Better Understanding of China's Harvest, Enlightenment and Reference-The publication and distribution of the fourth volume of "Xi Jinping on State Administration" in multilingual editions has aroused enthusiastic responses overseas World | Development | Xi Jinping on State Administration

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:54 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th. Title: Better understanding of China's harvest, enlightenment and reference -- The publication and distribution of the fourth volume of "Xi Jinping on State Administration" in multilingual edition has aroused enthusiastic responses overseas

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The fourth volume of "Xi Jinping on governing the country" is published in eight languages, including French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese and traditional Chinese. It was recently published by foreign language publishing houses and distributed at home and abroad, causing a warm response.

Overseas people generally believe that the publication and distribution of the fourth volume of the multilingual edition of Xi Jinping on governing the country will help the international community to keep abreast of the latest development of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, enhance the understanding of the concept and practice of the Communist Party of China in governing the country, and provide enlightenment and reference for the development and growth of other countries.

"Let the world see China's answers to key contemporary issues"

"President Xi Jinping's book provides important inspiration for other countries to govern the country." Avdonin, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies, said that "Xi Jinping on State Administration" shows the extraordinary road that China has taken on its own strength and brings hope to people who yearn for a fair society.

"Volume IV allows the world to see China's answers to key questions of the moment. This book comprehensively and systematically reflects the new vision and development of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and provides inspiration for countries to achieve development with the interests of the people at their core and to build a fair society." He said.

"Reading this work is essential to understand China's position in promoting world development, prosperity and progress." Yi Manhui, chairman of the Portuguese New Silk Road Association, said that President Xi Jinping advocates mutual respect and development and cooperation among countries. "The fourth volume of" Xi Jinping on State Administration "allows us to better understand his in-depth thinking in promoting world peace and development".

"We are very pleased to launch the Portuguese version, which reflects the importance placed on Portuguese speaking countries," said Yi Manhui.

She said, "The first three volumes, especially the third volume, which mentioned adhering to multilateralism and working together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, left a deep impression on me. In today's rapidly changing but imbalanced world, the fourth volume provides China's wisdom to move the world towards harmony and balance."

"Xi Jinping on governing the country" is a confident declaration of the development prospects of the Chinese nation." Martin Albrow, a world-renowned sociologist and member of the British Academy of Social Sciences, said.

Albreau, who has visited China multiple times since the 1980s, was deeply impressed by many chapters, paragraphs, and sentences in his work.

"Provide inspiration for achieving growth and development"

Kavins Adhill, a Kenyan scholar of international issues, believes that the multilingual version of the fourth volume of "Xi Jinping on State Administration" "provides a valuable window for the rest of the world to understand and understand China and its role in global development and transformation. Developing countries, including African countries, can learn from it how to promote inclusive, just, equitable and global development".

In the view of Dia Helmi, Secretary General of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, the publication and distribution of the fourth multilingual edition of Xi Jinping on governing the country will enable the world to further understand and pay attention to China's great development in recent years, and provide rich experience and professional knowledge for other countries' governance. "In his book, President Xi Jinping sets out how China is dealing with the problems and challenges it faces. Both developing and developed countries can benefit from these experiences to help solve the problems they face."

"The ideas outlined in this work provide inspiration for Africa and even the world to achieve growth and development. African countries can learn about China's policies and efforts to meet the needs of their people and society, and learn from them," said Amadou Diop, a Senegalese expert on China and former correspondent for The Sun in China.

Ibrahim Vohaib, a professor at King Saudi University, believes that the publication and distribution of the Arabic version of the fourth volume of "Xi Jinping on State Administration" comes at the right time, which provides the possibility and convenience for the governments and people of Arab countries to understand the latest development of the Communist Party of China's thoughts on governing the country and to learn from it. In recent years, Arab-Chinese relations have developed well, and more and more Arab countries have begun to "look eastward." The Arabic version of the fourth volume of "Xi Jinping on State Administration" will deepen the Arab world's understanding of China's development achievements and promote Arab-Chinese exchanges. Mutual learning plays an important role.

"To open up a new perspective for better understanding and comprehension of China"

Shemonil, president of the Cambodian-China Relations Development Association, who once served as the head of the translation team of the Cambodian version of "Xi Jinping on State Administration", has unique and profound insights into this work. Semonil said that the publication and distribution of the multilingual version of "Xi Jinping on State Administration" has opened up a new perspective for the world to better understand and understand China. The fourth volume contains a series of important expositions by President Xi Jinping, which provides theoretical guidance for Chinese-style modernization and is a powerful demonstration of China's national governance capabilities.

"The fourth volume of" Xi Jinping on State Administration "further enriches the content of the first three volumes and will surely become a must-read for any Chinese political observer." Julio Rios, a well-known Spanish expert on China issues, said, "The publication and distribution of the Spanish version of the fourth volume of" Xi Jinping on State Administration "is very useful for Spain and Latin American countries to better understand contemporary Chinese political thoughts and principles. This version will undoubtedly provide a more understandable way for professors, scholars, journalists, policy makers and the public who are interested in China's development, and help them better and more deeply understand the road of China, the governance of China, and the principles of China."

Director of the Japan China Association, Shimizu Nagase, has a strong interest in the path of China, the governance of China, and the principles of China.

Gennady Zyuganov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia, described "Xi Jinping on governing the country" as "a window to understand China's ideas". "This book contains President Xi Jinping's new ideas, new ideas and new strategies for governing the country." Zyuganov believes that for everyone who wants to strengthen friendship and cooperation with China, President Xi Jinping's series of works should become their desk book.

In the view of Fulker Chapuk, honorary president of the Prussian Association in Berlin, Germany, "Xi Jinping on governing the country" shows China's great achievements, and China is the object of learning and exchange for other countries. Chapuk said that by reading "Xi Jinping on State Administration", people can better understand China and learn from China's experience in dealing with challenges such as poverty and the new crown epidemic, which will help eliminate prejudice against China and better cooperate with China.

"Anyone who wants to understand China today needs to read Xi Jinping on governing the country carefully." Evandro Carvalho, a professor of international law at the Vargas Foundation in Brazil, said that in "Xi Jinping on State Administration", President Xi Jinping often quoted the classic sentences of Chinese philosophers and ancient sagas that reflect the wisdom of the Chinese nation, which contains the profound philosophy of Chinese culture and is worth studying repeatedly.

"After reading this work, overseas Chinese can combine their personal experiences to systematically and vividly introduce China's successful path to foreign personnel they come into contact with in their work and life, fully play the role of civil exchange, and promote people to people communication."

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