Why was it dug out again! Is it difficult to coordinate construction and excavation? , many sections of Shanghai’s overhead lines have just been put into the ground.

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:25 AM

"Why was the sidewalk at the door dug up again?" "It was only dug up and paved at the end of last year. How long did it take?" On March 24 this year, Mr. Yu, the owner of a shop on Juye Road in Pudong New Area, called 12345 Citizen The service hotline reflects that the sidewalks on Juye Road have been under frequent construction in less than a year. In his impression, this is the third time that the sidewalk in front of the store has been dug up. "The dust is flying, which affects walking and even affects my normal business." Mr. Yu expressed his dissatisfaction in the complaint.

The road has been dug, filled, and dug. This phenomenon is often vividly called a "zipper road." Judging from the large number of complaints from "12345", the phenomenon of "zipper roads" in this city is still quite prominent: especially some road sections have just completed the long construction of overhead lines into the ground, and surrounding residents always thought that it would "stop" for a while, but unexpectedly It was dug up again within a few days.

Why not arrange to merge the excavations together? In fact, in order to reduce the phenomenon of "zipper roads" in this city, relevant management departments have introduced working mechanisms at multiple levels to try to coordinate road excavation projects with similar time periods and improve the refined management of road projects. Why didn’t the above-mentioned mechanisms work?

According to Mr. Yu, Juye Road is currently excavating and constructing the section from Pudong Avenue south to Shenjialong, with a length of about 700 meters. The shop he operates is located on the east side of Juye Road near Pudong Avenue. It is also the first section of the road to be built. He recalled that almost a month ago, construction workers stationed at the site, placed yellow construction fences on the sidewalk of Juye Road, and closed the sidewalk. Subsequently, the original bricks and stones on the sidewalk were removed, the road surface was repaired and smoothed, and then new bricks and stones were laid. The green belt beside it was redesigned and renovated. Finally, the steps leading into the pavement were re-paved with floor tiles... "The construction period lasted for almost a month."

On the morning of April 15, reporters conducted an on-site inspection. The section from Pudong Avenue to Juye Road to Qishan Road is already halfway through the construction period: the sidewalk on the east side where Mr. Yu’s pavement is located has been basically completed. The wide sidewalk is covered with flat square tiles, and a layer of gray dust on the surface has not yet been cleaned. , showing that the facing bricks have just been laid. In sporadic areas, the pavement step and floor tiles are still being replaced. Several workers are holding pickaxes to knock out the old step and floor tiles. The yellow fence that originally blocked the sidewalk has been put aside to block construction debris; the west side sidewalk is in progress. Slightly slower, the two sidewalks at the gate of Lujiazui Binjiang Mansion and Juye Community are still blocked by yellow fences. Inside the fences are newly completed cement roadbeds, waiting for workers to lay new pavement bricks. Although the rest of the area has been paved with bricks and stones and is open to pedestrians, due to the piles of various construction materials and construction fences, as well as the cutting of the closed construction area, pedestrians can only walk through the "cracks".

△This section of Juye Road to the north of Qishan Road is already halfway through its construction period. The picture shows that on the west side of the sidewalk, the two sidewalks at the entrance of Lujiazui Binjiang Mansion and Juye Community are still surrounded, and paving stones are being laid.

Further south from Qishan Road to Shenjia Nong Road, this section of Juye Road is in full swing: the sidewalks on the west side of the entire section of the road are all closed, and the original pavement bricks have just been dug up, leaving a large section of the sidewalk exposed with the loess underneath. , workers were busy pushing carts back and forth to clean up construction debris. A sign reminds pedestrians to walk on the opposite sidewalk, but on the east sidewalk, construction workers are also cleaning and removing the exterior walls of the residential areas along the line. Several construction workers are also setting up ladders next to the guard room of Jingxi No. 1 Village, busy The door of the guard room is being dismantled... Amidst the roar of machinery, dust is flying on both sides of the sidewalk. Since there are cars parked on the non-motorized lane, most pedestrians passing through this section can only choose to use the roadway. Some elderly people still choose to walk in the construction area, carrying the groceries they just bought along the way and choosing their footing carefully with their heads down.

△Juye Road starts from Qishan Road and goes south to Shenjialong Road. The sidewalks on the west side of the entire section of the road are closed for construction. The original pavement bricks and stones had just been dug up, and a large section of the sidewalk exposed the loess underneath.

△A sign reminds pedestrians to walk on the opposite sidewalk.

△But the sidewalk on the east side is not easy to walk on either. The picture shows construction workers cleaning and removing the exterior walls of the residential areas along the line and updating the door heads of the residential areas.

Why was it dug out again! Is it difficult to coordinate construction and excavation? , many sections of Shanghai’s overhead lines have just been put into the ground.

