Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:27 AM

A few days ago, after nearly 18 hours of continuous operation, the first pier of the Chongqi Public Railway Yangtze River Bridge approach on the Shanghai Chongqing Chengdu high-speed railway from Shanghai to Nanjing to Hefei section was successfully poured. This not only marks the comprehensive acceleration stage of the bridge construction, but also reflects the high-quality development of Chongming's transportation industry and regional economy and society.

On July 28th, the Chongming special session of the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences was held. The reporter learned at the meeting that the Chongming Line of rail transit and the Chongming section of the Shanghai Chongqing Chengdu high-speed railway are currently progressing smoothly, and supporting transportation projects are also steadily being implemented. In addition, based on ecological advantages, Chongming actively develops advantageous industries such as urban modern agriculture and advanced marine equipment manufacturing, creating a national ecological civilization business card and a benchmark for green development in the Yangtze River.

The construction of high-speed rail's "South Tunnel and North Bridge" is steadily advancing

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

The high-speed railway along the Yangtze River starts in Shanghai and ends in Hefei, Anhui. The cross river passage of the North Yangtze River high-speed railway has the saying of "South Tunnel North Bridge": using the Chongtai Yangtze River Tunnel to cross the southern branch of the Yangtze River, and using the Chongqi Public Railway Yangtze River Bridge to cross the northern branch of the Yangtze River.

At the end of last year, the "South Tunnel" - Chongtai Yangtze River Tunnel had entered the substantive construction stage. This tunnel connects Chongming in Shanghai and Taicang in Jiangsu, and is a river bottom tunnel that crosses the Yangtze River. It is 14250 meters long and designed with double tracks, 350 kilometers per hour, and ballastless tracks. The single head excavation length reaches 11.35 kilometers, making it the longest single head excavation distance, shield tunnel excavation diameter, and pipe segment outer diameter high-speed railway cross river tunnel project in China. After the tunnel is completed, it is expected to take only 17 minutes from Chongming via Taicang to Baoshan Station in Shanghai.

The "North Bridge" - Chongqi Gongtie Yangtze River Bridge is the world's largest span double tower double cable surface ballastless track cable-stayed bridge under construction, and is a control node project for the high-speed railway from Shanghai to Nanjing to Hefei. The southern approach bridge of the North Bridge is over 830 meters long, while the northern approach bridge is over a thousand meters long, with a total of 69 piers. The approach bridge is a transitional bridge connecting the main bridge with the Chongming Grand Bridge and the Qidong Grand Bridge. The first one to be poured recently was the rectangular pier cap of Pier 5 of the North Approach Bridge.

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

Renderings of Chongqi Public Railway Yangtze River Bridge

At the press conference, Miao Jing, Secretary of the Chongming District Committee, stated that the excavation of the foundation pit for the third vertical shaft of the Chongming section of the Shanghai Chongqing Chengdu high-speed railway is currently progressing. 414 drilled piles have been completed for the 19 kilometer Chongming Extra Large Bridge, and it is expected to complete civil construction by 2028 and open to traffic in 2029. After completion, it will be integrated into the national high-speed railway network. In addition, the shield tunneling machines for Nangang and Beigang on the Chongming Rail Transit Line have been successfully launched, and it is expected to complete civil construction by 2026, striving to open to traffic as soon as possible.

The comprehensive transportation hub construction project at Chenjia Town Station, Chentong Road construction project, and Chennan Road construction project, which are implemented around the rail transit and high-speed rail stations, have been included in the fifth round of the three-year action plan for Chongming's world-class ecological island construction and will soon be launched for implementation.

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

"We will improve the efficiency of transportation conversion between entering and exiting the island, promote the construction of comprehensive transportation hubs such as high-speed rail Chongming Station and rail transit Chenjia Town Station with high standards, and promote the efficient connection of various transportation modes. At the same time, we are also planning to launch new energy vehicle sharing vehicles, not only to solve the 'last mile' problem, but also to solve the 'last thirty to forty kilometers' problem, better meeting people's travel needs on the island." Miao Jing said.

Establish an agricultural group and build an ecological industry system

Transportation is the "blood transfusion" for regional development, while industry is the "engine" of regional development. At the press conference, Li Jun, the mayor of Chongming District, stated that Chongming focuses on leading industries such as urban modern agriculture and advanced marine equipment manufacturing, and strives to innovate ways to realize ecological advantages.

