The tax revenue in July has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and Shanghai's first tax revenue building of 10 billion yuan this year has once again fallen on Jinhong Bridge

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:17 AM

At the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of themed city government press conferences held on August 31st, the Changning District special session on "Gathering the Most Hongqiao and Deepening Digitalization", the reporter learned that as of July this year, the tax revenue of Jinhongqiao International Center has exceeded 10 billion yuan, making it the first tax revenue "10 billion yuan building" in the city since last year.

The Hongqiao Development Zone, located in Jinhongqiao, is one of the first economic and technological development zones in China. In 2021, the construction of Hongqiao International Open Hub has become a national strategy, and Changning's development has ushered in a new historic opportunity. From "Rainbow Development" to "Dahongqiao", Changning District is actively promoting the core functions of the urban area to leap from "existence" to "strength". In serving the implementation of national strategies, it is continuously pushing the regional level to a new level.

The digital economy has become the largest industry

As the only central urban area within Shanghai, Changning District is committed to high-quality development, fully promoting the "Most Hongqiao" leading action, optimizing industrial development layout, and continuously upgrading hub and portal functions. From January to July this year, among the various areas of the Hongqiao International Central Business District, the Changning area accounted for less than one seventh of the total area and contributed over one-third of the tax revenue.

Zhang Wei, Secretary of the Changning District Party Committee, stated that the "Dahongqiao" not only brings "spillover" but also "influx" effects to Changning. Changning's positioning is not simply "docking" or one-way "undertaking", but organic "integration" and integrated "promotion".

Driven by major strategies, the economic development of Changning District accelerated in the first half of the year, with a year-on-year increase of 15.3% in regional GDP, ranking first in the city in terms of growth rate. From January to July, the progress of completing the general public budget revenue at the district level exceeded 70%, and the supporting role of "3+3" key industries in regional development became increasingly evident, with a tax revenue ratio of 70%.

The tax revenue in July has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and Shanghai's first tax revenue building of 10 billion yuan this year has once again fallen on Jinhong Bridge

Driven by this, the economic advantages of Changning's buildings continue to expand, with the average unit area tax of key commercial buildings reaching about 9000 yuan per square meter. Among them, the Jinhongqiao International Center, on the basis of becoming the city's first tax revenue building worth 10 billion yuan last year, has surpassed 10 billion yuan in tax revenue in July this year, once again becoming the first tax revenue building worth 10 billion yuan in Shanghai.

"Digital Changning" has accumulated for more than 20 years. In recent years, Changning District has made great efforts to make good use of this industrial foundation. The development momentum of "Internet plus life service industry" in the district is strong. The cluster development of leading enterprises and high-quality SMEs has driven the digital economy to become the largest industry and the strongest engine in the district.

Hou Jijun, the head of Changning District, introduced that from January to July this year, Changning digital economy enterprises completed tax revenue of 20.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.6%. The tax revenue of more than 6100 digital economy enterprises in the district accounted for 54.9% of the total tax revenue in the district. The transaction volume of Internet platforms increased by 41.5% year on year. The transaction volume of five e-commerce platforms reached more than 10 billion yuan, and the transaction volume of e-commerce platforms above 100 million yuan also reached 26. The total transaction volume of the platform ranked first in the city. Meanwhile, the core industry of Changning's digital economy, the software information service industry, has maintained a revenue growth rate of over 20% in the past five years. In the first half of this year, the revenue of the software information industry in the entire region increased by 58.9% year-on-year, ranking first in the city.

Promoting the return of technology to cities

While accelerating digital industrialization and industry digitalization, Changning District also actively layout new fields and new tracks such as industrial Internet and digital medical care, and gradually cultivate growing and innovative enterprises. During this process, Changning has always adhered to innovation as the primary driving force and actively explored the path of scientific and technological innovation in the central urban area.

Since last year, Changning District has built the "Shanghai Silicon Lane" science and technology innovation block with high standards, leveraging the leading effects of the Institute of Ceramics and the Institute of Microsystems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Within the 1.48 square kilometer area enclosed by Yuyuan Road, Wuyi Road, Dingxi Road, etc., more than 10 innovation carriers and more than 500 technology enterprises have gathered, including the New Micro Smart Valley and Huawei Unicom Innovation Demonstration Center, to promote the return of technology to the city and the innovation transformation of the block.

The tax revenue in July has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and Shanghai's first tax revenue building of 10 billion yuan this year has once again fallen on Jinhong Bridge

In recent years, Changning District has focused on making good use of its unique geographical advantages, distinctive open characteristics, and profound cultural heritage in the urban area, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with distinct regional identities, and continuously improving the overall level and development resilience of the industry.

