Minhang residents can only walk to Changning, why can't buses run across districts? Mr. at the junction of two districts | Hongqiao Town | Cross district

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:38 AM

"I have always been curious. Is it because of crossing districts that our community doesn't have suitable buses to go to nearby subway stations and hospitals?"

Recently, Mr. Ji, a resident of Minhang District, left a message on the news interactive platform of Liberation Daily, stating that he, who lives at the border of two administrative districts, would need to spend a lot of time crossing districts to reach nearby hospitals, shopping malls, transportation hubs, and other places. Mr. Ji hopes that the planning of bus routes and stops can be more humane, taking into account the travel needs of citizens in cross regional areas.

If you want to travel by bus, cross district walking is inevitable

Mr. Ji lives in Shanghai Jinying Huating Community, Minhang District, at the intersection of Hongzhong Road and Huaguang Road, about 500 meters away from Yan'an Elevated Road. He enters the boundary of Changning District by crossing the elevated bridge.

Minhang residents can only walk to Changning, why can't buses run across districts? Mr. at the junction of two districts | Hongqiao Town | Cross district

△ Shanghai Jinying Huating Community.

Mr. Ji told reporters that he usually takes the Metro Line 10 for his travels, and walks about 1.4 kilometers from home to the nearest Longxi Road subway station. If you want to take a bus, you need to follow Hongzhong Road north and enter Changning District before taking a bus to reach Longxi Road subway station. The walking distance is already over 1 kilometer, especially in the scorching summer, which is very inconvenient. If you want to go to the Shanghai Zoo Station on the 1.6 kilometer rail transit line 10 near your home, it is another situation. Mr. Ji needs to take a bus to the bus station near the subway station in Minhang District, then get off and walk through the Yan'an Elevated Road to enter Changning District. He also needs to walk nearly 1 kilometer.

He also stated that when he is sick, he usually goes to the nearby Tongren Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine for medical treatment. However, if he chooses public transportation, he must first walk 1.5 kilometers through Yan'an Elevated Road, enter the northern boundary of Changning District, walk to the bus station on Hongqiao Road, and then take three bus routes passing through Tongren Hospital nearby. The total distance is only about 3 kilometers, and it takes nearly 2 kilometers to walk, with a total time of nearly 1 hour.

A direct walking distance of 3 kilometers, if choosing public transportation, the walking distance can reach 1.8 kilometers.

Minhang residents can only walk to Changning, why can't buses run across districts? Mr. at the junction of two districts | Hongqiao Town | Cross district

"The recent weather has been either hot or rainy, and we often have to walk more than 1 kilometer, which is really a bad experience!" Under the pressure of helplessness, he had to pay higher fees for these awkward distances, such as taxis and ride hailing services.

The boundary between the two districts forms the boundary for the direction of public transportation

There are many bus stops around Mr. Ji's residential area, why is it so inconvenient to take public transportation to Changning District?

Further investigation by reporters revealed that the bus routes near Mr. Ji's home are always in a small circle in Minhang District or even Hongqiao Town, while the bus routes passing through Longxi Road subway station are rarely heading south to Mr. Ji's home.

Minhang residents can only walk to Changning, why can't buses run across districts? Mr. at the junction of two districts | Hongqiao Town | Cross district

Within a 100 meter radius of Mr. Ji's residential area, there are four bus stops, namely Hechuan Road Hongsong East Road, Hongsong East Road Hongzhong Road, Huaguang Road Hongzhong Road, and Hongzhong Road Chengjiaqiao Branch Road, which are relatively dense. The bus routes that pass through these stations include Route 804, the Hongqiao Town No.2 section, and the Hongqiao Town community bus B-line loop. The section of Road 2 in Hongqiao Town is operated by Shanghai Minhang Passenger Transport Service Co., Ltd. It turns its head downwards on Huaguang Road and only operates within the scope of Hongqiao Town; The Hongqiao Town Community Bus B Loop Line, which was newly opened and operated in 2021, also operates in the Hongmei area of Minhang District. It mainly connects places such as the Rhine Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Minhang District, the Hongqiao Town Community Health Service Center, and the Hongqiao Town Community Affairs Reception Center, making it convenient for the elderly to use community services and not extending to Changning District; The 804 bus, which belongs to Shanghai Bus Second Public Transport Co., Ltd., only heads north near Mr. Ji's residential area and then south under the Yan'an overpass, without entering Changning District.

