Micro-observation|"When you see it correctly, grasp it firmly"

Release time:May 28, 2024 05:25 AM

Yuan Micro Observation·General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium between enterprises and experts

Open to asking for advice, this symposium of companies and experts is preparing for the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to be held in Beijing in July this year.

On the afternoon of May 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan City, Shandong Province and delivered an important speech. Photo by reporter Ju Peng

Looking back at the "epoch-making" Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the autumn of 2013, it faced a "hard nut to crack" and ushered in a new era of comprehensively deepening reforms and advancing reforms through overall system design, which sounded the "reform" "The march". It has lasted for more than ten years since then, and its momentum is like a rainbow and magnificent.

This year coincides with "another important year for comprehensively deepening reforms." The main task is to plan for further comprehensively deepening reforms. "This is not only a practical sequel to comprehensively deepening reforms since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but also a new journey to promote Chinese-style modernization." A new chapter for the times.”

Learn from the past and know the future. Since the reform and opening up, all the third plenary sessions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China have studied and discussed the issue of deepening reform, which is an important signal that our party will unswervingly hold high the banner of reform and opening up. Those who do will always succeed, and those who do will always arrive. As the General Secretary said at this symposium, “If you have a clear vision, we will grasp it unswervingly.”

What to change and what not to change, where to change and how to change, "be a sober reformer." Especially in a big country like China, we must not make subversive mistakes on fundamental issues. This is the practical inspiration of more than 40 years of reform and opening up.

At the symposium, when the General Secretary elaborated on the methods and methods required to further comprehensively deepen reforms, the first point he talked about was to persist in integrity and innovation.

"Keeping integrity" means keeping the foundation and roots. If the root is not shaken, the branches and leaves will flourish. "No matter how the reform is modified, fundamental things such as adhering to the party's overall leadership, adhering to Marxism, adhering to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the people's democratic dictatorship must never be shaken, otherwise we will destroy the Great Wall." Zhong Ruo Qianjun's words are true. It is the reform that requires a correct political outlook, right and wrong, and the determination to remain unchanged and unchangeable.

Keep an eye on it. In the final analysis, you have to keep your eyes on the path under your feet.

The exploration of the road runs through the century-old struggle of the great party. From reform to comprehensively deepening reform, and then to further comprehensively deepening reform, we must wear shoes that fit our feet, walk our own path, and firmly control our destiny in our own hands.

This symposium clarified the theme of further comprehensively deepening the reform, which is to closely promote Chinese-style modernization; it highlighted the focus of the reform, which must grasp the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradiction; it marked the value orientation of the reform, that is, the people's support for The yearning for a better life.

These are not sourceless waters. Just like the value orientation of the reform, it is based on the cornerstone of "people-centered" and contains the deep logic of "Chinese-style modernization, people's livelihood is the first priority". In the more than 10 years since the new era, we have vowed that "no one should be left behind on the road to a well-off society" and have fulfilled the promise of "offending hundreds of people and living up to 1.4 billion people." There are countless cases. At this symposium, when a scholar mentioned that “the next round of reforms will strive to give more groups a stronger sense of gain,” the general secretary praised: “This sentence is the finishing touch, and the people’s The sense of gain is real.”

“Getting it right” is also an effective reform methodology.

A big country is big not only because of its vast territory, but also because of the huge differences between regions. "As a leader in China, you must make overall plans and balance, highlight key points, and drive the overall situation on the basis of having a clear understanding of the situation." General Secretary Xi Jinping, who has worked in local areas for a long time, has deep feelings.

“Be bold and make steady steps.” This is what Comrade Xi Jinping has often said when promoting reforms from local to central levels over the years. "Taking it right" requires both boldness and steady steps. Through pilot exploration and throwing stones to ask for directions, we gained experience and formed a consensus. We saw it clearly and felt that it was safe to push it aside. If we push it further, we can accumulate small wins into big wins.

What is a pilot? To cross the river by feeling the stones, you must have the spirit of "dare to be the first in the world". I remember that when the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone was first established, the General Secretary’s expectation was to make it replicable and popularizable, rather than a policy slump, and to plant nurseries rather than make bonsai.

History is made by the brave. Today's Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented undertaking, and there are still many unknown areas that require us to boldly explore in practice.

Looking at the vast country of China, it is not easy to “get it right”. No matter how great an achievement is divided by more than 1.4 billion people, no matter how small a problem is multiplied by more than 1.4 billion people, it is the most important thing to "gover a big country" and the most difficult thing to "break down barriers" between one large and one small.

"Be firm and steady" is not something that can be achieved easily. What it shows is the will and responsibility of "Wherever the Tao is, even if there are thousands of people, I will go there", and what it contains is the courage and wisdom of "overcoming the most difficult and aiming for the farthest".

Chinese-style modernization is different from the modernization of hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of people, but the modernization of more than 1.4 billion people. "This is the largest modernization in human history, and it is also the most difficult modernization."