As one of the key "3+3" industries in the region, Changning Aviation Service Industry is gradually building a full industry chain of aviation services such as aviation logistics, aviation factor trading, and aviation maintenance, focusing on the goal of high-quality innovative development. Changning District also focuses on promoting the development of fashion and creative industry clusters, accelerating the construction of fashion landmarks such as Dahongqiao DOBE WE and Shangsheng Xinsuo Phase II, and transforming and upgrading regional modern commerce and other industries towards high-end, intelligent, and green directions. This lays a solid foundation for forward-looking layout of new industrial tracks such as intelligent terminals and accelerating the ecological construction of future industries.

Zhang Wei introduced that the next step is to focus on expanding and strengthening the aviation service industry. Changning will actively connect with the construction of a world-class aviation hub in Shanghai, continuously elongating its strengths. Specifically, efforts will be made to achieve breakthroughs in encrypting intercity air express lines, enhancing the operational capabilities of business aircraft, and promoting innovation in bonded functions. More domestic and foreign aviation headquarters, aviation alliances, and large aircraft related projects will be attracted to settle in Changning, and efforts will be made to build a strong and active national level demonstration zone for air economy.

Promoting Urban Renewal of Old Hongqiao

As early as the end of the 12th Five Year Plan, Changning District was the first in the city to complete the renovation of old residential areas below the second level, and entered the exploration and practice of urban renewal earlier. In recent years, through deep and panoramic updates, Changning District has been continuously promoting the improvement of urban quality, optimization of spatial layout, and improvement of public services by extending from the exterior to the interior, from roads to alleys, and connecting points to the surface.

Hou Jijun stated that in 2021, Changning took the lead in preparing the "15 minute Community Better Life Circle" action plan for all streets and towns in the district. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, Changning District will continue to promote the construction of boutique residential areas and the installation of elevators in existing multi story residential buildings, while also implementing 512 construction projects. As of the end of July, 389 of them have been completed, with a completion rate of 76%.

The tax revenue in July has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and Shanghai's first tax revenue building of 10 billion yuan this year has once again fallen on Jinhong Bridge

As the first place to propose the major concept of people's democracy throughout the entire process, Changning District has taken on the responsibility of being the first place to deeply practice people's democracy throughout the entire process in areas such as urban renewal and people's livelihood improvement in recent years.

The reporter learned at the meeting that, in line with the consideration of "relieving worries and difficulties", Changning District has fully solicited suggestions from the people, and on the basis of basically completing the renovation of 246000 square meters of non complete houses in the entire district, further efforts have been made to promote the "two old and one village" renovation. This year, the entire region has launched the renovation of 5 small beam and thin plate houses and approximately 50000 square meter alleyways for sanitation facilities. A total of 627 multi story residential buildings have been completed with elevators, and 2023 staggered parking spaces and 45 staggered parking projects have been created.

In May of this year, the Zhongshan Park Cruise Terminal was officially put into operation, and the No.1 gate area of Zhongshan Park was fully opened, further improving the quality of waterfront space along the Suzhou River in Changning and promoting the integration and opening of Zhongshan Park Centennial Park and East China University of Political Science and Law Centennial Campus. Adhering to the development of "green and low-carbon", Changning District has gradually built a network system of habitat gardens. Currently, 13 habitat gardens have been launched, and 12 pocket parks such as Mirror Garden and Yuyuan Yiting have been built simultaneously, achieving the revitalization and opening of Zhongshan Park and Hongqiao Park, as well as the renewal and renovation of the space under the new Hongqiao Central Garden and Yan'an West Road Anxi Road Bridge.

While promoting the development and opening up of urban public spaces to high standards, Changning District has also provided citizens with more leisure and convenient service facilities, including the construction of 74 outdoor employee love relay stations, the addition of 98 breakfast outlets, and 29 elderly meal assistance points, continuing to "connect with the ground and gather people".

The urban renewal in the Old Hongqiao area has begun. As a pioneer of Shanghai's reform and opening up, after decades of changes, the Old Hongqiao area is facing challenges such as aging building facilities and urgent industrial transformation. It is reported that Changning District is vigorously promoting the transformation of existing commercial buildings in Hongqiao Development Zone, and promoting the construction of major projects such as Yifeng Center, Jingyao Hongqiao, IKEA Huiju, and Hongqiao Shangcheng. At the same time, actively coordinating with the new round of policy measures for the Hongqiao International Open Hub, fully promoting the development and utilization of the eastern area of Hongqiao Airport, and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading.

Zhang Wei stated that as the central urban area, Changning was built earlier and has relatively scarce land resources. At the same time, there are also some inefficient industrial land and parks in the region. How to accelerate structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading is an urgent problem that needs to be overcome. Next, Changning District will actively explore the mixed use of land for multiple purposes, guide and support eligible enterprises to carry out "industrial upgrading", accelerate the updating and upgrading of existing inefficient industrial parks, free up more high-quality space for regional high-quality development, and promote the continuous improvement of economic density.

The tax revenue in July has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and Shanghai's first tax revenue building of 10 billion yuan this year has once again fallen on Jinhong Bridge
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