Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:22 PM

In recent days, for residents living near Caolu in Pudong New Area, passing through Jinhai Road has almost become a torment.

"The dust is too big!" Ms. Li, a resident, lives near Minlei Road. She told reporters that since the construction of the "Jinhai Highway Reconstruction Project" this year, the number of dump trucks along the road has increased sharply. However, the covering measures of the dump trucks are not in place, and the phenomenon of running, dripping, and leaking is particularly serious, with the entire road covered in dust. "Especially in the evening, if you drive behind a dump truck, your eyes will be gray and you won't even be able to see the road."

With the start of multiple large-scale construction projects in Shanghai, the number of dust complaints has also increased. According to relevant regulations, vehicles transporting debris must be kept sealed, and corresponding cleaning measures must be taken before entering and exiting the construction site to prevent leakage, scattering, or flying along the way. So why is dust still continuously rising on these roads?

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

The phenomenon of vehicles running, dripping, and leaking is severe

According to residents' feedback, the most severely affected road section is in the Jinhai section. On the afternoon of July 24th and 26th, the reporter visited the relevant road sections twice to check the situation.

Starting from the outer ring elevated road and heading east along Jinhai Road, shortly after walking, the reporter saw a thick layer of dust on both sides of the road, and motor vehicles passing by carried a large amount of dust. The sunlight clearly displayed the trajectory of dust: after being carried off the ground by vehicles, dust permeated everywhere, some sweeping towards non motorized lanes and sidewalks. Pedestrians passing by had to quickly cover their mouths and noses, and electric bicycles and bicycles parked on the side of the sidewalk were also unable to escape, with their seats covered in dust.

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

The seats of non motorized vehicles parked on the roadside are covered in dust.

These dust particles are closely related to the dense collection of garbage trucks on the road: as the reporter walked forward and observed, they found that the airtightness of the garbage trucks was not very good. Some car roofs are covered with tarpaulins, but there is still a gap of about 20 centimeters at the rear of the car. During driving, dust and dust scatter outwards along the gap; Some cars may have a top cover installed, but due to loading a lot of soil, soil may occasionally fall from the gaps; Some cars may appear to have good airtightness at first glance, but when they reach a bumpy section near Minlei Road, they become their original shape. When the rear of the car is bumped, a large amount of soil will fall off

When the dump truck turns, a large amount of dust is carried at the rear.

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

The dirt truck passed through the intersection, causing dust to fly.

In addition to the soil dropped by the dump truck, dust also occasionally rises in the construction area. According to a construction worker wearing a "Pudong Road and Bridge" yellow vest, the Jinhai section is currently undergoing elevated construction. "The road surface of Jinhai Road needs to be widened first, because the elevated construction requires piling, so the underground communication facilities and sewage pipes need to be moved first, and the excavated soil needs to be transported away." The reporter observed along the way and found that the full dump truck covered the roof and left the construction area directly. The wheels carried a lot of soil, and a cleaning worker used a broom to collect the dust, further exacerbating the dust phenomenon. In addition, a large amount of excavated soil in the construction area is exposed, and except for a few places with dust nets, many areas have not taken dust prevention measures.

Exposed construction sites.

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

"Especially in the evening, as we drove eastward along Jinhai Road, there were always these kind of garbage trucks running and leaking all the way. Sometimes the dust was so heavy that our vision was blocked." Ms. Li sent a video taken by her neighbor, in which the headlights and traffic lights became blurred due to the sky full of dust. Ms. Li said that after filing a complaint with the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline, she was unable to see the measures taken by the relevant departments for a long time and had no choice but to take a detour home. "What should we do in case of an accident?" However, residents and merchants along the way were unable to avoid it and had to find a solution on their own. A snack shop with an open storefront facing the construction area, where waiters were wiping the tables outside, heard reporters come to investigate and spat out bitter water: "The food placed on the bunk needs to be covered with something by hand, otherwise it will fall into dust and cannot be sold." "Wear a mask and reduce the time spent exercising." Xiaolin, who often runs along Jinhai Road, also reduced his exercise time as a result.

Screenshots of videos taken by residents in early July.

Management measures address the symptoms rather than the root cause?

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

The reporter walked more than 2 kilometers along Jinhai Road, but could not see the construction nameplate. Later, based on on-site construction personnel and relevant information, it was preliminarily understood that the project is the "Jinhai Highway Reconstruction Project", with a total length of about 7 kilometers and a construction period of 3 years. It is one of the major municipal projects promoted in Pudong District this year. After completion, Jinhai Road will be upgraded from a main road to an urban expressway, connecting with the rapid renovation of Yanggao School Road, and becoming an east-west channel connecting the inner, middle, outer, and suburban ring roads.