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

Recently, there have been many "group companies" in the agricultural field of Chongming. Last year, Shanghai Chongming Vegetable Development Group Co., Ltd. was established, and more than 40 cooperatives have participated in the operation of the vegetable group, with a total of 18000 acres of green leafy vegetable base. This will provide Chongming real estate vegetables with an opportunity to connect with a larger market. In addition to the Vegetable Group, Chongming Rice Industry Group, Chongming River Crab Group, and Chongming White Goat Group have all been established one after another.

"At the same time as establishing these group companies, we also establish an industrial consortium of 'leading enterprises+industrial alliances+industry associations', which unifies production standards, regional brands, and sales standards. Through group development, we make the supply and quality of agricultural products more stable, and promote the expansion of production and improvement of quality of characteristic agricultural products." Li Jun said.

In addition, agricultural technological innovation represented by seed source agriculture has recently continued to promote the modernization of agriculture in Chongming. In April this year, Chongming joined forces with the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University to establish the Chongming Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Alliance and merge it into the Chongming Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Incubation Park. Currently, 20 technology co construction platforms in the alliance are in operation, including the Key Laboratory of Grain and Oil Crop Germplasm Innovation and Genetic Improvement.

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

In terms of the marine equipment industry, Chongming takes the construction of the National Marine Economic Development Demonstration Zone as the starting point, targeting high-end shipbuilding and marine engineering manufacturing, and focusing on introducing and cultivating a group of upstream and downstream enterprises in the marine equipment field, covering research and development, design, and supporting facilities, to accelerate the construction of a billion level marine equipment industry cluster.

In terms of cultural and tourism, Chongming actively cultivates new formats in the cultural and tourism industry, introducing and cultivating tourism products such as camping bases, RV campsites, industrial tourism, and night play. "In the first half of the year, we held events such as the Flower Festival and the Cycling Tour around Chongming Island. In the second half of the year, we will hold activities such as the Rural Cultural Tourism Festival and the Bicycle Carnival, welcoming citizens and tourists to come and experience Chongming. We will further improve the infrastructure and supporting facilities, so that everyone will not want to leave when they come, but still want to come when they leave," said the relevant person in charge of Chongming District.

"Hemei Island" is rejuvenated with new vitality

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

A world-class ecological island is not static or pristine, but rather vibrant and orderly flowing with various "flows". Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources of China released a list of "Hemei Islands", with a total of 33 islands selected, and Chongming Island is one of them.

In recent years, the integration and development of business, culture, agriculture, tourism and sports in Chongming have led to more and more coffee shops taking root in rural areas, and coffee culture has deeply integrated into Chongming. Last month, the first Chongming District Coffee Life Festival opened in Miao Town, attracting nearly 20 coffee brands from the entire district to participate, including franchise chain brands, homestay owned stores, independent cafes and other various formats. The increase in coffee index is also a reflection of the vitality of Chongming District to a certain extent.

The reporter learned from the press conference that currently Chongming has successfully created 14 municipal level demonstration villages for rural revitalization and 45 municipal level demonstration villages for beautiful countryside. The ecological, economic, and aesthetic values of rural areas continue to be highlighted. In terms of public service supply, Chongming has innovatively implemented systems such as ecological employment, ecological welfare insurance, and ecological pension subsidies, promoting the benefits of ecological development to more people. In terms of urban renewal, the renovation of "urban villages" in Limin Village, Chengqiao Town is accelerating, and the renovation of incomplete employee housing and small beam and thin plate houses is progressing in an orderly manner. The first batch of physical resettlement houses for relatively concentrated farmers have been completed and handed over.

Chongming to Baoshan only takes 17 minutes! In the future, Chongming will be more accessible, and after the completion of the "South Tunnel and North Bridge", Chongming | Ecology | South Tunnel and North Bridge

Not long ago, Hemu Jiayuan, located in Gangxi Town, Chongming District, has started delivering houses in batches. This is currently the largest relatively concentrated residential project for farmers in the city, and more than 3600 households will move in in the future. The project is equipped with 7000 square meters of commercial and supporting service rooms, neighborhood interactive activity rooms, and 9000 square meters of elderly care centers. Residents can enjoy convenient transportation, commercial, and elderly care services. Moreover, all residential roofs in Hemu Jiayuan are equipped with rooftop photovoltaics, and the electricity generated by over 5500 photovoltaic panels with a total area of over 18000 square meters has been successfully integrated into the Chongming power grid.

