The Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations have been implemented for more than five months to provide action guidelines for promoting high-quality and full employment; Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Great country craftsmen

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:20 PM

Employment is the most basic livelihood. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should strengthen employment priority policies, improve employment promotion mechanisms, and promote high-quality and full employment.

How to implement the employment priority strategy? On March 1st of this year, the Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations were officially implemented, marking the second revision of local employment promotion regulations in Shanghai after 17 years, providing legal protection for promoting high-quality and full employment. Guided by the Regulations, Shanghai's human resources and social security departments will strengthen employment services for key groups, further improve the employment public service system, and focus on promoting high-quality and full employment.

Taking Multiple Measures to Assist College Graduates in Employment

At the recent "Leye Shanghai" 7th Anniversary Theme Day event, the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department released the first batch of red employment internship bases in the city, aiming to provide more internship opportunities for young people and further promote the red gene.

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China, the birthplace of its original aspiration, and the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party. It is rich in red resources, with a large capacity for employment and high quality. At the same time, it shoulders the historical mission of inheriting the red gene. The human resources and social security departments in this city actively transform the advantages of red resources into employment advantages, encouraging, supporting, and guiding eligible "red resources" to apply for employment internship bases in this city. At present, 13 red venues in 10 districts, including the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Memorial Hall of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Memorial Hall of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Sun Yat sen and Song Qingling Cultural Management Committee, the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery, the National Anthem Memorial Hall, and the Shanghai Songhu Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall, have become the first batch of red resource employment internship bases.

The employment of college graduates is of utmost importance in stabilizing employment. The Regulations emphasize the establishment of a coordination mechanism for the employment of college graduates in this city, and the overall promotion of the employment and entrepreneurship work of college graduates. This year, the number of fresh graduates from Shanghai universities has reached 236000, setting a new historical high, and the task of stabilizing employment is arduous. Exploring the absorption of "red resources" as employment internship bases is an innovative measure taken by the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department in the new situation. As of now, there are over 800 various internship bases in this city, providing more than 30000 internship positions every year, providing opportunities for young people to practice, accumulate work experience, and enhance their employability.

In addition, the city also organizes a large number of offline recruitment activities. From March 19th to May 26th, the human resources department will hold a spring special event for the joint recruitment of college graduates from large and medium-sized cities in 2023, with the theme of "career guidance for the future". During the event, public employment service agencies, universities, and social organizations at all levels held a total of 226 offline job fairs, providing 160000 job positions for nearly 9400 household units, attracting nearly 170000 graduates to seek employment, and reaching a preliminary recruitment intention of about 34000 people.

For graduates who have not yet confirmed their graduation destination, human resources and social security departments at all levels in Shanghai provide real name tracking services, with clear and clear needs, and intervene in advance to provide job recommendations and career guidance services. In order to improve the job seeking ability of young people, the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department is exploring innovative career guidance models and opening job seeking ability training camps. Since the beginning of this year, we have collaborated with universities such as East China Normal University, Shanghai University, Shanghai University of Technology, and Shanghai Business School to establish practical training camps for college students' job seeking abilities. The training courses cover career positioning, career decision-making, job preparation, and workplace drills. In the second half of the year, the main service group will be college graduates who have left school but are not employed, and we will continue to deepen our community efforts to promote practical training camp projects.

The Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations have been implemented for more than five months to provide action guidelines for promoting high-quality and full employment; Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Great country craftsmen

The Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department also strongly supports employers in recruiting young people and college graduates for employment. Employers who recruit 2023 college graduates, those who have not been employed within 2 years of leaving school, those who have been unemployed in the city for more than 3 months, and those aged 16-24 who have been unemployed can enjoy a one-time employment subsidy of 2000 yuan per person. The subsidy is distributed in a "no apply, no enjoy" manner.

"Recruitment on Taobao" builds a bridge between the market and job seekers

"Having used many recruitment websites, I still think that Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security's recruitment platform is the most reliable!" At the Yangpu District Employment Promotion Center, Mr. Xue, a citizen, is consulting with his career counselor about job hopping. He sighed that his last job was found on the new Shanghai public employment recruitment platform, which was still an old version at the time. Under the guidance of his career mentor, he logged into the newly upgraded Shanghai Public Employment Recruitment Platform and experienced a job search process as convenient as online shopping.

