Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 04:21 AM

"Xiaodu, help me connect with Grandma Chen." "Grandma Chen, how are you lately? In hot weather, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling." "I'm doing pretty well lately, thank you for your concern."

Aunt Wu from Shiquan Road Street is an old volunteer. Previously, she would come to visit paired elderly people once a week. When there was a high floor and no elevator, she had to climb the stairs step by step. This was very difficult for her, who was also an elderly person. When she was in poor physical condition, she could only make phone calls to greet paired elderly people and could not directly see their condition. Now with the "N Xiaodu" intelligent assistant, Aunt Wu can directly video chat with elderly people, not only fully grasp the actual situation of paired elderly people, but also alleviate the loneliness of elderly people living alone.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

"N Xiaodu" is an intelligent companion provided by Shiquan Road Street for the elderly, with functions such as video calls, voice daily reminders, and emergency calls. Currently, it covers 204 key care objects in the community. On the one hand, staff can inspect the health status of elderly people at home and understand their actual situation at home. On the other hand, the elderly can connect with the staff by phone through "N Xiaodu". Especially when the elderly encounter danger at home and shout to Xiaodu, "Xiaodu Xiaodu, help me", "N Xiaodu" will automatically call the staff. The staff will immediately activate the emergency response plan upon receiving the call to solve the elderly's home crisis.

The relevant person in charge of Shiquan Road Street told reporters that the "Reliable Quan Line" one click communication for the elderly service system project is the 2.0 version of the smart home elderly care era in Shiquan Road Street. Through the technology carrier of small smart speakers, the elderly living alone are organically combined with volunteers and service platforms, building a fast information channel for the elderly living alone who have difficulties and respond to their needs. This is also one of the top ten model rooms for elderly services recently built by Shiquan Road Street.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

The silver haired generation welcomes the dream of transforming their homes

The dilapidated buildings, mixed pedestrian and vehicular passages, and outdated facilities are a common portrait of the former Luyi residential area and many old neighborhoods. Since 2020, Shiquan Road Street has started the renovation of the roof and related facilities in Lujiazhai residential area, and has successively completed the renovation of adding access control facilities, constructing pedestrian walkways, and improving the greening of the community. However, as the aging population intensifies, the physical functions of the elderly deteriorate, and familiar environments become more inconvenient - there are no call facilities at home, the bathroom lacks handrails, and the lighting at home is dim... More and more elderly people living alone or empty nests are facing difficulties in movement and lack of care. As of the end of December 2022, the proportion of elderly people in Shiquan Road Street has reached 47%, and the elderly have a very urgent need for services such as smart homes, health monitoring, and medical assistance.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

At present, Shiquan Road Street has embedded the concept of "aging friendly" into community management, selecting the Luyi community built in the 1980s with 1192 households to create a modern demonstration community for elderly services. Through a collaborative model led by the street, involving enterprises, providing social assistance, and empowering district level agencies, we have created ten elderly service model rooms, including "Xiaoqin Square, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Intelligent Rehabilitation Station, Leyi Butler, Meili Loudao, Reliable Spring Line as Old Space, Smart Health Cabin, Aging Adaptable Renovation Model Room, Elevated Workshop, Leyi Shared Space, and Leyi Assisted Meal Point," focusing on six major elderly service scenarios. Aiming to accelerate the filling of the gaps in elderly care services through the dual improvement of hardware facilities and software services, and transform "elderly care" into "enjoying old age".

Among them, the "aging friendly" renovation model room created by the Party and Mass Service Center in the Luyi residential area has attracted the attention of many elderly residents. Xi Wang, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Luyi Residential Area, told reporters that the Party Branch of the Luyi Residential Area has taken the lead in designing a survey questionnaire on elderly care needs. There is a considerable demand for aging friendly renovation in residential areas. After initial investigation, neighborhood committee officials visited key targets and carried out one-on-one explanation work.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

A more than 30 square meter aging friendly renovation model room is meticulously designed according to the high-frequency living scenes and life flow lines of the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom for the elderly.

