Contribute to creating a better tomorrow for China-Arab relations

Release time:May 28, 2024 05:25 AM

Recently, President Xi Jinping responded to a letter to student representatives of the “100 Schools Project” for Chinese teaching in the United Arab Emirates, encouraging them to learn Chinese well, understand China, and contribute to promoting China-UAE friendship. Teachers and students of the "Hundred Schools Project" for Chinese teaching in the UAE who were interviewed by our reporter said that President Xi Jinping's reply letter is full of warmth and strength, which will encourage them to continue to promote the in-depth development of Chinese teaching in the UAE, further tighten the ties of people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries, and implement practical Actions help the cause of Afghanistan-China friendship move forward.

“Promote Chinese teaching in the UAE to achieve better development”

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his reply letter that five years ago, President Mohammed and I jointly launched the "100 Schools Project" for Chinese teaching in the UAE. Now we see that "learning Chinese" has become a new trend in the UAE, and a group of people like you have been cultivated. I am very pleased to be the little ambassador of China-Arab exchanges.

"President Xi Jinping's reply letter will promote better development of Chinese teaching in the UAE." Fatima, executive director of the "100 Schools Project" for Chinese teaching in the UAE, said that President Xi Jinping's reply letter is an affirmation of the results of the "100 Schools Project" and will inspire the UAE Students learn Chinese with greater enthusiasm and contribute to promoting people-to-people exchanges between Argentina and China, especially cultural and educational cooperation.

In July 2019, under the joint witness of President Xi Jinping and the then Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Salman, the UAE, China and the UAE signed a memorandum of understanding in Beijing to officially launch the "Hundred Schools Project" for Chinese teaching in the UAE. Over the past five years, the "Hundred Schools Project" of Chinese teaching in the UAE has developed rapidly, covering all school age groups from kindergarten to middle school, and accordingly established the only Chinese curriculum syllabus in the Middle East published by the local education department.

As of now, 171 schools in the UAE offer Chinese courses, and 71,000 students study Chinese. Recently, 40 representatives of primary and secondary students from Hamdan School and Yas School, the model schools of the "100 Schools Project" in the United Arab Emirates, wrote to President Xi in Chinese, expressing their yearning and love for Chinese culture and their determination to be envoys of China-UAE friendship.

"I'm so happy to receive President Xi Jinping's reply!" Faisal, an eleventh-grade student at Hamdan School, told reporters that he read the reply over and over again and read it as soon as possible. Share the joy with family and friends. Faisal said that President Xi Jinping's reply letter gave him more confidence and strength in learning Chinese.

"President Xi Jinping's reply makes us feel warm." Du Qiangwei, a management teacher of the "Hundred Schools Project" of Chinese teaching in the United Arab Emirates, said that as participants and witnesses of the project, all Chinese teachers were encouraged after receiving the reply. In the future, they will continue to work hard in their Chinese teaching positions and contribute to the better development of Chinese education in the UAE and the cultivation of more young ambassadors for China-UAE exchanges.

"It has effectively promoted mutual learning and mutual learning between the young generations of China and Arab countries"

In his reply letter, President Xi Jinping pointed out that young people represent the future of China-Arab friendly relations. You are welcome to come to China to see pandas, climb the Great Wall, and go to China to study at university when you grow up. We also welcome more Emirati teenagers to learn Chinese and understand China, communicate with Chinese teenagers, learn from each other, and plant the seeds of friendship in our hearts. , and contribute to creating a better tomorrow for China-Arab relations.

On the carefully crafted letterheads, the students wrote down their innermost thoughts in Chinese stroke by stroke, and their true feelings came alive on the paper. They also used colorful brushes to depict the Great Wall, Chinese dragons, giant pandas, auspicious clouds, lanterns, etc. to express their yearning and love for Chinese culture.

10-year-old Saif attends Yas School, the largest public school in the UAE. "In my letter, I shared with Grandpa Xi my favorite line from an ancient Chinese poem - 'A bosom friend exists across the sea, and we are neighbors as far as the end of the world.' Even though we are thousands of miles apart, the UAE and China are the best friends!" Saiful said.

"In my letter to Grandpa Xi, I mentioned that I participated in the 'Chinese Bridge' competition and won the second prize." Alia Zeya, a twelfth grade student at Hamdan School, said that she hopes to continue to improve her Chinese proficiency , I will have the opportunity to study at university in China in the future.

Jiang Shujun, associate professor at the Department of Media and Creative Industries at UAE University, told reporters that language is the carrier of cultural exchanges, and learning each other's languages ​​will help enhance cultural exchanges between the two countries. "The rapid development of the Chinese teaching 'Hundred Schools Project' in the UAE has promoted student exchanges between the two countries." The exchange of visits has effectively promoted mutual learning between the young generations of China and Arab countries.”

In April this year, representatives of Emirati primary and secondary school students formed the “Chinese Bridge” Emirati youth delegation to visit Beijing. Accompanied by Chinese students, Emirati students experience excellent traditional Chinese culture such as paper-cutting, Chinese painting, and martial arts, intuitively understand the development achievements of contemporary China, and experience a real, three-dimensional, and comprehensive China first-hand.

"President Xi Jinping's reply is recognition of our persistence in learning Chinese." Eleventh-grade Hamdan School student Al Nuaimi happily said while holding a photo with his Chinese friends that his trip to China in April not only allowed him to see Chinese friends who have visited Hamdan School have also seen the rapid development of contemporary China. "Learning Chinese has opened a window for me to explore a wider world. I hope to have the opportunity to learn more about China and Chinese culture." Arnuaimi said.

"Learning Chinese will definitely make my future brighter"

Teachers and students of the UAE Chinese Teaching "100 Schools Project" generally said that Chinese culture is charming and China's development achievements in the new era are amazing. They hope to continue to contribute to the development of friendly relations between Afghanistan and China by teaching and learning Chinese.

"I have the honor to witness the tremendous changes that have taken place in China. China's rich cultural heritage, rapid scientific and technological progress, and kind and enthusiastic people have all left a deep impression on me." Fatima has long been committed to the cause of Afghanistan-China friendship. In 2008 After her first visit to China, she worked hard to promote Chinese teaching in the UAE. She believes that in the current era of globalization, learning Chinese provides important opportunities for Emirati students to receive higher education and achieve career development.

Ayesha, who is in Grade 10, wrote in the letter that China has made great achievements in environmental protection. "Many new energy vehicles can now be seen on the streets of Chinese cities." She said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the UAE and China, and she looks forward to continued cooperation between the two countries in environmental protection to "make our environment better."

Zims, a twelfth-grade student who has traveled to China three times, told reporters that he was honored to receive a reply from President Xi Jinping. She said that "Made in China" is everywhere in today's world, and Chinese technology is helping mankind create a better future. "I hope to study abroad in China after graduating from high school and learn advanced science and technology there."

Bashar, an eighth-grade student who loves Chinese movies, said that learning Chinese not only allows her to understand Chinese movies and TV dramas, but also gives her the opportunity to understand China more deeply. "Chinese culture is charming and Chinese philosophy is broad and profound. I believe that learning Chinese will definitely enable her to understand China more deeply," she said. My future is brighter."

Contribute to creating a better tomorrow for China-Arab relations
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