Shanghai will experience 40 consecutive days of dog days this year! These health rumors need to be clarified. Time | Air conditioning | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:49 AM

Starting from July 11th, this year's 40 day extended version of the dog days will officially begin. The dog days usually occur between Xiaoshu and Chushu, and are the period of the year when the temperature is highest, humid, and stuffy. After the beginning of the summer, high temperatures and humidity will occur frequently, and the hot mode of "grilling" in the north and "sauna" in the south will be activated. In the dog days, how to maintain good health has attracted much attention, and these health rumors need to be clarified:

Rumor 1: When feeling heatstroke, you can still "persist"

This summer, there will be continuous high temperatures, and temperatures in some areas may exceed 40 ℃. The risk of heat stroke is also increasing in the continuous hot weather. Many people may persist when feeling stuffy and dizzy, but doing so may be fatal. On July 2nd, a tour guide in Beijing passed away due to heat stroke. At that time, he led a tour of the Summer Palace for nearly 2 hours under high temperatures. Afterwards, his colleagues recalled that the tour guide had already felt some discomfort one hour after leading the research group into the Summer Palace, but he still insisted on taking the team's students onto the bus outside the park.

Many people mistakenly believe that they can "persist" when they first feel uncomfortable, but little do they know that the harm caused by heat stroke to the body does not accumulate continuously. When the heat exceeds their own regulatory ability, the body will instantly reach the "point of collapse", leading to serious symptoms such as fainting, convulsions, and even death. Dizziness is the earliest manifestation of heatstroke in the early stages, when the cranial temperature has already increased. Therefore, if you feel dizzy, suddenly wilted, and lack of energy, you must not think about standing up and then resting. At this time, you should quickly lie down and rest in a cool place, drink some cold water appropriately, and seek medical attention promptly if there is no relief after 10-30 minutes.

Rumor 2: Heatstroke prevention and cooling only need to pay attention to temperature

In fact, compared to high temperatures, hot and humid weather is more likely to cause heat stroke unconsciously. "Feeling hot" and "high temperature" are two different things. The temperature in the weather forecast is only the air temperature, while the actual temperature felt by the human body is called "perceived temperature", which is the temperature felt by the body under the comprehensive influence of temperature, wind speed, humidity, and other factors. When humidity increases, the perceived temperature will significantly increase. For example, when the temperature is 32 ℃ and the humidity is 30%, the perceived temperature of a person is approximately 32 ℃; When the temperature remains at 32 ℃ and the humidity rises to 60%, the perceived temperature will approach 38 ℃; When the temperature rises to 35 ℃ and the humidity is also 60%, the perceived temperature can reach up to 45 ℃! Therefore, besides hot weather, hot and humid weather is more likely to make people "unknowingly" suffer from heatstroke.

Therefore, in order to prevent heatstroke and cool down, in addition to avoiding high temperatures, one should also avoid high humidity. Avoid exposure to scorching sun, avoid excessive activity in high temperatures or scorching sun, reduce activity in humid weather, consciously control the humidity in the environment, and appropriately turn on the air conditioning dehumidification function or dehumidifier.

Rumor 3: If you turn on the air conditioning, don't open the windows for ventilation

The high temperature weather has led many people to activate the all-weather air conditioning mode, closing windows and doors while vigorously blowing air conditioning indoors. However, staying in a humid, stuffy, and poorly ventilated room for a long time is actually more prone to heatstroke. Moreover, only turning on the air conditioning without opening windows for ventilation can lead to poorer air quality and increased risk of illness.

The temperature of the air conditioner in summer should not be lower than 26 ℃. It should be avoided to blow the air conditioner for a long time, avoid blowing air at the air outlet, and avoid direct blowing after sweating to avoid exposing the neck and shoulder muscles to cold air for a long time. Open windows for ventilation at least twice a day, for 15 to 30 minutes each time. Even in summer, don't let the wind blow when sleeping with the window open at night.