What kind of projects are being carried out on Juye Road? At the Qishan intersection of Juye Road, a construction nameplate is leaning on the roadblock. It shows that the special package for the construction of "Boutique Urban District" in Yangjing Street is being implemented on Juye Road. Construction was supposed to start on December 15 last year and be completed on April 22 this year, but the current construction period has definitely been delayed. In addition to Juye Road, a section of Shenjialong Road is also included in the construction scope.

△At the Qishan intersection of Juye Road, a construction nameplate leans against the roadblock. The above shows that what is being implemented on Juye Road is the special package for the construction of "high-quality urban areas" in Yangjing Street.

"The streets are dilapidated and the sidewalks are potholed. They really need to be updated." For the current urban renewal project, nearby resident Liu Laobo thinks it is necessary and welcome. Juye Road south of Shenjialong Road has been updated. Residents We have already seen it. "But it was too close to the previous excavation," Liu said. In his mind, this section of the Juye Road sidewalk was excavated twice last year, one of which was for overhead lines to be dug into the ground. There are residential areas along the road. Frequent excavations have caused trouble for residents when traveling. Dust and noise pollution are unavoidable. The long-term closure of sidewalks has also affected the operation of facades along the street.

△The streets of Juye Road are dilapidated and the sidewalks are potholed. For the current urban renewal project, nearby residents think it is necessary.

On the construction nameplate, behind the project name, the construction of boutique urban areas on Juye Road is specifically listed as "the first batch in 2023." This has aroused questions from residents: They are all projects in 2023 and require excavation and construction, so why not implement them together?

△Frequent excavation has caused a lot of trouble to nearby residents. The picture shows some elderly people still choosing to walk in the construction area, carrying the groceries they just bought along the way and choosing where to step carefully with their heads down.

According to the reporter's understanding, before 2024, the Pudong New Area Construction and Communications Commission had launched a working mechanism to be responsible for planning and coordinating road excavation construction within the new area, requiring that the pending projects of various project construction units and public pipeline units will be merged into the annual planning pool , merge and connect construction projects according to time and road sections, and refine or adjust the "schedule schedule" for on-site construction on a quarterly basis, thereby effectively merging similar items and greatly reducing the phenomenon of repeated road excavation.

Has the construction project on Juye Road been coordinated? The official website of the Pudong New Area Government has disclosed the project establishment and approval documents for relevant projects. Documents show that the overhead wire entry project on Juye Road is a district-level project. The Pudong New Area Construction and Communications Commission approved its implementation in September last year. The construction content includes information overhead wire entry into the ground, pipe drainage and road repair, etc.; while the boutique urban project is carried out by the local government. The street project was approved in May, and the Pudong New Area Development and Reform Commission approved it at the end of August. The construction content includes road paving, elevation of building facades along the line, renovation of store signage, and construction of pocket parks, etc. Since the construction time is close, the project approval document of the boutique urban project specifically states: "In order to avoid secondary excavation, it is planned to implement the underground reconstruction of the Juye Road overhead line simultaneously, and the district overhead line headquarters will coordinate the implementation."

△The relevant documents of both projects stated that overall coordination and implementation should be done to avoid secondary excavation.

The combined implementation of the project has been taken into consideration when the project was established. Why did there be deviations in the implementation process? The reporter found Yangjing Street again. The person in charge of the sub-district project office said that when the sub-district proposed a high-quality urban project, it really hoped to connect and integrate the two projects to avoid duplication of construction that would trouble nearby residents. The street also held multiple coordination meetings for this purpose to communicate the construction time and cutting work surface. However, “due to some uncontrollable factors, seamless connection is difficult to achieve.” The above-mentioned person in charge explained specifically: On the one hand, although the two projects were approved at about the same time, the progress of the bidding and other procedures is not at the same time, and it is indeed impossible to connect. The bidding for the street project was only completed in December last year, and by then the construction of overhead wires into the ground had been completed. It was already March when construction preparations were completed and the Spring Festival holiday was over. On the other hand, the construction scope of the two projects was also different. The pipelines entering the ground were mainly underground parts, while the boutique urban projects were mainly constructed above ground. Various reasons have resulted in the current situation of repeated excavation. However, in order to minimize the impact on the lives of surrounding residents, the pipe jacking process was used for point excavation during the construction of the overhead lines and pipelines. After the pipe drainage project was completed in November, the street will temporarily repair the damaged sidewalks to ensure normal circulation for citizens. .

Why was it dug out again! Is it difficult to coordinate construction and excavation? , many sections of Shanghai’s overhead lines have just been put into the ground.

Similar situations are not isolated cases. In Shanghai, the coordination of the road excavation plan was implemented as early as 10 years ago. However, judging from the actual results, the coordination of some projects was not satisfactory.

