, threatening or other information during work, which violated the provisions of the Employee Handbook. Huahui Company hereby terminates the labor contract with Wang, which complies with legal provisions and should not pay compensation for illegal termination of the labor contract. Court ruling: Reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment. The second instance case acceptance fee of 10 yuan shall be borne by Huahui Company.

Screenshot of user consultation on "AI Yuyan Intelligent" official account

Q: I have a 2-year-old child and my job is relatively stable. The male partner does not have a stable job. May I ask who will be awarded to the divorced child in this situation?

Answer: In general, when deciding on child custody rights, the court mainly considers the following factors: first, the age of the child; The second is the economic status of both spouses; The third is the education level of both parties; The fourth is the child's will; The fifth is the child's lifestyle habits; The sixth is when grandparents or maternal grandparents have the willingness and ability to raise children. The general principle is whether granting custody of a child to one party is beneficial for the child's future growth.

In judicial practice, children under the age of 2 are generally sentenced to the mother, unless the mother has the following circumstances: the mother is suffering from an incurable infectious disease or other serious illness, and the child is not suitable to live with them; The mother fails to fulfill her obligation to provide for the child, while the father demands that the child live with her; For other reasons, children are unable to live with their mothers; If both parents agree that children under the age of 2 live with their parents and have no adverse effects on their healthy growth.

For children over 2 years old, both the father and mother require them to live with them. If one party has one of the following situations, priority consideration can be given: those who have undergone sterilization surgery or lost their fertility due to other reasons, as stipulated in Article 46 of the Women's Rights Protection Law; Children who live for a long time and change their living environment are significantly detrimental to their healthy growth; If there are no other children, but the other party has other children; Living with children is beneficial for their growth.

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