"Follow the problems, focus on solving them, and resolutely eliminate the ideological concepts and institutional shortcomings that hinder the advancement of Chinese-style modernization." At this symposium, a clear awareness of the problem ran throughout. After hearing the speech on innovation and investment, the General Secretary asked: "What is the main reason for the decline in the number of new unicorn companies in our country?"

The question is the voice of the times. The "problem list" is also the "reform list".

Since the new era, targeted poverty alleviation, pollution prevention and control, and comprehensive and strict party governance... have been a series of tough battles and blocking battles to eliminate accumulated shortcomings and eliminate chronic diseases. Many areas have achieved historic changes, systematic reshaping, and overall reconstruction.

"Now we are taking a step back from the beginning." When comprehensively deepening reforms and embarking on a new expedition, the long journey will inevitably encounter various foreseeable and unpredictable risks, challenges, difficulties, obstacles and even stormy seas. The more difficult it becomes, the more dangerous it becomes, and the more dangerous it becomes, the more we need to be real and unswerving.

Only its hardships make it more courageous; only its hardships make it more soul-stirring.

"If you live and die for the benefit of the country, how can you avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings?" This poem by Lin Zexu has been quoted many times by General Secretary Xi Jinping and is familiar to him.

Along the way, the footprints of reform practitioners are clear and firm: they launched the "Nine Talents" in Zhengding; advocated "the weak bird flies first" in Ningde, pioneered "do it now" in Fuzhou, and went to Jinjiang seven times to summarize and put forward the "Jinjiang Experience"; Proposed the "Eight-Eighth Strategy" in Zhejiang; pushed for the "Yangtze River Delta Integration" in Shanghai... From taking charge of one place to leading China, we have unswervingly grasped one item after another, and now we are flourishing.

In the new era, comprehensively deepening reforms has been included in the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout, establishing a general pattern and a new navigation mark for the development of the party and the country's undertakings under the new situation.

More than a month after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and decided to establish a central leading group for comprehensively deepening reforms. This is the first time in the history of the Party that a leading organization dedicated to reform work has been set up at the Party Central Committee level. .

"The responsibility of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms is to implement the various reform measures proposed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China." The work is being carried out intensively and without slackening. Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping has chaired more than 70 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Reform and the Central Committee for Deepening Reform. A strong leadership "center" will ensure the implementation of major reform measures in various fields with a nail-driving spirit.

"No matter how difficult the reform is, we must move forward." If we are right, we must not be afraid of wind and rain and hardships, and draw a blueprint to the end.

Not being afraid of hardships and dangers is a sign of great courage; holding on to the end requires great wisdom.

On the afternoon of May 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan City, Shandong Province and delivered an important speech. This was a cordial exchange between Xi Jinping and representatives of enterprises and experts participating in the conference. Photo by reporter Li Tao

At this symposium, the general secretary told a story.

"I remember that when I was in Zhengding, I set up a rural research institute at the suggestion of economist Yu Guangyuan. The research was on micro things, including the development of earthworm industry, village-level organization building, etc. He proposed a concept at that time ——Limited to China's economic strength and conditions at that time, we should consider more "poor methods" to achieve modernization. I added "local methods" after "poor methods", which are methods that are adapted to the local situation and do not necessarily have to be comprehensive. ”

"Poor methods" and "local methods" refer to the reform wisdom of adapting measures to local conditions and taking advantage of the situation.

Seize the time and momentum. During the critical period of fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic, the General Secretary realized that "the environmental conditions for large-scale imports and exports have changed" during an inspection at Zhoushan Port in Ningbo, Zhejiang, thus brewing a new development pattern of "dual circulation"; after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Starting from promoting high-quality development and focusing on changes in domestic and international situations, the General Secretary also clearly proposed accelerating the development of new productive forces.

Pay close attention to planning and doing. To build a new development pattern, an important requirement for all localities is to "firmly grasp their strategic positioning in the overall national development situation"; to develop new quality productive forces, it is emphasized that "all localities must adhere to proceeding from reality, establish first and then break, adapt measures to local conditions, and provide classified guidance ". When some scholars at the symposium talked about optimizing the regional productivity layout and preventing "involution" homogeneous competition, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The connotation of new quality productivity can be discussed in more depth. Whether new quality productivity is Is it equivalent to emerging industries? Transformation and upgrading of traditional industries can also develop new productive forces. We cannot just focus on the 'three new things', and we cannot just make a fuss and break up. We must adapt to local conditions and have their own merits. "

Although new stories follow each other and new stories are born, the thread of thought always follows the same line. In the reform chapters of these years, we can see the imprint of "unswervingly grasp when you see it right" time and time again. At the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform held after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “To strengthen the responsibility for reform, we must show political courage and firmly Don’t move.”

In the new era, the determination and actions to comprehensively deepen reforms are always so unswerving.

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