Has the reputation of "stinky" spread far and wide? The foul smell of this dairy farm in Lushan, Jinshan is unbearable to the villagers. Reporter | Jinzhang | The farm

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 02:04 AM

"From morning till night, this sour smell lingers and lingers." Speaking of something that the whole family couldn't bear, Mr. Yu's voice was filled with helplessness on the phone. "It's been over a month now, even if you don't open the windows or doors all day, the odor can seep in through the cracks of the doors and windows, making the whole room full."

Mr. Yu lives in Guanghui Village, located in Lvxiang Town, Jinshan District. The village is situated on the north and south sides of Jinzhang Road, covering a large area with a large number of residents. In rural summer, it was originally a leisurely time to go out and see greenery, but recently, a dairy farm built adjacent to the village has become the biggest concern for the villagers.

Within a radius of several hundred meters, there is a foul odor that fills the sky

Has the reputation of "stinky" spread far and wide? The foul smell of this dairy farm in Lushan, Jinshan is unbearable to the villagers. Reporter | Jinzhang | The farm

On the afternoon of August 11th, the reporter drove to Lvxiang Town in Jinshan District. Due to Mr. Yu only providing a rough location of the dairy farm and not knowing its specific name during the previous interview process, the reporter had to follow the Jinzhang Road and inquire about it all the way in Guanghui Village.

Going west along the Jinzhang Highway, there is a small dairy farm. Without an address or name, the reporter initially thought it would be difficult to locate it. However, a staff member provided a clear clue at a gas station near the village. Subsequently, near Group 25 of Guanghui Village, an old man riding an electric bicycle also told reporters that walking west along the Jinzhang Highway, the dairy farm is located on the south side of the road. "The taste is very strong," he added.

A small dairy farm that smells so bad that it is well-known far and wide? According to the information already available, the reporter drove westward along the Jinzhang Highway before passing the intersection of Jinzhang Highway and Xinwei Expressway. A strange odor wafted in faintly from the unclosed car window. The further you travel westward, the stronger the smell becomes. The reporter quickly identified the source of the odor as Shanghai Zhenhua Dairy Co., Ltd. The company is located deep in a fork road on the south side of Jinzhang Road. Except for a steel factory, a wood factory, and a logistics base, almost all of the surrounding areas are residential buildings of villagers in Guanghui Village.

Has the reputation of "stinky" spread far and wide? The foul smell of this dairy farm in Lushan, Jinshan is unbearable to the villagers. Reporter | Jinzhang | The farm

Follow the Jinzhang Highway all the way west, cross the Jiebujing Bridge, and you will find the dairy farm. At this time, the odor is very obvious.

Park the car and the reporter walked to the vicinity of Zhenhua Company under the scorching sun. At the fork in the road leading to the gate, a foul odor rushed straight into the nose. First, there was a putrid and irritating sour smell, followed by a nauseating odor. Even with a mask on, the isolation effect was still better than nothing. After walking a few steps, the journalist had already been suffocated and had a headache. Suppressing the discomfort, he walked to the middle of the fork in the road and saw three huge cowsheds in front of the reporter, where the odor reached its peak. In the afternoon of that day, there were no traces of cows in the greenhouse, only a large amount of feed like substances remained on the ground. There were also sewage and garbage piles scattered throughout the greenhouse.

At the end of the fork in the road is the Cow Company, with the name clearly written as "Shanghai Zhenhua".

Has the reputation of "stinky" spread far and wide? The foul smell of this dairy farm in Lushan, Jinshan is unbearable to the villagers. Reporter | Jinzhang | The farm

The environment inside the cowshed is dirty and unbearable, with sewage everywhere and a large amount of feed remaining on the ground.

Due to the unpleasant odor, the reporter was unable to stay here for too long. However, when he returned to the car, he found that his clothes had already been stained with a noticeable sour odor. Subsequently, the reporter also came to Guanghui Village to investigate the situation. At the residential area of the villagers, which is nearly 100 meters away from the dairy farm in a straight line, although the odor has been greatly reduced compared to the fork in the road, when the wind rises, the gusts of sour odor can still effortlessly invade the nasal cavity. "We've been numb to the smell for a long time, sometimes we don't even feel the smell," said a resident living next to a cowshed.

Odor can harm animal and human health

Has the reputation of "stinky" spread far and wide? The foul smell of this dairy farm in Lushan, Jinshan is unbearable to the villagers. Reporter | Jinzhang | The farm

"Generally speaking, the main sources of odors in the aquaculture industry are protein, fat, and carbohydrates in feed. After these three substances decay, they will produce unpleasant odors. The same is true in dairy farms. Dali has been engaged in odor control work at Chuang'ao Environmental Protection Technology Development Co., Ltd. for many years.". In recent years, the large-scale and intensive development of dairy farming has made dairy farms a source of environmental pollution and odor disturbance.

According to the strong introduction, on the one hand, the silage feed consumed by cows is sealed and fermented, which itself has a certain sour taste. In addition, if it deteriorates in the natural environment, it will produce a rotten sour odor; On the other hand, the protein contained in cow feces and the fat leaked by calves when drinking milk will also produce odor after deterioration. "The main odorants in these odors are ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. If inhaled for a long time, they will not only harm the human respiratory tract, cause sore throat and other symptoms, but also reduce the immunity of animals in this environment for a long time, especially increase the incidence rate of respiratory tract, pneumonia and other diseases."

In fact, in addition to the strong odor, compared with other odor sources such as garbage and sewage, the odor in the livestock breeding industry also has the particularity of "unorganized emission". Spray equipment and plant type deodorant, so as to play the role of "isolation curtain wall". Through the purification and treatment of odor, the ecological environment quality of the whole site will be improved. "Vigorously share," according to the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry issued by Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau and Shanghai Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision The boundary emission limits for odor pollution control projects in existing and newly built livestock and poultry farms are 50 dimensionless and 20 dimensionless, respectively

Has the reputation of "stinky" spread far and wide? The foul smell of this dairy farm in Lushan, Jinshan is unbearable to the villagers. Reporter | Jinzhang | The farm

Currently, Mr. Yu urgently hopes to receive attention from relevant departments, clarify the source of the odor as soon as possible, and adopt effective governance measures to reduce the impact on surrounding villagers. Regarding the odor disturbance caused by Shanghai Zhenhua Dairy Co., Ltd., the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter will continue to pay attention to it.

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