Currently, Chongming is accelerating its green and low-carbon transformation, scientifically laying out a green energy supply and consumption system. At the end of last year, the total installed capacity of renewable energy in Chongming District reached 593000 kilowatts, and the proportion of renewable energy generation on Chongming Island to the total social electricity consumption ranked first in the city.

Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas
Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas

Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry
It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry

On June 30th, the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone in Shanghai held a concentrated groundbreaking ceremony for major industrial projects in 2023. Seven manufacturing projects, including Foster, Junjian Junze, and Aohua Endoscopy, began construction simultaneously, involving major equipment, biopharmaceuticals, new materials, fine chemicals, and productive service industries. It is understood that the 7 projects under construction this time have a total investment amount of 1.868 billion yuan, covering a total area of 134.48 acres. Among them, four new land acquisition projects and three existing renovation and expansion projects are expected to increase taxes by about 400 million yuan and increase production value by about 5 billion yuan after production. All 7 projects are in line with Minhang's "4+4" industrial positioning. The Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has started construction on 7 industrial projects in the same area, making manufacturing a key driving force for the park's economic development, while promoting the high-end and intelligent manufacturing industry in Minhang

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Why Shanghai's "Project" Continuously Rises, 30 Years of Method | Service | Shanghai

In summer, Yang Quan, a delivery rider from Lincang, Yunnan, has once again encountered the toughest delivery season of the year. However, his heart is steadfast: the "Warm New Nest" new employment group service station in front of the Zhaofeng Square in Zhongshan Park is a harbor for him and his colleagues to shelter from wind and rain throughout the year, regardless of the extreme cold or heat. This is one of the many "warm new nests" in Changning District. Yang Quan, born on the banks of the Lancang River and born in the 1990s, did not know that in the bustling city center of Shanghai, many people used to live in shabby houses, some of whom also faced insurmountable difficulties such as serious illness and unemployment. The Huayang Road Street in Changning District, where Zhaofeng Square is located, is one of them. 30 years ago, grassroots cadres in Huayang visited day and night to understand the living conditions of all the disadvantaged groups and helped them solve difficulties one by one. From then on, a person who understands people

Do young people face three job search dilemmas? Shanghai Jinshan Holds a Theme Day Event for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates | Entrepreneurship | Jinshan
Do young people face three job search dilemmas? Shanghai Jinshan Holds a Theme Day Event for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates | Entrepreneurship | Jinshan

On the afternoon of June 19th, the 2023 "Yangui Jinshan · Employment in the Bay Area" theme day for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in the annuity mountainous area was held at the Haikuo Dong'an Cultural and Creative Industry Park. A series of activities were held on site, including the release of employment brochures, sharing of employment and entrepreneurship experiences, high-quality enterprise roadshows and talent recruitment, display of employment work achievements, comprehensive launch of seedling raising ceremony, and special recruitment activities, attracting a large number of key enterprises, internship bases, and college students to attend. It is worth noting that 52 companies participated in the on-site job fair that day, providing 212 positions and recruiting 570 people, with salaries generally ranging from 7000 yuan to 10000 yuan; Nearly 300 people entered the venue, received 238 resumes, and initially reached employment intentions for 75 people. At the launch ceremony, a skit titled "You and I on the Road to Job Seeking" was performed,

The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum
The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum

On June 13th, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission and the Shanghai Municipal Oceanic Bureau, the "Exploration of Deep Blue: China Ocean Science and Deep Diving Exhibition" jointly organized by the China Maritime Museum and the Shanghai Marine Management Affairs Center was officially launched at the China Maritime Museum. The exhibition will be held in the second temporary exhibition hall of the museum and will last until October 8, 2023. This exhibition is the second exhibition of the "Contemporary China Maritime Equipment Series Exhibition" launched by the China Maritime Museum, following the "Blue Ship Theory". The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Comprehensive Science Examination", "Professional Science Examination", "Special Science Examination", and "Guarding the Blue Ocean". From the perspectives of technology, equipment, and nature, the exhibition focuses on showcasing the brilliant achievements of contemporary China's marine science examination and deep diving industry, explaining the harmonious coexistence between humans and the ocean, strengthening ocean awareness education, and helping to promote marine culture