Mr. Hou, a citizen, supports the construction of this road. But he believes that engineering construction should also consider the impact on residents at the same time. "Construction cannot be carried out at the cost of sacrificing the living experience of residents. Dust prevention measures should still be taken, otherwise we will feel like we are living on a construction site every day." The reporter learned that after complaints from residents, the relevant departments in Pudong New Area have responded, stating that the dust problem on the section from Jinhai Road Outer Ring Expressway to Lingkong North Road and from East China Road to Dongchuan Road was caused by passing earthwork vehicles on Jinhai Road, not by Jinhai Road construction. At present, the construction unit has been arranged to sprinkle water to reduce dust and increase the frequency of watering, while increasing the number of cleaning personnel to clean the road surface.

This response clearly cannot satisfy the residents. "Indeed, many vehicles do not come from construction sites, but even passing vehicles are allowed to run, leak, and leak. Moreover, the dust prevention measures at the construction site are not as in place as mentioned in the reply," Ms. Li said. At the same time, a cleaner responsible for some sections of Jinhai Road also admitted that the company did arrange sprinkler trucks to sprinkle water once in the morning and once in the afternoon, but the effect was not significant. "If we don't sprinkle water, we won't be able to keep our eyes open on windy days, but the weather is so hot that it dries up shortly after sprinkling."

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

In fact, the management requirements for construction dust in Shanghai are very clear. According to the "Regulations on the Management of Construction Waste Treatment in Shanghai" and "Regulations on the Management of Civilized Construction of Construction Projects in Shanghai", construction units should equip construction site construction waste management personnel, fill out transportation vehicle pre inspection forms in accordance with the local construction waste transportation management regulations, supervise the standardized transportation of construction waste on the construction site, and ensure that transportation vehicles are washed clean before leaving. The transportation unit shall arrange management personnel to supervise and manage the operation of transportation vehicles on the construction site, and in accordance with the requirements of construction site management, carry out sealed transportation and cleaning of transportation vehicles, ensuring the normal and standardized use of electronic information devices and other equipment installed on transportation vehicles. The Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Management Commission has also issued the "Standards for Improving Civilized Construction of Housing Construction Projects", in which Chapter 2, Article 3 stipulates that "movable tool type vehicle automatic flushing equipment and supporting drainage facilities should be installed at the entrance and exit of the construction site, and a flushing ledger should be established, which should be managed by a dedicated person." That is to say, the requirements of "incomplete procedures must not be allowed to pass, the vehicle body must not be clean and tidy must not be allowed to pass, and those that do not meet the sealing requirements must not be allowed to pass" must be strictly implemented.

Compared to the above management requirements, there are many irregularities in the on-site management of the Pudong Jinhai Highway Reconstruction Project, such as: the soil stored on both sides of the road is not strictly covered with sealed dust nets as required; The sealing measures taken by the dump truck were not in place, and no so-called flushing measures were seen at the entrance and exit of the construction site.

Improve the level of refined management

Why are the dust prevention measures not in place?, The dust is so heavy that you can't even see the road clearly! On this road in Pudong, garbage trucks pile up garbage | Jinhai | Lianlu

"For the treatment of waste trucks, source prevention and control is very important, especially in the case of complete laws and regulations, including traditional management methods such as source reduction, flushing, and closed transportation, which must be strictly implemented." said Song Xiaoqian, Deputy Researcher of the School of International and Public Affairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Deputy Researcher of the China Urban Governance Research Institute. She has conducted research in multiple departments in Shanghai and saw that Shanghai has made many explorations in governance. In December 2021, seven departments including the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Greening and Urban Appearance jointly formulated and issued the "Three Year Special Action Plan for Promoting Construction Waste Governance and Cracking down on Illegal and Illegal Disposal of Construction Waste", which clearly put forward new requirements for Shanghai's construction waste disposal declaration; At the same time, relying on the "One Network Service" and "One Network Management", the different management entities of waste dump trucks are merged into the same system, providing good prevention and control measures for the "leakage" phenomenon of waste dump trucks.

However, due to the difference between road construction and construction sites, there are multiple entrances and exits, making it difficult to implement flushing measures. Moreover, most road construction is carried out in sections, and there are technical difficulties and limitations in implementing dust detection on the construction site. In addition, factors such as traffic flow make it difficult for conventional road dust monitors to accurately analyze the concentration of dust on the entire road section, making it difficult to accurately monitor and supervise some illegal activities, resulting in a mismatch between residents' physical perception and detection data. Under this premise, she believes that Shanghai still needs to further improve its level of refined management, such as integrating vehicle mounted navigation monitoring into the smart brain system, improving the construction of platforms for generation, clearance, governance, and reuse from a detailed perspective, and "ensuring that law enforcement agencies can truly achieve 'cloud supervision'.".

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