My embassy in South Korea reminds me: There are scammers whose virtual numbers match the embassy phone number for remittances | transfers | scammers

Release time:Jun 04, 2024 17:38 PM

Recently, Chinese citizens in South Korea have repeatedly reported to the embassy in South Korea that they have received fraudulent calls from people pretending to be embassy staff. The caller ID phone number is consistent with the number listed on the embassy website. The fraudster falsely claims that the client's domestic identity information has been stolen and is suspected of committing a crime, and provides a false domestic "public security agency" phone number for the client to verify. After receiving the call, the so-called "public security agency" personnel claim that the situation is true and that a "deposit" must be paid, tricking the client into reporting to the designated Account transfer. Fortunately, the person involved saw through the scam in time and did not suffer any financial losses.

The Embassy in South Korea reminds all Chinese citizens in South Korea to be more alert to the above-mentioned fraud methods and strengthen prevention:

1. Scammers may fabricate fake caller numbers through technical means. If you have any doubts about the call, you can verify it by contacting the consular protection and assistance phone number or email address of the embassy or consulate in South Korea.

2. Domestic “public prosecutorial and judicial” agencies will not handle cases over the phone or online.

3. If a stranger asks you to transfer money or pay a "deposit", please be wary of fraud.

4. If you are unfortunately defrauded, please contact the remitting and receiving banks as soon as possible to try to freeze the transfer. Immediately report to the local police station in South Korea. If the payment is transferred through a domestic bank, the police can be reported to the public security bureau at the place of residence at the same time.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Hotline:

Consular protection and assistance phone number of the Embassy in South Korea:

Consular Protection and Assistance Telephone Number of the Consulate General in Busan:

Consular protection and assistance phone number of the Consulate General in Gwangju:

Consular protection and assistance phone number of the Consulate General in Jeju:

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