Shanghai Putuo Aid to Tibet Illuminates the Road to Wealth with "New Industries", Encouraging Villagers to "Return to Village for Work" in East Asia | Contact Group | Aid to Tibet

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:38 AM

At present, it is the peak tourist season in Xizang. Pangda Village, a border village in Yadong County, welcomes a lot of punch in tourists step by step; In the greenhouse, economic crops such as Shanghai green, tomatoes, and green peppers are planted; In the cultural and creative studio, villagers counterattack "craftsmen" and use their skillful hands and craftsmanship to create various unique cultural and creative works... Pangda Village is moving towards industrial prosperity.

Pangda Village is a border well-off demonstration village built with Shanghai's assistance. With strong support from Shanghai's aid to Tibet, nearly 452 residents from 99 households have relocated from a rural area at an altitude of 4630 meters to a Tibetan style well-off village at an altitude of around 2000 meters, starting a new life here. In order to enable the relocated population to "move out, stay stable, and become prosperous", the selected aid cadres from Putuo District and the 10th batch of aid to Tibet and the Asia East Contact Group adhere to the development concept of "cultural and tourism leading, integration of three industries, rural revitalization, and smart empowerment", and assist the local government in vigorously developing characteristic industries such as vegetable planting, homestay tourism, and handicraft cultural and creative projects, to help promote border prosperity and strengthen the border.

Tourism bus enters the primitive forest

During this year's May Day holiday, Yadong County fully launched a new project of Pangda tourism and sightseeing, providing free scenic spot tourism and sightseeing shuttle services to tourists, leading them to visit scenic spots such as the Linhai Galaxy Waterfall, Pangda Village, and the ruins of the Basha Temple. In response, Shi Feiteng, Director of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Yadong County, stated that since May Day this year, a large number of tourists have been introduced, allowing more people to enjoy "tourism meals" and providing another channel for income growth for those who have relocated to the border

Yadong County is located in the south of Xizang, bordering Bhutan in the east and India in the west. It is one of the famous border cities in China. It also contains rich cultural tourism resources and natural tourism resources, such as Duoqing Lake, Qumeixiong Valley Anti British Site, Zhuomulari Snow Mountain, Pali Grassland, Kangbuwen Spring, Dongga Temple, etc., and has the title of "Little Jiangnan in Xizang". Among them, Pangda Village has a vast area of primitive forests, with rivers, streams, and waterfalls, making it a natural oxygen bar and health resort. However, due to limitations in industrial supporting facilities, resource promotion, and service level, a large number of travelers and consumers with a strong interest in this "secret land holy land" cannot venture into it.

Pangda Village Tourism

Shanghai Putuo Aid to Tibet Illuminates the Road to Wealth with "New Industries", Encouraging Villagers to "Return to Village for Work" in East Asia | Contact Group | Aid to Tibet

How to make good use of the unique resources to increase the income of local villagers? The Liaison Group for Aid to Tibet and Asia conducted in-depth research, explored and integrated tourism resources, funded human, material, and financial resources, equipped with software and hardware facilities, and joined hands with local tourism cooperatives to promote the development of the cultural and tourism industry and drive people to become prosperous. In order to smooth the border tourism route and allow more tourists to stop and visit, the Yadong Group has provided assistance from multiple departments and received support. Four tourist landscape buses purchased by Shanghai's aid to Tibet have organized tourists to visit Pangda Village for free. The continuous flow of tourists has made the border Xiaokang Village lively. It is reported that the operation of tourist routes has driven Pangda Village to increase its income by nearly 230000 yuan so far. The restaurant owner Rabbagab happily said, "Since the tourist bus approached this primitive forest, my Tibetan restaurant can earn 700 to 800 yuan a day. I never thought it would be even better in the future."

The rise of the tourism industry, more importantly, has enhanced the ability to attract employment on the spot. Villagers have opened homestays and restaurants, and then they can find employment and increase income at their doorstep. Visible positions include sightseeing bus drivers, cleaning, firefighting, disaster relief, rescue, tour guides, and so on.

A cultural and creative project excavates a path to increase revenue

Today, Xizang's young artist Soran Ciren appears in the studio of Pangda Village on time every day to help relocated people train cultural and creative skills.

Suo Ranciren was born in Shigatse, Xizang in 1989. After graduating from the Thangka major in the Department of Arts of Xizang University, he worked in Yadong County and became a civil servant. In his leisure time, he persistently creates and expresses the developing Asia East through artistic techniques, and his works are widely praised by the art community and curators.