In the bedroom model room, the main display is the intelligent medical bed, which has auxiliary functions of getting up, lifting legs, and turning over. It also has a toilet hole, making it convenient for elderly people in need to use the toilet. In the kitchen model room, emphasis is placed on the spatial needs of elderly people for storage, washing, operation, cooking, and other behaviors, in order to eliminate spatial barriers for elderly people to carry out cooking operations. For example, unlike traditional flat cabinets, the stove has an additional concave design, making it easier for elderly people using wheelchairs to push in; The hanging cabinet is also designed with induction lifting, allowing for easy retrieval of items without getting up. The restroom area is equipped with handrails in areas where elderly people need to get up or sit down, such as toilets and shower areas; The angle of the bathroom mirror is tilted downwards, making it convenient for elderly people in wheelchairs to use.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

72 year old Grandma Xu was one of the first families to enjoy aging friendly upgrades. As she and her spouse grew older, they encountered many inconveniences in their daily lives, especially when it was difficult to get up from the toilet or after a shower, and they had encountered the danger of almost slipping. My family had previously consulted with a decoration company and wanted to renovate our home. However, because it was only a partial update, the decoration company was not willing to accept orders. After learning that there were suitable aging renovations in the residential area, she applied. Within a few days, a professional unit came to inspect the site. "From the renovation to its use, it only took a week, which surprised the elderly couple," she said

It is reported that after the appearance of the model room, residents can choose a single product that best meets their family's needs for ordering, achieving a "micro update" of the home, and can also carry out a comprehensive renovation focused on improving quality. At present, through the project concept of "government subsidy", "enterprises give way" and "the elderly give a little", the elderly who have registered residence in the city and live in the area of jurisdiction and are over 60 years old can enjoy a certain amount of subsidies when applying for transformation.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

Forming a cultural atmosphere of "filial piety and respect for the elderly"

In recent months, the "micro updates" in the Luyi residential area have also been quietly carried out. Among them, the needs of the elderly have been placed in an important position. Extending from home to the hallway, and then from the hallway to the community and block, the street continues to carry out aging friendly micro renovation on the basis of focusing on the safety and health needs of the elderly.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

At Xiaoqin Square, projects such as the isolation barrier at the entrance, leisure seats, laying the Xiaoqin Square slow track, and installing new flower boxes have been gradually completed. Nowadays, the newly renovated sunny greenway is lush and the exterior facade of the house is refreshed. Groups of elderly people sit around the filial piety square, chatting leisurely. Not far away, there is a red "old friend" booth that looks like a telephone booth. Entering it, the elderly can use various functions such as one click car hailing, pension inquiry, 12345 video sign language, and AI photo studio.

On the basis of facility construction, the street has upgraded and created the "Leyi Meal Help Point", providing ordering and meal assistance services to groups with dining needs in the Luyi community and surrounding areas. For elderly people with mobility difficulties, they will work together with social welfare teams or community volunteers to provide door-to-door delivery services. We also rely on the Lantian Party and Mass Service Center to create a "music and art shared space" that includes various functional spaces such as reading corners, entertainment rooms, reception halls, and senior schools, according to the needs of elderly people's entertainment, leisure, and social learning. We provide a shared garden for elderly people to read and make friends, play chess and chat, exercise, and discuss meetings. We also provide practical courses such as psychological counseling, legal aid, fraud prevention, and smartphone operation.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

In the smart health cabin, the reporter saw that on the basis of the original community health service station, this place has been re planned and upgraded to a one-stop health station at the doorstep that includes functions such as health self-service testing, health self-assessment, health guidance and intervention, and traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and testing. According to the needs of the elderly, the site has strengthened the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and introduced advanced instruments such as tongue and pulse signals, physical fitness identification collection analyzers, etc., to generate exclusive health diagnosis and evaluation reports for each patient, and provide guidance on traditional Chinese medicine health care for treatment reference, helping the elderly prevent and treat chronic diseases.

The wisdom of the Party and Mass Service Center in the Luyi residential area is the old digital screen, which allows the elderly to have the most intuitive view of basic information such as the Luyi community's elderly service projects, the situation of the elderly in the community, the distribution of the community grid, and the pairing situation of the "second tier", achieving a "one screen view of the community". At the same time, elderly care consultants are equipped on site to provide "one click visualization" problem collection, handling, referral, and feedback services for the elderly, and a "one-stop" self-service machine is set up to facilitate the elderly to handle government affairs nearby.

Shanghai is creating the "Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms" on this street, with an aging rate of up to 47%. Intelligent | Service | Shanghai

Zhao Defen, who lives in the residential area of Luyi, told reporters that there is an 89 year old man in the community. Five years ago, he was sent to a nursing home by his children. After returning recently, he was very happy to see these changes in the community. He said that he had solved all the problems of eating, seeking medical treatment, and leisure at his doorstep, and there was also an emergency video call function to provide support. He refused to return to the nursing home no matter how hard he was! "We feel that the launch of the 'Top Ten Elderly Service Model Rooms' in the community not only brings convenience to the elderly, but also creates a cultural atmosphere of filial piety and respect for the elderly."

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