Rumor 4: Eating only fruits and vegetables and cold drinks during the dog days can help you lose weight

The weather is hot and humid, and many people eat vegetables, fruits, and cold drinks every day, but this practice is not healthy. Focusing solely on vegetables and fruits is difficult to meet the basic nutritional needs of the human body, including carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, and more. The high temperature in summer accelerates the metabolic rate of the human body and leads to a significant increase in protein consumption. If protein is not replenished in a timely manner, it will have adverse effects on the human endocrine system, digestive system, immune system, etc., leading to a decline in physical fitness. In summer, human blood vessels are in a state of dilation. Suddenly consuming a large amount of cold drinks can cause rapid constriction of blood vessels, causing fluctuations in blood pressure and easily triggering cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

In summer, it is also important to have a balanced diet and eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains. The recommended daily intake of protein in summer is 70-90 grams, and it is best to consume more than half of high-quality proteins that are easily digested and absorbed by the human body, such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, chicken, duck, eggs, milk, and soy products. In addition, the discomfort such as fatigue and loss of appetite that people experience in summer may also be related to potassium deficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables such as scallions, celery, edamame, strawberries, and apricots that are rich in potassium. Cold drinks should be consumed in moderation. You can drink sour plum soup, mung bean soup, honeysuckle tea, mint tea, or lemon tea, but do not drink chilled drinks in large quantities and avoid being too cold.

Rumor 5: Persist in summer exercise until you sweat profusely

The concept of "practicing three nines in winter and three fu in summer" is highly sought after by many people, who believe that one must persist in exercising until sweating profusely in order to maintain good health. In summer, the ambient temperature rises, and the human body sweats heavily to regulate body temperature. Normal sweating helps with heat dissipation, metabolism, and maintaining body temperature stability. Sweat evaporation can take away a large amount of heat. Therefore, sweating is the most efficient way for the human body to relieve heat and cool down. However, excessive sweating can lead to blood viscosity, which can easily cause heart disease, cerebral infarction, etc. Middle aged and elderly people must not exercise excessively during the hot summer season.

When exercising in hot summer weather, it is important to pay attention to replenishing moisture and promoting sweat discharge. An adult excretes approximately 500 milliliters of water from their skin sweat glands every day, and sweats more during high temperatures and exercise. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents suggest that under mild climate conditions, the appropriate daily water intake for adult males with low levels of physical activity is 1700 milliliters; The appropriate daily water intake for women is 1500 milliliters. Increase water intake appropriately after sweating in summer. To determine if you have drunk enough water, you can observe the color of your urine: it is a light lemon color, indicating that the body's water is in its optimal state; Clear and colorless, the intake of water should be appropriately reduced; If it is brownish yellow, it is necessary to replenish water in a timely manner. Also, remember not to take a cold shower immediately after exercising. After sweating, the pores of the body open and the blood circulates at high speed. Taking a shower immediately can cause damage to the body and skin. It is recommended to wait for the sweat to subside before taking a bath with warm water.

Rumor 6: You can avoid summer heat and maintain health without sweating

Sweating can be sticky and unpleasant, causing discomfort and even dirtying clothes. So many people try their best not to sweat, to sweat less, to stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, not to exercise, or to use antiperspirants, but doing so has entered another misconception. In fact, sweating during the dog days is the best supplement for the human body. Normal sweating is beneficial to physical health, as sweating can activate the function of organs throughout the body and improve circulation. Sweating appropriately also helps to eliminate dampness and heat toxins from the body, making people more energetic and energetic.

Therefore, give your body some opportunities to actively sweat every day and avoid staying in air-conditioned rooms for long periods of time. When the environment is not particularly stuffy, turn off the air conditioning fan and enjoy the most authentic temperature in nature. Although summer exercise is the main focus of the three dog days for health preservation, it is also necessary to engage in moderate exercise. When exercising during the dog days, avoid high temperatures and do it in a cool and shady place at a cool time. It is advisable to walk for an hour, jog for 30 minutes, or swim for 30 minutes, with a slight sweating.

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