How did the old and dilapidated road become a boutique road? The people of Jinshan District suggest that these old roads be revitalized. Jinyi East Road | Renovation | Jinshan District

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:34 PM

On the brand new asphalt road surface of Jinyi East Road in the Shihua Street of Jinshan District, vehicles flow endlessly; The sunlight passes through the lush roadside trees on both sides, creating mottled tree shadows. Citizens leisurely stroll under the shade of the trees. Not long ago, this place was still seen as an old and dilapidated road by the citizens. It was built in the 1970s and was once an east-west transportation artery that combines historical heritage and landscape effects. But with the changing times, Jinyi East Road gradually became deserted.

In order to revitalize old urban roads like Jinyi East Road, Shihua Street has included it in the "Flower and Sea Community Construction". A special people's suggestion collection group has been formed from multiple parties, hoping to listen to the demands of residents and better integrate into the renovation project plan, promoting the renovation and renewal of "old and dilapidated roads" such as Jinyi East Road with industrial renewal and cultural inheritance as the core.

How did the old and dilapidated road become a boutique road? The people of Jinshan District suggest that these old roads be revitalized. Jinyi East Road | Renovation | Jinshan District

The Petrochemical Street has chosen "Flowers and Seas" as the theme for soliciting suggestions from the people.

"This road used to be the 'Nanjing Road' in Jinshan, and the older generation of us all hoped to restore its vitality." Huang Zhijian, 68 years old, is a resident of Shihua Second Village. Looking at this half life long Jinyi East Road in front of him, from bustling to desolate to slowly reviving, he admitted that there have been huge changes. In the people's suggestion collection activity, he proposed that the renovation of Jinyi East Road should include a cycling route to increase popularity.

How did the old and dilapidated road become a boutique road? The people of Jinshan District suggest that these old roads be revitalized. Jinyi East Road | Renovation | Jinshan District

"At that time, when the staff came to ask for our advice, I said there was a lack of ocean elements, and I didn't expect it to be really 'painted'." On Jinyi East Road, the owner of a printing shop, Blanlan, has been living nearby since childhood and has been opening a shop here since graduation. In recent years, customer traffic has gradually declined, but she has been sticking to it. At the suggestion of Branland, in addition to necessary store signs, sidewalk updates, and greenways, Jinyi East Road has also become a blue "ocean" - the ocean elements on old walls, cute marine creatures on manhole covers, and the blue sea and sky on over 300 electrical boxes... The renovated and upgraded Jinyi East Road has gradually brought a turning point to the business of surrounding shops, and Branland is full of expectations for the future.

△ Jinyi East Road.

How did the old and dilapidated road become a boutique road? The people of Jinshan District suggest that these old roads be revitalized. Jinyi East Road | Renovation | Jinshan District

In addition, Shihua Street has also adopted people's suggestions to improve the quality of roads in old urban areas such as Liucheng Road and Xiangzhou Road, which belong to the same old and dilapidated roads. In response to the shortcomings of limited public green spaces and insufficient leisure spaces for residents in the jurisdiction, Shihua Street has built multiple micro landscapes and street gardens on Liucheng Road, which have become transit stations for citizens to relax and go shopping. Shihua Street also solicited suggestions from merchants to renovate Zhoulu. In the suggestions of merchants, "mosaic store signage" became the keyword for renovation, and "red" was the tone of the renovation. Recently, students from Jiaoyuan Affiliated Primary School located on Xiangzhou Road have been imaginatively designing patterns, and these creative ideas will eventually be presented on the mosaic cultural wall in the landscape sketch of "Red Corridor".

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