There are also gold medal winners from the 2005 generation! This competition in Shanghai is of great significance. The minimum age for players is 16, and the maximum age is 60. Skills | Talents | Players

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:39 PM

After nearly two months, the first comprehensive vocational skills competition in Shanghai, which has the highest specifications, largest scale, and most projects, has finally come to an end. The reporter saw at the closing ceremony that the contestants swept away the tense mood before the competition, appearing very relaxed. They also carry an expectation for the future. Originally, the 109 official competition events of this competition were fully connected to the second National Vocational Skills Competition to be held in Tianjin in September this year. This is not only for selecting outstanding players for the national competition, but also for reserving players for the 47th World Skills Competition to be held in Lyon, France next year.

"Next, we need to work hard to prepare for the competition and strive to bring glory to our country and add color to Shanghai!" The words of Zeng Xiaojun, the gold medalist in the health and social care project of this competition, expressed the hearts of many award-winning contestants.

Contestants must be at least 16 years old and at most 60 years old

From the industrial control project expert of the 43rd to 45th World Skills Competition, to the venue zoning manager of the 46th World Skills Competition, Yuan Hairong, the presiding judge of Industry 4.0 in the Second Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China, and the head of the technical department of Siemens Limited, has been associated with the Skills Competition for a long time. This time he has a new identity - the presiding judge of the industrial control project in the first Shanghai Vocational Skills Competition.

"We have basically used the team base of the 46th World Championships." Li Ye, Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Branch of the Shanghai Vocational Skills Appraisal Center, introduced that this competition fully absorbs the advanced concepts and competition modes of the World Championships, and fully adopts the World Championships' standards in technical standards, organizational models, work teams, project settings, and other aspects. We continuously explore the integration with the World Championships' competition modes, forming a new competition mode with international level, Chinese characteristics, and Shanghai characteristics.

There are also gold medal winners from the 2005 generation! This competition in Shanghai is of great significance. The minimum age for players is 16, and the maximum age is 60. Skills | Talents | Players

Unlike the previous impression of younger age and lower education of skill competition participants, the competition continuously expands the source of participants. The first competition showcased the characteristics of professionalism, high education, and broad participation, including not only teachers and students from vocational colleges, but also doctoral researchers, as well as practitioners from various enterprises in the industry. The oldest is a 60 year old interior decoration design project contestant, and the youngest is a furniture making project contestant, who is only 16 years old. Jiang Chenqi, born in 2005, has even won a gold medal in the floral event. Li Ye stated that the continuous expansion of source channels plays an important role in cultivating reserve skilled talents and optimizing the multi-level athlete team.

In addition, this competition is not only a skills competition, but also a skills carnival, a skills exchange platform that integrates competition, display, experience, and observation. During the competition, previous gold medal winners, project chief experts, competition field experts, and others shared the message of "skills create a better future", enjoying future careers and skills, and striving to create a good social atmosphere that focuses on skills, participates in skills, and achieves success.

The competition setting is closely integrated with actual needs

Regardless of the world or national competitions, previous skill competitions have never encouraged "closed door construction" or deviation from practical applications, but have always closely combined practical needs and technical standards to set up events. This competition continues this purpose. In the words of Yuan Hairong, "The standards of the World Competition come from the needs of various professional job positions. Through the World Competition, we can cultivate more skilled talents who meet the job requirements in the era of intelligent manufacturing.".

Taking the Industry 4.0 project as an example, contestants need to complete four modules within two days: workstation programming, debugging and operation, industrial network networking and security, digital twins and simulation, and industrial application software development. "Although it is not a small challenge for them, these technologies are perfectly matched with the technologies actually used by our company," said Yuan Hairong. As a result, skilled talents selected through competitions and systematic training have become the "hot cakes" in the eyes of enterprises, often receiving olive branches from well-known domestic and foreign companies before graduation.

There are also gold medal winners from the 2005 generation! This competition in Shanghai is of great significance. The minimum age for players is 16, and the maximum age is 60. Skills | Talents | Players

Industry 4.0 project competition site

At the same time, the competition is closely focused on the needs of Shanghai's economic and social development and industrial transformation and upgrading. It is understood that this competition focuses on major strategic deployments and important industrial development in the city, closely following the trend of new skill development. Led by the three major industries of integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence, the competition focuses on selecting projects involving six key industries: electronic information, life and health, automobiles, high-end equipment, advanced materials, and fashion consumer goods.

Li Ye introduced that in the Occupational Classification Code of the People's Republic of China Occupational Classification Ceremony recently released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 97 of the 158 new occupations added net were digital occupations. "In terms of vocational skills competition work, we have made a key layout in the digital economy track this time." He said that out of the 109 competition projects in this competition, nearly half of them are related to digital technology. This is a manifestation of cultivating and selecting excellent digital skills talents in the form of skills competitions.

Shen Yuan, the gold medalist of the All Media Operations project in this competition, is pursuing a new career. She came to participate on the recommendation of Migu Video Technology Co., Ltd. Her training at the company has improved my creative planning and video editing abilities, and through the competition, I have further deepened my understanding of all media operations.

The average annual salary of skilled talents in enterprises has exceeded 160000 yuan

There are also gold medal winners from the 2005 generation! This competition in Shanghai is of great significance. The minimum age for players is 16, and the maximum age is 60. Skills | Talents | Players

Yesterday, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security also announced in advance the wage prices for the 2022 enterprise skilled talent market. According to statistics, in 2022, the average annual salary of skilled talents in enterprises in this city was 162200 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.4%, which is the same as the previous year. The growth rate and growth rate are both the highest in the past five years. Among them, the average annual salary of senior technicians is 238400 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%, the highest increase in nearly five years.

Chen Beiyi, Director of the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced that the wage price data of the enterprise skilled talent market comes from the enterprise salary survey uniformly deployed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China. In 2022, a total of 3781 enterprises and 1.0579 million workers were surveyed in this city, covering various economic types such as state-owned, foreign-funded, and private enterprises, as well as large, medium, and small micro enterprises in various industries such as manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, and postal services, information transmission software, and information technology services.

The survey found that the wages of skilled talents have accelerated, with a total increase of 34% in the past five years, exceeding the overall growth rate of professional and technical personnel by 12 percentage points. There are more skilled workers, and more skilled workers increase. The high salary for senior technicians is 399100 yuan. The higher the skill level, the more obvious the advantage of salary growth with age. It is worth mentioning that in the past, the salary level of "blue collar" workers was lower than that of "white-collar" and "gold collar" workers, but now some skilled talents have higher salaries than their peers in professional technology and management. From the growth rate in the past four years, the median salary of highly skilled talents has increased by 23%, which is 10 percentage points higher than that of senior professional titles and 9 percentage points higher than that of intermediate professional titles. In addition, the high salaries of highly skilled talents in the three leading industries all exceed the average salary of skilled talents.

"The wage price range we have released is very popular among enterprises and workers, who believe it is an important reference for promoting collective wage negotiations." Chen Beiyi said that in order to promote the linkage between skill level evaluation results and talent use and treatment, Shanghai will include two indicators: "internal salary distribution within enterprises is tilted towards technology talents, high skilled talents, and frontline production and service positions" and "the salary growth rate of skilled talents is higher than the average growth rate of employees in this unit" in the creation of harmonious labor relations enterprises in this city, guiding enterprises to improve the treatment of skilled talents, so that those who work hard will receive more and those with higher skills will receive higher salaries. ".

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The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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