In October 2021, the new Shanghai public employment recruitment platform was officially launched. The construction ideas have also been included in the "Regulations": "The municipal human resources and social security department should work together with the municipal big data center to strengthen the construction of the public employment service information platform, connect with the" One Network Service "platform, strengthen the integration and application of big data, integrate and collect job recruitment information, provide job posting, resume delivery, employment internship, career guidance and other services to recruiting units and workers, and provide information docking services for shared employment among enterprises, promoting the matching of supply and demand in the human resources market."

For over a year, Shanghai's new public employment recruitment platform has been continuously exploring and launching new functions. In order to provide good employment services for key enterprises and support the employment of college graduates, the human resources department of this city has launched the "Shanghai College Graduates Human Resources Detailed Database" in some areas, relying on a new platform. On the premise of strictly ensuring information security, this detailed database introduces the full range information of 2023 Shanghai graduates, providing a higher quality human resource supply channel for key enterprises in the city, providing more accurate and high-quality employment recommendations for college graduates, promoting refined management and precise matching of human resources, and is an important measure for the human resources department of the city to actively respond to the current employment situation and promote the supply and demand connection between college graduates and key enterprises.

Under the operation mode of the "Fine Classification Database of Human Resources for College Graduates", career guides from the human resources and social security departments in this city will accurately target the target group based on the professional and institutional needs of college graduates for key enterprise recruitment positions, and carry out job promotion through phone or text messages. If college graduates are willing to apply for a job, they can directly log in to the city's "apply as soon as possible" App or WeChat, Alipay applet to improve their resumes and deliver them, so as to save time and energy and improve job search efficiency.

The "15 minute employment service circle" extends the service platform to the doorstep

A sound employment public service system also helps to ensure the supply of basic services and implement detailed employment policies. The Regulations specify that district and township people's governments, as well as street offices, should strengthen the work force of grassroots employment services. By equipping corresponding community workers and other means, at least one full-time staff member should be arranged in each resident committee and village committee to engage in employment information screening, employment assistance, policy promotion, and protection of worker rights and interests.

The Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations have been implemented for more than five months to provide action guidelines for promoting high-quality and full employment; Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Great country craftsmen

In order to thoroughly implement the Regulations, Shanghai's human resources and social security departments have comprehensively promoted the construction of a "15 minute employment service circle", woven a dense grassroots service network, strengthened the service functions of stations, strengthened employment assistance for key groups such as college graduates and those facing employment difficulties, extended service positions to their doorstep, immersed service teams in the grid, and timely delivered employment services to community residents.

Previously, the "15 minute employment service circle" of Jiaoxi Party and Mass Service Center in Yichuan Road Street, Putuo District welcomed the first "one-on-one career guidance into the community" activity. At the event site, experts from the Shanghai Employment Service Expert Volunteer Team were specially invited to chat one-on-one, opening up a "small stove" for young people waiting for employment in the community. This type of career guidance has made young people looking for jobs suddenly enlightened and enlightened, gaining a clearer understanding of their strengths, strengths, skills, and shortcomings. It has also enhanced their confidence in employment direction, employment planning, and other aspects.

It is reported that the "15 Minute Employment Service Circle" community employment service station provides basic service functions such as employment demand assessment, job recruitment, employment supply and demand matching, employment capacity improvement, employment assistance, and entrepreneurship guidance services by implementing the grassroots employment service system and using the Human Resources and Social Security Service Network Office system. During the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the construction of community employment service stations was comprehensively promoted in all streets and towns in Shanghai center's central urban area, as well as residential areas in the main urban area, new cities, core towns and central towns, and pilot projects were carried out in general towns and rural areas. By the end of 2023, ensure that each street and town builds or pilot at least one community employment service station. By the end of 2025, the "15 minute employment service circle" in the city will cover the entire area of the city, achieving complete basic employment service functions within the jurisdiction of the station, and effectively increasing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for residents in the jurisdiction.

Chapter on "Flexible Employment" to Promote the Healthy Development of New Business Forms

In recent years, with the vigorous development of new Internet formats, flexible employment groups have accelerated. The establishment of a special chapter on "flexible employment" nationwide is also a major highlight of the Regulations.

