Don't set limits on yourself. The representative contact station in Huangpu is located at Zhilian Recruitment: the representative is in the employment clarification salon for fresh graduates. Park | Youth | Contact Station

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 10:52 AM

"I am very confused now, very confused!" 27 year old Xiao Xu used "confusion" to describe his current personal job search status. A physics graduate next to him confided in his worries, "Physics is highly specialized, and as an undergraduate student, it seems difficult to find a suitable job without pursuing graduate studies."

"I am a sophomore student majoring in Supply Chain Management and I would like to learn more about employment related information." The speech of the sophomore boy suddenly intensified the tense atmosphere on site, with some whispering, "I started preparing for my sophomore year. Looking for a job is so overwhelming!" However, there were also "Buddhist" graduates. Originally, more than ten students had registered for the event, but a few were cancelled near the meeting.

This is a youth employment empowerment salon held on August 23rd at Mengzhiyuan Zhilian Recruitment Company. Since the beginning of this year, the People's Congress Working Committee of Dapuqiao Street has actively assisted in community employment services, setting up the NPC representative liaison station in Mengzhi Park. The resident representatives are composed of NPC representatives from the city and district levels, working together with the "Puhui · Helping Industry" studio to create a "doorstep" employment service station, introducing high-quality resources, services, and teams into the community.

The park gathers companies such as Zhilian Recruitment, where representatives of the National People's Congress, teachers from job agencies, and young job seekers meet face-to-face at the salon to answer questions and provide guidance.

A recent graduate studying Japanese said, "The employment situation this year is severe, and many of my classmates and I have found that the job and major we are looking for don't match. It feels like we have learned in vain." "Your major and education are a stepping stone, but career choices should not be limited." Wang Yujie, a representative of the People's Congress of Huangpu District and the manager of the human resources department of Dafugui Restaurant, said, "I also came from a language major. Language is just a tool. At that time, I chose to work in administration, so I participated in many training courses, took various qualification certificates, and now I am transitioning to human resources. So if you want to try other directions, try honing your skills first."

"Don't set limits on yourself, individuals can have more diverse choices." Yang Jisheng, a teacher from Huangpu District Vocational Agency, gave an example for everyone. She once met a science and engineering graduate and was also confused about her job search direction. Later on, he did not engage in related professional work, but became a lecturer at the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China based on his own interests and hobbies, and now he is doing very well.

Wang Yujie mentioned that her company has received many resumes from fresh graduates from different majors this year. "There was a undergraduate graduate who was assigned to the front line of catering services. He did not 'underestimate' this position, but instead used his expertise to actively write a daily on-site observation summary, which attracted the attention of company leaders. He joined in May this year and has now become a reserve store manager."

Don't set limits on yourself. The representative contact station in Huangpu is located at Zhilian Recruitment: the representative is in the employment clarification salon for fresh graduates. Park | Youth | Contact Station

Youth Employment Empowerment Salon Site

The confusion among classmates is deeply felt by He Hualong, the representative of the District People's Congress and the general manager of Beijing Wangpin Consulting Co., Ltd. in the East China region. "In our daily recruitment, there are many young job seekers who encounter 'career bottlenecks'. My suggestion is to first have a clear self positioning." He Hualong analyzed the current employment situation and said: choosing a new industry is not impossible, but you need to understand your own situation and ask yourself a few more questions, such as "Is my current ability competitive in the industry?" "Is the job requirements of the target company suitable for me?" "How long will it take me to adapt to this new job?".

Xiao Wang, a fresh graduate majoring in accounting, has submitted nearly a hundred resumes on various job search websites and participated in over a dozen job fairs, but has never found a suitable job. After receiving a survey call from the employment assistance officer of the neighborhood committee, I realized that there were employment services available right at my doorstep. He submitted his resume at the salon and his anxiety was relieved. "After chatting with representatives and teachers, I have gained more confidence in my job search direction and career planning."

The employment counselor also noticed that there was a boy in the salon who never spoke up. If he needs some help, we will also use youth social work to intervene psychologically, care about his condition, and gradually provide him with some training and guidance.

"We are working hard to promote the construction of the '10 minute employment service circle', bridging the 'last mile' from campus to the workplace for graduates." Xuan Chen, Deputy Director of the Huangpu District Employment Promotion Center, introduced that in order to promote employment for graduates, another batch of local social work positions and state-owned enterprise positions will be released in the next stage. In order to facilitate young students in finding jobs online, Dapuqiao Street has joined forces with Zhilian Recruitment to launch a series of live streaming activities for college graduates. Together with 13 companies in the jurisdiction, they have pushed job information online, received more than 1630 resumes, and are interested in hiring 141 people. The street has also signed a cooperation agreement with Zhilian Recruitment to create a dedicated recruitment area for key enterprises in Dapuqiao Street on the Zhilian Recruitment website, providing free job postings for key enterprises to meet their employment needs. At the same time, we will strengthen employment services for key groups such as graduates from universities and those facing employment difficulties in our jurisdiction, promote the matching of human resource supply and demand, and build an efficient recruitment channel between employers and job seekers.

Statistics show that as of mid August, the first round of screening in the street has identified 258 2023 fresh college graduates, and 242 of them have achieved employment through market-oriented and public employment services.

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