In the eyes of Tibetan aid officials, Soran Ciren's artistic expertise can also empower rural revitalization. The contact group for aiding Tibet and Asia asked him if he could teach cultural and creative skills, and help the people of Pangda Village increase their income through manual weaving and painting art creation. The two sides reached an agreement. "It is very meaningful to utilize professional knowledge to condense and unleash the energy stored by the vast number of farmers and herdsmen, and effectively promote the transformation of ethnic characteristic culture into characteristic cultural and tourism products." According to Soran Ciren, the vast primitive forests and natural scenery of Pangda Village can also easily inspire creative inspiration and passion.

Shanghai Putuo Aid to Tibet Illuminates the Road to Wealth with "New Industries", Encouraging Villagers to "Return to Village for Work" in East Asia | Contact Group | Aid to Tibet

Weaving by farmers and herdsmen

On March 25th of this year, the Soranci Ren Cultural and Creative Studio was officially launched in Pangda Village. The first batch of training courses attracted 56 villagers to sign up, mainly women, covering all age groups from 20 to 60 years old. During the training period, Soran Ciren focused on training practical and innovative technologies such as ethnic embroidery, manual painting, and manual weaving. His works combine elements of patriotism, border defense, green environmental protection, and rural civilization. The raw materials we use, such as stone and wood, are sourced from local sources along the border roads, and traditional techniques such as thangka and murals are used for painting and creation. Weaving is done using locally handmade cashmere fabric as the surface and colored wool thread as the language. Each product is a limited edition without any replicas. As of now, the sales revenue of handmade cultural and creative products is constantly increasing, and more and more enterprises and institutions are proposing customization needs.

In order to help the studio expand its sales channels, the Tibet Asia East Contact Group assisted in introducing cultural companies such as Teihu to package and position the studio and cultural and creative products. On the other hand, it also promoted and exhibited sales through the Shanghai May 5th Shopping Festival. At present, the cooperative is about to receive its first dividend.

Soran Ciren said that he plans to select some individuals with creative potential from the trainees for in-depth training, and enhance the professionalism and artistry of his works in the upcoming Pangda Xiaokang Village handicraft workshop and artist visiting space, continuously driving the development of the cultural and creative industry to increase the income of villagers.

The cooperation model makes green planting more fragrant

The Liaison Group for Aid to Tibet and East Asia has put in a lot of effort and thought, combined with the characteristics of Pangda Village, actively promoted the green rural ecological civilization practice project, assisted the village in establishing a professional cooperative for farmers to cultivate high-altitude pollution-free vegetable fungi, and also solidly supported the industry by investing funds in the construction of vegetable greenhouses. The crops produced last year were sold for nearly 500000 yuan, and the tangible dividends allowed the public to enjoy the benefits of green industry.

Shanghai Putuo Aid to Tibet Illuminates the Road to Wealth with "New Industries", Encouraging Villagers to "Return to Village for Work" in East Asia | Contact Group | Aid to Tibet

According to the secretary of Pangda Village, Labapingcuo, the Pangda Plateau pollution-free vegetable farmer professional cooperative has invited vegetable planting experts to teach the masses techniques and planted 20 vegetable varieties, including radish, zucchini, Shanghai green, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc. Not only has Pangda vegetable shops been opened in Qianjie, Xiasima Town, but also designated vegetable delivery institutions such as middle schools and Xiaya Dongxiang Primary School have been established to ensure sales channels.

Auricularia auricula cultivation

"At the vegetable cooperative in the village, my family received over 3000 yuan in dividends. With other sources of income increase, life is really getting better and better!" Three years ago, Bai Zhen's family moved into a two-story Tibetan style small building built with assistance from Shanghai. The suitable climate conditions here also cured her long-standing tracheitis. With the advancement of the tourism industry, Bai Zhen's family has also transformed the second floor into a homestay inn.

"Rural revitalization inevitably requires the revitalization of the agricultural industry. By planting vegetable greenhouses, more people can be exposed to the modern agricultural industry, form a modern concept, and achieve long-term prosperity." Chen Jianwei, Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission for Aid to Tibet and East Asia, said that before the relocation, villagers mainly relied on the income of cattle and sheep to subsidize their families, while male compatriots went out to work and seek survival. Now, stable employment and income can be achieved at their doorstep, and more and more people are "returning to work in the village".

Chen Jianwei also revealed a news that recently, under the joint efforts of the Shanghai Municipal Liaison Group for the 10th batch of Tibetan aid cadres, the Municipal Tibetan Office and the Yadong Liaison Group, a cultural and creative enterprise of the "Old Xizang Spirit" Association officially settled in Pangda Village, which is also the first enterprise registered in a well-off village. This enterprise will coordinate and coordinate the resources of the association, and collaborate with cultural and creative facilities such as the Sunci Ren Cultural and Creative Studio and Archery Hall in Pangda Village to promote the high-quality development of cultural and tourism integration in Pangda Village.

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