As of now, the scale of flexible employment in Shanghai is nearly 3 million. The Regulations detail support and safeguard measures from flexible employment services and vocational skills training, flexible employment survey and registration, and flexible employment personnel rights and interests protection, and clarify the content of Internet platform enterprises' employment in accordance with laws and regulations, negotiation and determination of standards, etc. for new employment forms, by establishing and improving the occupational injury protection system for new employment forms, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and promote the healthy development of new business forms.

In order to include flexible employment personnel in the scope of public employment services, Shanghai officially launched the first public welfare online gig market - the "Flexible Employment Information Zone" on the Shanghai Public Employment Recruitment New Platform at the end of 2021. The special zone mainly collects and releases various part-time, hourly, and new forms of gig jobs, and leverages the advantages of social sector public service platforms such as market information integration, job authenticity verification, and service resource sharing to provide free and efficient job matching services for flexible employment personnel, effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers and creating more flexible employment opportunities. Since its launch, the "Flexible Employment Information Zone" has been widely welcomed by employers and flexible workers.

In June 2023, the Minhang District Employment Promotion Center established the city's first public welfare offline gig market and held the city's first public welfare "gig" job fair on June 16, facilitating employers to achieve "instant quick recruitment" and "instant recruitment and use". It also allows flexible employees to enjoy a "one-stop" service experience such as job application, career guidance, entrepreneurial guidance, skill training, and labor rights protection.

The Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations have been implemented for more than five months to provide action guidelines for promoting high-quality and full employment; Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Great country craftsmen

In addition, in order to effectively safeguard the social security rights and interests of flexible employment personnel, from May 1, flexible employment personnel from other provinces and cities in this city can participate in endowment and medical insurance as flexible employment personnel with registered residence in Shanghai. By adopting personal commitments and integrated processing, the procedures for flexible employment registration and insurance registration have been further simplified.

Focusing on improving vocational skills and cultivating more "great country craftsmen"

Wu Yixin, born in 1999, won a bronze medal in the "Health and Social Care" category at the 2022 World Skills Competition special event with outstanding performance. She achieved excellent results in competitions and stayed on as a teacher in accordance with regulations, becoming an experimental teacher at the School of Nursing and Health Management of Shanghai Health Medical College

In recent years, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has deeply implemented the action of improving vocational skills, promoted the lifelong vocational skills training system, and effectively implemented the goals of stabilizing positions, improving skills, and promoting employment. With the implementation of the Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations, Shanghai will increase its support for improving vocational skills, providing a continuous supply of skilled talents to enhance the cultivation of new driving forces, strengthen the development of new tracks, and promote high-quality economic and social development.

The Malanhua Plan provides protection for entrepreneurs

Chapter 3 "Entrepreneurship Support" of the Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations clearly states that governments at all levels should formulate and implement entrepreneurship support measures, improve the entrepreneurship service system, carry out entrepreneurship public welfare activities, encourage and assist workers in entrepreneurship, and use entrepreneurship to drive employment.

For graduates who have entrepreneurial intentions and are currently starting their own businesses, the "Malanhua" entrepreneurship training policy being implemented by the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau is a good remedy. This policy aims to build an entrepreneurial training system with diversified training subjects, multi-level training content, and effective coverage of all stages of entrepreneurial activities. Graduates can participate in targeted entrepreneurship training in four stages based on their own entrepreneurial process: the entrepreneurial awareness stimulation period, the entrepreneurial preparation period, the entrepreneurial start-up period, and the entrepreneurial development period. At the same time, local graduates who have successfully started their own businesses will be given a first-time entrepreneurship subsidy of 8000 yuan according to regulations, and social security, financing, venue and other subsidies will be provided according to the number of employed people.

Not long ago, the first "Malanhua Plan" entrepreneurship training course jointly organized by Baoshan District Employment Promotion Center and Shanghai University College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship officially opened in Baoshan District. This training aims to fully mobilize the forces of the park, banks, and innovation service institutions, providing trainees with follow-up and guidance services such as project incubation, office space, registration, inclusive finance, and expert guidance, to safeguard entrepreneurs and enable "Malan Flower" to flourish on the fertile land of innovation.

The Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations have been implemented for more than five months to provide action guidelines for promoting high-quality and full employment; Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Great country craftsmen

Apprenticeship training to enhance vocational skills

The new apprenticeship program for enterprises, which focuses on key regions, enterprises, and projects in Shanghai in recent years, supports the development of new apprenticeship programs for enterprises. Starting from 2021, Shanghai has continuously listed "supporting the cultivation of tens of thousands of new apprentices for enterprises" as a practical project of the municipal government and as a stable employment assessment project in various districts. The Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, together with relevant departments, guided each district to increase its implementation efforts. From 2021 to 2022, more than 30000 new apprenticeship training programs for enterprises were carried out, achieving good social results.

Behind the successful experience, on the one hand, is how to leverage the main role of industry enterprises in carrying out apprenticeship training. The Shanghai Innovation Support High Skilled Talent Training Base serves as a training carrier, participating in the new apprenticeship system of enterprises, encouraging enterprise bases to provide services for their upstream and downstream enterprises, guiding industrial parks, industry associations and other bases to actively organize training for small and medium-sized enterprises, and widely mobilizing high-quality private and district owned enterprises to participate. At present, the implementation units include central enterprises in Shanghai, local state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, as well as parks, industry associations, vocational colleges, etc.

On the other hand, we will strengthen the promotion of apprenticeship training in key industries. At present, apprenticeship programs cover multiple occupational occupations in various fields such as equipment manufacturing, transportation logistics, information technology, biomedicine, public safety operation, and life services. They include projects such as chip manufacturing, optoelectronics technology, Internet of Things technology, and industrial robot applications that meet the development needs of strategic emerging industries, as well as projects such as elevator installation and maintenance, tunnel construction, etc. that are needed to improve the efficiency of refined management in mega cities; There are both national vocational qualification or skill level certification projects, as well as skills projects that are urgently needed in the market, and the coverage of apprenticeship implementation projects is constantly expanding.

In addition, Shanghai has also formulated and improved subsidy policies, increasing training subsidies. For newly recruited and in-service employees of the enterprise who participate in the new apprenticeship training and complete the training assessment, a training subsidy of up to 8000 yuan per person per year shall be provided in accordance with regulations.

After the introduction of the apprenticeship policy, it was widely welcomed by enterprises and workers. Enterprises have responded to the urgent and difficult problem of cultivating skilled talents through policies, solving the disconnect between training content and job requirements, alleviating the structural contradiction of difficult recruitment and employment under the new situation, and reducing the cost burden of enterprise apprenticeship training. Many young frontline workers also expressed that by combining theory with practice, they have greatly improved their professional skills and benefited greatly from it.

Relaxing the Binding of Talents and Deepening the Reform of the Evaluation Mechanism for Skilled Talents

In addition to the new apprenticeship training for enterprises, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has also formulated special policies for different groups of people, such as online vocational training for enterprise employees, targeted skill training for unemployed individuals, and continuing education and training for technicians. The average annual number of subsidized vocational skill training exceeds 1 million, and the policy system for employment oriented special training is continuously improving.

The Shanghai Employment Promotion Regulations have been implemented for more than five months to provide action guidelines for promoting high-quality and full employment; Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security; Great country craftsmen

Along with the improvement of vocational skills, the reform of the evaluation mechanism for skilled talents is also constantly deepening. In recent years, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has explored fully authorizing the evaluation of skilled talents to employers, truly loosening the constraints on talents, and striving to play the role of diverse evaluation subjects. Comprehensively promote the independent evaluation of employers. Support enterprises in key industries to independently carry out vocational skill level recognition for skilled talents. Enterprises can break down restrictions such as education, qualifications, age, and proportion, and directly recognize corresponding vocational skill levels. Excellent high skilled talents can be promoted to vocational skill levels in accordance with regulations. At present, there are a total of 171 skilled talent evaluation institutions for employers in this city, involving nearly 400 professions and serving nearly 5000 employers.

