Xiangdao Travel has reached a strategic cooperation with Shanghai Haichang, focusing on the pain points of tourists' "last mile" in Shanghai | benefiting the people | pain points

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:55 PM

On August 11th, the "Digital Empowerment of Culture and Tourism, Technological Innovation and Benefiting the People" and the Shanghai Haichang Digital Intelligence Culture and Tourism Benefiting the People Conference were successfully held at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park. The high-tech enterprises led by the government of Pudong New Area and Lingang New Area, as well as the technology benefiting the people project of Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park, were officially launched. At the press conference, SAIC Group's mobile travel strategy brand, Xiangdao Chuxing, reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park. The two sides will work together to focus on the pain points of the "last mile" in tourist travel scenarios, provide tourists with new choices for quality smart travel such as ride hailing cars and Robotaxi, and innovate to support the new development of smart cultural and tourism construction near the port.

Focus on segmented demand scenarios and deeply cultivate the Shanghai travel market

Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park has the largest and most diverse marine animal population in Asia, making it a unique quality tourism destination in Shanghai and even the entire Yangtze River Delta region. It is also a great place for children to relax, broaden their horizons, and engage in educational activities. Combined with the impact of the hot summer tourism market this year, according to the data briefing of the ride hailing business of the Xiangdao Travel Data Research Institute, the order volume of citizens and tourists visiting Haichang Ocean Park increased by 130% month on month in July this year.

To ensure the practical implementation of this strategic cooperation, Xiangdao Travel has deployed high-quality vehicles and selected drivers on the platform, and mobilized the enthusiasm of driver drivers through map fences, operation subsidies, and other means. It has increased the investment of high-quality dedicated vehicles in the Lingang tourist area to better solve the pain point problem of tourists traveling the "last mile" to Haichang Ocean Park. At the entrance of Haichang Ocean Park and resort hotels, dedicated shuttle signs have been set up for passengers to call and drivers to pick up their vehicles. At the same time, Xiangdao Travel has also customized exclusive travel discount coupons for Haichang tourists, providing both discounted and higher quality ride hailing services for tourists, especially family users who travel with their children.

In addition, Xiangdao Robotaxi will also participate in this strategic cooperation with Haichang. Tourists can call Xiangdao Robotaxi through the Xiangdao Travel APP, experience L4 level autonomous driving, and unlock future smart travel methods. Next, both sides will plan more routes combining Robotaxi and amusement parks to assist Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park in further expanding its digital integrated scenic spots.

As the first L4 autonomous driving operation platform with the background of a domestic car company, SAIC Xiangdao Robotaxi was launched in Jiading, Shanghai in December 2021; In December 2022, the Xiangdao Robotaxi 2.0 vehicle, which achieved mass production of front-end equipment, officially began its regular manned demonstration application in the Lingang New Area.

Focusing on segmented demand scenarios, Xiangdao Travel deeply cultivates the Shanghai travel market through scenario based and refined services, leading high-quality safe travel with standardized services, and practicing "accompanying you wherever you think". The strategic cooperation with Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park is not a precedent. Last month, Xiangdao Chuxing became the only travel platform connected to SAIC Pudong Football Stadium, providing exclusive travel services for fans and further implementing special support plans, greatly accelerating travel efficiency.

Diversified products emerge frequently to meet more segmented needs

While meeting the basic travel needs of users, Xiangdao Travel deeply explores the added value of travel scenarios, focuses on different user segmentation needs, innovatively provides more refined scene services, and creates personalized customized product services.

On July 1st of this year, Xiangdao Travel targeted the high-end travel segment and officially launched luxury car products. It was the first to land and operate in Shanghai and Chengdu, creating a luxurious travel service for citizens and tourists, and setting a new benchmark for travel service quality. From pick-up services to cabin space, the luxury car for Xiangdao Travel strictly adheres to the 14 leading industry standards for butler style services, ensuring a comfortable and luxurious travel space and experience throughout the journey, and providing passengers with meticulous care in every detail.

In April 2020, Xiangdao Chuxing launched an innovative product called "Xiangxue Small Special Vehicle" to address the problem of student transportation to and from school. It provides "one-on-one" exclusive transportation services for primary and secondary school students. The service drivers are all model drivers with more than 3 years of safety driving experience, zero complaints in operating Xiangdao special vehicles, a friendly image, and strong service awareness. They can only be on duty after receiving strict service standard training.

Industry "Unicorn", Continuously Striving for "100 Cities Goal"

As a strategic brand of SAIC Group's mobile transportation, Xiangdao Chuxing has completed the layout of a "full scene intelligent transportation complex", fully covering online car hailing, corporate car use, personal car rental, taxi and Robotaxi services, providing users with a one-stop travel solution. With the strategic cooperation with Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park, Xiangdao Travel has further expanded its full scene service map. From football fields to parks, from business people to student groups, Xiangdao Travel offers diversified products and high-quality services to provide users with a high-quality and comfortable travel experience.

Last August, Xiangdao Chuxing completed a Series B financing of over 1 billion yuan, with a post investment valuation of 1 billion US dollars, officially entering the ranks of "unicorns". Since 2023, Xiangdao Chuxing has accelerated the promotion of the national network ride hailing business layout, and has successively landed business in cities such as Quzhou in Zhejiang, Zhongshan in Guangdong, Liuzhou in Guangxi, Weifang in Shandong, Shenyang in Liaoning, Dalian in Xinjiang, Urumqi in Xinjiang, and Leshan in Sichuan, demonstrating the strong strength and development confidence of the new "unicorn".

Maintaining a steady pace of opening up the city is inseparable from the "compliance first" business philosophy practiced by Xiangdao Travel. As a strategic measure of SAIC Group's "New Four Modernizations" aimed at the development trend of the "sharing" industry and actively promoting innovation and transformation, Xiangdao Chuxing adheres to the principle of fully compliant operation, practices "vehicle certification for passenger transportation, and driver certification for work", standardizes the code of conduct for drivers, protects drivers and passengers throughout the journey, and safeguards every safe travel. In the monthly "dual compliance" ranking released by the Ministry of Transport, Xiangdao Chuxing has always been at the top, and once again held the first place in the latest June report.

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【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit

SAIC Group released its 2023 semi annual report today. In the first half of this year, the company achieved wholesale sales of 2.072 million vehicles and terminal retail sales of 2.237 million vehicles, continuing to maintain its leading position in the domestic industry, and monthly sales continued to grow month on month. Sales in the second quarter increased by 32.5% compared to the first quarter, outperforming the overall market growth rate. In the first half of the year, SAIC's overseas sales reached 533000 vehicles, continuing to lead the industry; The sales of new energy vehicles reached 372000 units, ranking second among Chinese car companies and maintaining a "month on month continuous increase" since January. During the reporting period, the company achieved a combined total operating revenue of 326.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.34%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 7.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.54%, by optimizing its structure, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

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SAIC Maxus, in collaboration with the Wuxi government, provides subsidies for purchasing "StarCraft" pickup trucks to benefit the public

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