How does the elderly experience using it?, Minhang has installed "one click communication" for over 8000 elderly people living alone on Xinsong Road in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District | Problem | Elderly

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:53 AM

"Have you been doing well lately? Do you have a regular lifestyle?" Early in the morning, Wu Deqiang, an octogenarian living alone on Xinsong Road in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District, received a daily care call from the Minhang Kanglefu Elderly Care Service Hotline. The caregiver not only inquired about his physical and mental condition, but also instructed the elderly to pay attention to heatstroke prevention, cooling down, and travel safety. In addition to thanking him, Mr. Wu also chatted and interacted with his "old friend" on the other end of the phone.

In fact, Uncle Wu is in good health and lives relatively independently, so he doesn't need special care in his daily life. However, after his spouse passed away, he lived alone, and his daughter and son-in-law were busy with work and found it difficult to take care of the elderly personally, which made them somewhat worried. Ms. Wu, the daughter, found the one click clearance love platform to apply for installation and access care services for the elderly.

The platform has customized two weekly care phone calls for the elderly based on their specific situation, highlighting service and safety information, caring for their health, mood, and emotions, providing daily safety information, creating a sense of companionship and security, and making family members and the elderly more at ease. If the elderly encounter an emergency, they can dial the phone with just one click to seek help. At present, Mr. Wu's life is positive, optimistic, and orderly, and he has also sent a thank-you banner to the One Click Platform.

It is understood that since the beginning of this year, more than 8000 elderly people like Mr. Wu who live alone and other elderly people in need in the entire Minhang district have been connected to the one click clearance love platform, enjoying various caring services provided by full-time caregivers. The platform is equipped with 24-hour call agents to answer, record, and process incoming calls from elderly people. Various professional agents and dedicated management personnel are also available to ensure that elderly people can receive calls at any time of the day and maintain a 100% follow-up rate.

How does the elderly experience using it?, Minhang has installed "one click communication" for over 8000 elderly people living alone on Xinsong Road in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District | Problem | Elderly

So, what types of elderly people's help calls have been received by the "One Click Communication" backend? According to statistics, from February to June 2023, the total number of calls to the platform was 12985, with 75 for emergency assistance, 127 for non emergency assistance, 1919 for one click consultation, 75 for one click calling, 13 for one click registration, and 774 for daily life services. Among them, first aid is the most hardcore need, while consultation and companionship are the most common needs.

Many people are curious about this: can elderly people really solve problems with just one phone call when they suddenly feel uncomfortable or encounter trouble?

In response to this, Zhang Yuanying, the operator of the Minhang Kanglefu Elderly Care Service Hotline Platform and the person in charge of Huamao Health, told reporters, "Behind the 'one click' is actually efficient resource integration and meticulous elderly services. We need to eliminate the digital divide as much as possible to make the elderly 'numb'. For example, when calling a car with one click, the elderly make a phone call, and behind it is the coordination and details confirmation of five or six phone calls. In order to prevent missing, caregivers will also negotiate with the driver the most convenient boarding location and remind the elderly to go downstairs about how long it will take, and they must wait at the designated location and not leave... For example, in terms of maintenance services, we have connected with the size of the surrounding elderly community." Suppliers can mobilize personnel to provide various repair services at any time... Smart elderly care is about 'eating' service. "

Unlike Uncle Wu Deqiang, Dai Guizhang, an 88 year old man living on Pule Road in Meilong Town, has a poor heart condition, and his demand for the One Click Platform is mainly focused on medical assistance. In March and April of this year alone, the elderly's family members contacted the platform four times to help call 120 emergency numbers.

How does the elderly experience using it?, Minhang has installed "one click communication" for over 8000 elderly people living alone on Xinsong Road in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District | Problem | Elderly

The old man's son Dai Jinlong recalled that at 5:11 pm on March 6th, Mr. Dai suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, difficulty breathing, and had a bad appetite and less food during those days. He anxiously dialed the one click to talk button for the elderly, hoping that the platform could help urgently call an ambulance. After quickly understanding the situation, the caregiver immediately dialed the 120 emergency phone number. Two minutes later, the caregiver called back to inform Mr. Dai that the ambulance had departed. In the end, the elderly person was promptly sent to Minhang District Central Hospital for treatment.

However, two days later in the afternoon, Mr. Dai contacted the One Click Platform again, hoping to help contact 120 again - his father, Mr. Dai, still felt chest tightness and couldn't breathe after treatment, and the situation was urgent. The caregiver immediately contacted 120 and informed the 120 operator in advance of the elderly's health status based on the "one person, one file" information in the system. The 120 platform immediately dispatched a vehicle to transport the elderly to the hospital for emergency treatment. Dai Jinlong said that during his father's four emergency treatments, it was thanks to the efficient and professional assistance of the One Click Platform, otherwise it would have been difficult to overcome the difficulties so quickly and smoothly.

According to insiders, by the end of 2022, there will be more than 5.53 million elderly people aged 60 and above with registered residence in Shanghai, and the whole society will face many challenges in coping with the pension problem. For example, there is a significant gap in the existing elderly care service personnel in this city, and the overall age is older and the education level is lower; Some districts do not have a thorough understanding of the needs and conditions of the elderly; Family elderly care is not fully prepared yet; The elderly care service model still needs to be innovated, and the service content still needs to be improved. How to provide efficient and accurate services to the elderly with relatively limited human and material resources is currently a difficult problem that requires active efforts to solve.

"When the elderly access the one touch call hotline service platform, they get to know a friend and family who are always online." Cai Qing, Director of Health Operations of Chinachem, said that the elderly who live alone in Minhang District and have registered residence in Minhang District, as well as other elderly who live alone and need special attention, can apply for the one touch call service phone. The master will install the phone at the appointed time, teach the elderly to use the phone hand by hand, and ask the elderly about their daily life difficulties and concerns. Through early communication and the accumulation of caring phone calls twice a week, the platform has gradually formed a "one person, one file" system, providing diversified and caring services for the elderly. "Elderly people who apply for the installation of One Touch Communication can basically answer and communicate normally as long as they have a landline phone, smartphone, or elderly phone in their residence."

How does the elderly experience using it?, Minhang has installed "one click communication" for over 8000 elderly people living alone on Xinsong Road in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District | Problem | Elderly

It is reported that the one click communication platform can provide information and service consultations on life, medical care, law, education, culture, sports, and other aspects based on the specific needs of the elderly, and track and supervise the service process and follow-up service results. The platform will also summarize and analyze service data, following the principle of "one person, one file", and pay special attention to emergency assistance for groups such as elderly people living alone, elderly people living alone, and elderly people from pure elderly families during caring calls. It will provide proxy calls of 120, 110, and 119, contact family members or emergency contacts, and provide emergency guidance, rescue tracking, and other services over the phone. This year, the hotline platform has upgraded its business content and provided services such as psychological counseling, policy interpretation, one click car hailing, and one click registration for the elderly.

After ten years of deep cultivation in the elderly care service industry, Zhang Yuanying candidly stated that elderly care services require information technology support and empowerment, with limited manpower and resources to improve service efficiency, accuracy, and benefits. At the same time, it is also necessary to innovate and enrich the models and content of serving the elderly. "We have been exploring ways to upgrade our one click hotline services, such as collaborating with 'old friends' volunteers for mutual assistance when unable to reach the families or emergency contacts of elderly people living alone or pairing with' time bank 'young and energetic elderly volunteers, in order to better serve the elderly and meet their diverse needs."

It is understood that Minhang District will consider opening up a one click service platform while serving the elderly who have already been connected to the platform, to provide considerate services for more elderly people and other groups in need in the district.

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