Qiancang Road, not far from Juye Road, is also currently undergoing construction of a "high-quality urban area." When reporters were at the site on the 15th, they saw that the project was nearing completion. The replacement of sidewalk bricks had been completed, and construction workers were renovating the exterior walls of the community. However, nearby residents complained to "12345" that Qiancang Road has been repeatedly dug since April last year. Public documents show that before the construction of the boutique urban area, the sewage pipe replacement project has just been completed on Qiancang Road to cooperate with the renovation of mixed rainwater and sewage connections in surrounding communities.

△Qiancang Road, not far from Juye Road, is also currently undergoing construction of a "high-quality urban area." When reporters were at the site on the 15th, they saw that the project was nearing completion. The replacement of sidewalk tiles had been completed, and construction workers were renovating the exterior walls of the community.

In Puxi, with the launch of the "ground sidewalk public facilities landscape improvement" project, Weihai Road has also ushered in comprehensive excavation of sidewalks. However, according to residents along the road, Weihai Road had just completed the overhead line digging work between April and August last year. During this period, due to the temporary suspension of construction for the college entrance examination, the road surface had to be restored. After the construction was resumed, it was dug up again. Calculating this, the sidewalk has been dug up three times in less than a year...

At the peak of construction, how to coordinate road excavation?

At present, the city is at the peak of a new round of road excavation construction. On the one hand, the "Three-Year Action Plan for Refined Urban Management" has been carried out for two rounds. A large number of refined management projects such as "Beautiful Streets" and "Aerial Lines Inserted into the Ground" have made citizens aware of it. Large-scale urban renewal is still continuing. On the other hand, in the past two years, the transformation of old underground pipe networks such as water, electricity and coal has begun to accelerate. Coupled with regular road maintenance and repairs, the amount of excavation is huge. It is predicted that Shanghai’s current round of road excavation peak will last until 2026.

△Juye Road south of Shenjialong Road has been renovated, giving the street a completely new look.

In order to improve the overall effect of the road excavation plan, starting from January 1 this year, with the support of the housing construction, planning, water affairs and other departments, the Municipal Transportation Commission will change the scope of the road excavation plan from the original outer ring road excluding Pudong. inner area and extended to the whole city. According to the Municipal Transportation Commission, in October last year, various road excavation demand entities in the city reported more than 7,900 road excavation projects in 2024, 80% of which were various pipeline construction projects. After the construction and transportation committees of each district carried out overall planning with roads as the carrier, and the pipeline industry authorities reviewed the necessity of implementation, more than 2,900 comprehensive projects were finally merged and released to the public. The Municipal Transportation Commission stated that there are unified operating rules for the overall planning and merging of road excavation projects. Road excavation projects on the same road section are usually merged, and construction is carried out in the order of first underground and then above ground.

Can the coordinated road excavation plan be implemented? It is understood that judging from the implementation situation, the construction of each pipeline unit in the overhead line grounding project is coordinated and merged with road overhaul, and the water accumulation point reconstruction is merged with road overhaul. These projects have been relatively organically integrated. However, there are indeed some projects that have their own time nodes in operation due to different funding channels, different implementation entities, etc., making adjustments difficult, and the actual implementation does not follow the plan; on the other hand, considering the road of Shencheng Traffic conditions, road excavation construction projects must ensure smooth traffic while implementing them. The factors affecting traffic are greater, and the construction period will be longer. There will inevitably be a certain time difference between construction units entering the site one after another. During the construction "window period", the road cannot always be closed and must be temporarily opened. This also objectively leads to the situation of "repeated" road excavation.

During the peak period of road excavation, it is even more necessary to coordinate the construction plan. The reporter learned that next, Shanghai will issue relevant documents and come up with a series of measures to strengthen coordination and cooperation among various competent departments in comprehensive construction projects to enhance the role of road excavation plans and reduce repeated road excavations as much as possible. At the same time, in view of the difficulty in connecting construction projects that should be merged due to multi-channel project establishment and multi-departmental management, the Municipal Transportation Commission also suggested that the professional role of the district construction and transportation committees in construction project management should be brought into play, and the district construction and transportation committees should increase the responsibility of the district construction and transportation committees for projects within the district. Coordinate efforts.

Why was it dug out again! Is it difficult to coordinate construction and excavation? , many sections of Shanghai’s overhead lines have just been put into the ground.

In fact, this city has issued relevant regulations in the past few years, clarifying that "except for special circumstances, no excavation is allowed within 5 years of new, expanded, or renovated urban roads and within 3 years of overhauled urban roads" to ensure that urban roads are in good condition. Rate. However, with the increase in the amount of projects in recent years, the above regulations have become ineffective. Citizens hope that relevant regulations should be reiterated and followed.

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