Where is the crux?, Car companies and issuing institutions are kicking the ball back and forth! ETC uses unmanned management when encountering obstacles

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:51 AM

Squeezing in the queue of "manual toll collection", Mr. Jin, a citizen, looked helplessly at the small device installed next to the rearview mirror: it had been more than 4 months since the new car landed and completed registration, but the ETC, which was installed when the vehicle left the factory, could not be activated for a long time. "Who should we find to solve the problem?" Mr. Jin, who has been trying multiple things for four months, appears quite tired.

ETC, also known as Electronic Non Stop Toll Collection System, allows vehicles equipped with corresponding equipment to complete backend settlement processing with banks through computer networking technology when passing through toll stations such as highways or bridges without the need for parking. As one of the important service functions of intelligent transportation systems, ETC systems are widely welcomed by citizens due to their convenience. However, many years after the service was launched, consumers still have a lot of confusion. What is the crux behind it?

Shanghai ETC cannot be repaired?

"I originally thought that since it was an official option provided by the manufacturer, it would be better and more aesthetically pleasing, but I didn't expect it to be a waste of money." Last December, Mr. Jin ordered a car from a Porsche sales center in Shanghai, and from his vehicle selection list, it clearly stated "700 yuan" next to the ETC item. This price is much higher than the cost of applying for an ETC device, but what Mr. Jin did not expect was that after successfully picking up the car in May this year, the operation of using the device got stuck in the first step.

Where is the crux?, Car companies and issuing institutions are kicking the ball back and forth! ETC uses unmanned management when encountering obstacles

According to Mr. Jin, as early as the time of picking up the car, the salesperson had already sent a "ETC Service Operation Manual" to his mobile phone, which included instructions on the personal passenger car ETC processing process. In addition, Mr. Jin also received a "ETC Business Operation Steps" provided by Porsche, which also introduced how to enable ETC. Shortly after picking up the car, Mr. Jin made an attempt by comparing two guidelines: after completing personal information real name authentication, the device on the vehicle could not be detected through Bluetooth, and subsequent operations could no longer be carried out.

The "ETC Operation Guide" sent by sales.

After repeated attempts but failed, Mr. Jin reluctantly contacted the Porsche after-sales center in Shanghai. "The staff told me that ETC is an additional external device installed on the vehicle, and if there are recognition, connection, and other issues, you need to contact the ETC issuing agency yourself." Through the hotline number "962319" provided by the after-sales staff, Mr. Jin successfully called the Shanghai ETC customer service center. However, the staff expressed that "they are not familiar with Porsche's equipment." After explaining the situation repeatedly, the staff still regretfully informed him that "they can only go to the car company.".

"Isn't it 'kicking the ball' if the car company is not responsible and the issuing institution is not familiar with it?" Faced with such a result, Mr. Jin couldn't help but feel angry. "I bought the car in Shanghai, and according to the shipping information, the vehicle should be directly transported from Germany to Shanghai for ETC equipment installation. Why can't Shanghai ETC provide repair, consultation, and other assistance?"

Where is the crux?, Car companies and issuing institutions are kicking the ball back and forth! ETC uses unmanned management when encountering obstacles

After four months of helplessness, Mr. Jin had to dial the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline. After contacting him, the reporter also immediately inquired about the situation with the Shanghai Traffic Card Company responsible for the issuance and operation of ETC in Shanghai. However, after confirmation by the relevant person in charge of the User Development Business Unit, there is currently no cooperative relationship between "Shanghai ETC" and Porsche for optional products. Therefore, if the equipment encounters problems during use, Shanghai ETC cannot provide maintenance and other services.

Unclear issuer

Based on the response from the relevant person in charge, Mr. Jin has also found some "clues" from several "operation guides" provided by car companies in recent days: whether it is the operation manual sent by sales or the mini program providing ETC activation services, it is prominently written with "China ETC" instead of "Shanghai ETC". What are the differences among them? What is the nature of the "China ETC" platform, which truly has a cooperative relationship with Porsche?

After further research and consultation, the reporter found that "China ETC" is actually an ETC processing platform that integrates all channels. It is not a specific issuing entity. When applying for relevant services through the "China ETC" applet or WeChat official account, users must select the issuing service agency in a specific province or city, fill in the address and upload personal data before receiving the ETC device. That is to say, "China ETC" only undertakes the function of handling the entrance, and as for the maintenance, cancellation and other matters involved in the equipment issuance and subsequent use process, each distribution center will still perform its own duties according to the region. As a result, due to Porsche's delay in providing precise responses regarding the issuance of ETC equipment in provinces and cities, Mr. Jin's request for help can only come to a standstill.

Where is the crux?, Car companies and issuing institutions are kicking the ball back and forth! ETC uses unmanned management when encountering obstacles

According to the "China ETC" application page, users must choose the issuing institution in a specific province or city to apply for ETC. Therefore, subsequent maintenance and other operations should also be carried out at the location of the issuer.

Unable to find the issuer, this is not Mr. Jin's sole concern. Currently, due to some provinces and even many car companies not fulfilling clear disclosure obligations regarding their issuance or provision of optional ETC products, some users are unaware of the issuing entity of ETC products. Although ETC has already achieved nationwide networking and universality in the actual process of road traffic, many citizens, like Mr. Jin, will fall into a situation of "no door to appeal" when they encounter maintenance, cancellation and other needs. In response to this issue, the reporter also sorted out various types of requests for help. Over the years, misunderstandings and confusion regarding the use of ETC have been numerous due to different issuers.

Mr. Jiang, a citizen, once fell into such a predicament. Due to obtaining the Jiangsu license plate when purchasing the car, he completed the ETC process directly at the offline branch in Jiangsu Province. In recent years, the vehicle has been in use in Shanghai until he was prompted by Shanghai ETC customer service personnel to cancel the ETC equipment due to the need to change vehicles, and he needed to return to the place of issuance to complete the cancellation operation. "Since ETC is widely used nationwide, why do after-sales services such as maintenance and cancellation have strict restrictions on the area?" Faced with the inconvenience of commuting back and forth, Mr. Jiang also raised his own doubts.

Citizens call for the establishment of a remote service system

Where is the crux?, Car companies and issuing institutions are kicking the ball back and forth! ETC uses unmanned management when encountering obstacles

Recently, an online response from the Ministry of Transport revealed the root cause of the problem. It is stated that in order to protect the security of user accounts and funds, ETC has been providing issuance and after-sales services to users by authorizing provincial issuers to use provincial keys since its development. Although ETC has implemented basic networking fees, both account management and equipment failures after ETC release require issuers to use key change information, and cross operations between different issuers are not possible.

As a result, for a long time, a remote service system, including inter provincial maintenance and inter provincial cancellation, has not been established, and the after-sales service channels in different provinces and cities are different, which also frequently hinders the use of many citizens.

In response to this, many citizens suggest that while accelerating the establishment of ETC remote service systems, ETC issuing agencies in various provinces and cities should clearly indicate the issuing area as much as possible. Car companies providing ETC optional services should also clearly inform users of the specific issuing location and institution to avoid situations of "missing packages" and facilitate subsequent after-sales services such as maintenance.

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Where is the crux?, Car companies and issuing institutions are kicking the ball back and forth! ETC uses unmanned management when encountering obstacles
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