In addition, Shanghai is orderly promoting the evaluation of socialized skilled talents. Since 2019, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has continuously solicited and selected 54 social training and evaluation organizations with "industry representativeness, evaluation professionalism, and industry authority", covering 103 professions. Expand the career development channels for high skilled talents. Establish a two-way comparison and recognition system for vocational qualifications, vocational skill levels, and corresponding professional titles and educational qualifications, encourage the evaluation and exchange of professional and technical talents and high skilled talents, and promote the continuous growth and optimization of the scale and structure of the high skilled talent team. Since the implementation of the policy of integrating the evaluation of high skilled talents and engineering and technical talents, a group of high skilled talents in multiple fields have obtained the titles of engineer and senior engineer through evaluation.

【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit
【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit

SAIC Group released its 2023 semi annual report today. In the first half of this year, the company achieved wholesale sales of 2.072 million vehicles and terminal retail sales of 2.237 million vehicles, continuing to maintain its leading position in the domestic industry, and monthly sales continued to grow month on month. Sales in the second quarter increased by 32.5% compared to the first quarter, outperforming the overall market growth rate. In the first half of the year, SAIC's overseas sales reached 533000 vehicles, continuing to lead the industry; The sales of new energy vehicles reached 372000 units, ranking second among Chinese car companies and maintaining a "month on month continuous increase" since January. During the reporting period, the company achieved a combined total operating revenue of 326.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.34%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 7.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.54%, by optimizing its structure, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

SAIC Maxus, in collaboration with the Wuxi government, provides subsidies for purchasing "StarCraft" pickup trucks to benefit the public
SAIC Maxus, in collaboration with the Wuxi government, provides subsidies for purchasing "StarCraft" pickup trucks to benefit the public

"The golden mountain is slowly flowing, and the tin water is devoid of vegetation and spring". The scenery of the Taihu Lake Lake is picturesque, and the scenery of lakes and mountains is intoxicating. Wuxi, known as the "Pearl of the Taihu Lake Lake", is not only home to many famous literati, but also an important economic center in eastern China, with developed industry and commerce. Since the lifting of the local pickup truck ban last year and the official implementation of the Wuxi Service Integration into the Shanghai Metropolitan Area Action Plan this year, the Wuxi pickup truck market has ushered in new opportunities for development. Diversified lifestyles such as mountain running, fishing, skiing, and camping have emerged, injecting fresh vitality into the local pickup truck life. On August 12th, the StarCraft pickup truck was heavily launched in Wuxi, shining in the East China region with its hardcore quality. At the delivery ceremony, the first batch of interstellar pickup truck owners also officially picked up their beloved cars, taking the lead in embarking on a "interstellar" journey. On site by SAIC Maxus MA

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Strengthen residents' awareness of early intervention and management, and the "City Change diabetes" Community Action Initiative released diabetes | environment | residents

The prevalence of many chronic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, is a major health problem facing the Chinese people. In China, the prevalence of diabetes has reached 11.9 per cent, one in nine adults with diabetes. The "Urban Change Diabetes China-Dan Roundtable" with the theme of "Driving Change and Building a Healthier City" was held in Shanghai recently. The Roundtable launched the 'Cities Changing Diabetes' Community Action Initiative ". It is proposed to carry out specific actions from the aspects of strong concept of health science popularization, wide support of health environment, and health management to promote change, so as to build a health supporting environment, so as to promote community residents to strengthen early intervention and health management of diabetes. It is reported that the "City Change Diabetes" community action initiative includes a total of 9 specific initiatives. Medium

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu
Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

After retiring, Gong Aihua, a resident of Yingzhong Community, no longer had the usual busyness and often went to the community center to participate in various activities. "I click on 'Happiness Cloud' on my phone every day to check out the announcements and activities in the community. You can sign up and participate anytime, anywhere. 'As Aunt Gong said,' Happiness Cloud 'is an information-based system created by Qingpu for community workers and residents - the' Happiness Cloud 'smart community panoramic application system.". This "cloud" is positioned as the sinking of "One Network Management", the expansion of "One Network Service", and the strengthening of "Community Cloud". It has built five subsystems with "Community Governance Theme Data Warehouse" as the core, "Full Element Management System", "Fully Automatic Office", "Panoramic Service System", "Universal Governance System", and "Fully Aggregated" One Network Management "System"