The bus stop next to the community.

On the other hand, north of Yan'an Elevated Road and within the boundaries of Changning District, there are also many nearby bus stops, including Jianhe Road Zhongyunliang Station, Hongmei Road Zhongyunliang Station, Chengjiaqiao Station, Hongqiao Road Chengjiaqiao Station, and Hongmei Road Yan'an West Road Station, totaling 5 bus stops. The bus routes passing through are all under the jurisdiction of Shanghai Bus Third Public Transport Co., Ltd., and do not pass near the Jinying Huating community where Mr. Ji resides. Bus routes 71, 57, and 328 are mainly operated in Changning District; After driving south and approaching Yan'an Elevated Road, the No. 91 bus turns west and travels west along the north side of Yan'an Elevated Road until it reaches Qishen Road before heading south; 519 Road mainly operates on the north side of Yan'an Elevated Road, roughly running in an east-west direction. It only travels to the southwest after reaching the Huqingping Interchange on the outer ring road; The bus route 757 roughly runs in a north-south direction, with the main route on the south side of Yan'an Elevated Road running along the Central Ring Road, spanning two districts, but also far from the Jinying Huating community.

Therefore, under the Yan'an elevated bridge next to Mr. Ji's house, a clear boundary has been formed at the junction of the two districts, resulting in the phenomenon of many bus stops but not convenient enough for the people.

Minhang residents can only walk to Changning, why can't buses run across districts? Mr. at the junction of two districts | Hongqiao Town | Cross district

Public transportation company: will verify the registration status

The problem Mr. Ji is facing is not a new problem or an individual problem, but a public issue that exists at the junction of the two suburban districts in Shanghai, which is related to the regional operation of public transportation. After years of mergers and reorganizations, Shanghai has formed a situation where various bus companies of Jiushi Group and independently operated passenger transport companies in the suburbs coexist. The two operating routes have their own characteristics and different division of labor. For example, in Minhang District, public transportation services are mainly provided by Shanghai Minhang Passenger Transport Service Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Bus Second Public Transport Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Jiushi. According to official information, Minhang Bus Company has a total of 55 bus routes, including 956, 20 Minhang, 13 Pujiang, 5 Jiangchuan, as well as Hongqiao Town 2, Qibao 2, Maqiao 1, Huacao 5, Meilong 1, etc. Except for route 956 from Lanxiang Lake to Xujiahui, most of the other routes are located in Minhang District, providing convenient community services for residents in the area. Shanghai Bus Second Public Transport Co., Ltd. mainly undertakes ground public transportation passenger transportation tasks in the southwest region of Shanghai, with a total of 9 operating fleets including No. 49, Meilong, Minhang, and Xinsong. According to statistics by reporters, although most of the routes cross regional routes, the setting of the routes is still mainly based on the main trunk lines connecting large hubs and densely populated areas, which inevitably leads to inadequate care.

For the planning and setting of routes, staff from Shanghai Minhang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. admitted to reporters that ground buses are limited resources. Generally, being able to reach the destination within one transfer is a basic guarantee. Adding a direct route from the doorstep is a personalized requirement that is difficult to meet under limited resources. The staff expressed the difficulty tactfully, stating that Minhang Passenger Transport is a public transportation company and does not have the authority to set up routes. Route adjustments need to follow the higher-level traffic management department, and if cross district routes need to be established, they belong to city level routes. The staff of Minhang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. suggested that the reporter further submit the suggestions of the citizens to the transportation committees at both levels of the city. "However, if citizens do encounter bus blind spots during their travels and there is a real demand from citizens, our staff will go to the scene to verify."

The reporter also called the service hotline of Shanghai Bus Second Public Transport Co., Ltd., reflecting the travel difficulties Mr. Ji is facing. After listening to the situation, the staff stated that the 804 road near Mr. Ji's home is the company's route. The suggestions for adjusting and optimizing the route have been registered as citizens and will be reported to the relevant departments. We will reply once there are results.

Minhang residents can only walk to Changning, why can't buses run across districts? Mr. at the junction of two districts | Hongqiao Town | Cross district

Bus route No. 804.

Promoting the "Transit City" is one of the key points for Shanghai to build an integrated comprehensive transportation system. The optimization of the bus network should be considered from the perspective of the integration of public transportation throughout the city. The difficulties that ordinary people encounter when traveling should be the guiding direction, guided by solving livelihood problems, so that the public transportation network can truly serve the people.

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