Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties officially launched an 8-day charter flight for tourism aid to Xinjiang, enjoying the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang; Charter flights to aid Xinjiang; Spring Airlines; Kashgar

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:54 PM

The Kashgar Special Promotion Event of the 2023 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Tourism Development Conference was held yesterday morning. The Shanghai Municipal Front Command for Supporting Xinjiang held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony with Shanghai Spring and Autumn Airlines Co., Ltd. at the event site for the "Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties Tourism Charter Assistance to Xinjiang". This marks the official launch of the new round of "attracting tourists to Kazakhstan" tourism assistance charter flight project by Spring and Autumn Airlines, the Shanghai Aid Xinjiang Front Command.

The charter flights to aid Xinjiang will be deeply integrated with local industries

In recent years, with the strong support of the Shanghai Cooperation and Exchange Office and the Kashgar Regional Administrative Office, the Shanghai Front Command for Aid to Xinjiang has cooperated with the Shache Branch, Zepu Branch, Yecheng Branch, and Bachu Branch to actively leverage the integration and development advantages of Spring Airlines' "aviation+tourism". They have launched Shanghai tourism aid to Xinjiang charter flights, with a focus on the development of the tourism corridor along the Yarkand River, and carried out comprehensive tourism development. As of the end of 2022, hundreds of charter flights have been successfully organized. By attracting tourists and delivering passengers by air, we will closely connect the vitality of Shanghai's consumer market with the cultural and tourism resources of Kashgar region.

To further promote the development of cultural and tourism industries in the four counties of Kashgar supported by Shanghai, this year's number of charter flights to Kashgar will increase to 55. The 8-day tour of Shanghai's aid to Kashgar by charter flight is specially customized for four counties, including attractions such as Kashgar Ancient City, Bachu Red Sea, Zepu Jinhu Yang, Yecheng Sitia Mystery City, Pamir Plateau, Karakuri Lake, Baisha Lake, and Jincaotan. It showcases the unique snow capped mountains, lakes, Gobi, desert, wetland, grassland, ancient city and ancient village, allowing tourists to fully enjoy the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang. In addition, special arrangements will be made for welcome ceremonies, Kashgar welcome dinners, and other exciting folk song and dance performances.

Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties officially launched an 8-day charter flight for tourism aid to Xinjiang, enjoying the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang; Charter flights to aid Xinjiang; Spring Airlines; Kashgar

Zhou Xiang, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Chunqiu Travel Agency Co., Ltd., stated that this year's charter flights to aid Xinjiang have innovated in terms of products and models. Through charter flights, local industries such as agricultural specialties, hotels, scenic spots, etc. will be gathered for deep integration. This summer, there will be a dense release of charter flights to aid Xinjiang. In September, during the peak autumn season, especially the Populus euphratica season, flights will be opened to Shanghai via Lanzhou, with a goal of two flights per week. It is expected that five to six thousand Shanghai tourists will come to the four counties of Kashgar that Shanghai is supporting. At the event site, Shanghai Chunqiu International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. also held a signing ceremony with the People's Government of Bachu County for the Populus euphratica forest health tourism resort project.

The Front Command of Shanghai's Aid to Xinjiang stated that Shanghai's tourism aid to Xinjiang will fully leverage the special role of tourism in promoting communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups, adhere to the development direction of cultural and tourism integration, combine with promoting cultural development in Xinjiang, and integrate the awareness of the Chinese national community into the entire process of high-quality development of the tourism industry. In the future, we will further promote the transformation and upgrading of key scenic spots in the four counties, support the coordinated development of high-quality tourism routes and characteristic tourism loops in the four counties, and achieve the organic integration and coordinated development of regional cultural and tourism resources; Vigorously cultivate the cultural tourism and performance market, with Chinese traditional culture and regional ethnic culture as the connotation, to create cultural and performance boutiques with strong tourism market influence; Utilizing desert resources and tourism resources along the New Tibet Highway, we will introduce professional event companies to operate related brand events and vigorously develop sports and leisure tourism.

Four counties carefully prepare to welcome Shanghai tourists

In order to welcome Shanghai tourists who charter flights to aid Xinjiang, the Shanghai Front Command Headquarters Shache Branch, Zepu Branch, Yecheng Branch, and Bachu Branch have made full preparations and warmly introduced the unique attractions of this county, inviting Shanghai tourists to come and take photos.

Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties officially launched an 8-day charter flight for tourism aid to Xinjiang, enjoying the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang; Charter flights to aid Xinjiang; Spring Airlines; Kashgar

Shache: The birthplace of Twelve Mukams

Shache Sub Commander Wang Zuomao said that Shache County is the birthplace of the world's oral intangible cultural heritage "Twelve Mukams", with a history of over 3100 years. In 2015, it was rated as a historical and cultural city at the autonomous region level. There are many excellent historical buildings in the city, such as the Shache Jaman Mosque, the Nuruzidun Site, the Bayidou'e Tudun, the Yake Airik Beacon Tower, the Manchurian Kule, the Shache Ancient City Wall Site, and the Ming Dynasty Kule. Shache is a land of four seasons, colorful and colorful, stretching from east to west. Its natural wonders cover "desert Populus euphratica, wetland grasslands, oasis rivers, and snow capped forests." It is known as the "hometown of fruits and melons," "hometown of singing and dancing," and "one of the few places in the world, the only place of origin of Badam in China.".

Shache County is taking Shache Old Town as its core, building an oasis agricultural leisure area around the lower reaches of the Yarkant River to the north, a desert rural tourism area around the Taklamakan Desert to the east, and a Kunlun charming landscape area around King Mu of Zhou and Queen Mother of West to the south, forming a preliminary development pattern of a central area and three growth poles; At the same time, we will focus on building the Yerqiang River Wetland Scenic Belt around the cultural Shache, Silk Road Shache, and Tasha Ancient Road, and form a comprehensive tourism development layout of "one core, one belt, and three zones" by connecting them and comprehensively linking county tourism.

In order to further promote the "Pusha · Shanghai Aid Xinjiang charter flight" into Shache tourism activities, the cultural and tourism department of Shache County has held multiple meetings to discuss and deploy preliminary preparation work. Firstly, it has been coordinated with Shache County Shunfeng Company, preparing 10 tourism buses to pick up and provide guarantees for future visits to various scenic spots; 2、 In order to better promote the local characteristic culture, a welcome ceremony has been specially arranged. We are actively coordinating with the cultural troupe to determine the program list as soon as possible. We have also arranged for the ethnic specialty restaurant - Kakeshali Restaurant to sweep the dust for everyone, and tourists can enjoy the folk song and dance performances with Xinjiang characteristics during meals; 3、 We have connected with 5 local star rated hotels to maximize tourist comfort and satisfaction. Tourists can taste local specialty foods such as roasted pigeons, Nangkeng meat, and rack meat; 4、 Arrange personnel to visit the 6 scenic spots of Shache multiple times, and in the near future, arrange staff to cross line all routes and activities in the scenic spots to ensure the smooth progress of the itinerary; 5、 250 Shache themed gifts have been prepared, allowing every tourist to return with a full load and experience the local customs and traditions.

Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties officially launched an 8-day charter flight for tourism aid to Xinjiang, enjoying the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang; Charter flights to aid Xinjiang; Spring Airlines; Kashgar

Zepu: Jin Hu Yang, picturesque and poetic

Zepu, referring to Deputy Commander Tian Chengcheng, said that Zepu has a simple folk style, beautiful ecology, and outstanding talents. Zepu means "Guangze Hewlett Packard" and in Uyghur, it means "Persian Kamu - a river floating with gold". Zepu has two Guinness records in the Shanghai World, "the first county of wutong in China" and "the county with the largest planting area of organic red dates in China". It has won many honors, such as National Health County, National Garden City, National Ecological Civilization Demonstration County, National Civilized County, National National Unity and Progress Model County, and National Top Ten Leisure Towns.

Zepu is rich in products. The grilled fish of the Populus euphratica family, the special baked buns, stuffed noodles with lung and rice sausage, Nang pit roast meat, pigeon Lamian Noodles are all delicious food loved by people of all ethnic groups. Zepu has abundant tourism resources and is an autonomous region level comprehensive tourism demonstration zone. Jinhuyang 5A level scenic spot, with dense shade blocking the sun in summer and clusters of flowers and brocade; In autumn, the layers of forests are dyed like poetry and painting; In winter, covered in silver, the eyes are full of vitality. The 3A level scenic spot in Gullebag is themed around love, highlighting the landscape of small bridges, flowing water, and homes with the theme of "silently cherishing the gentle flow of the spring, and the shade of the trees shining on the water.". The Yerqiang River National Wetland Park is lush with reeds, rippling lake water, fish swimming shallow at the bottom, and a hundred birds spreading their wings, full of vitality. Buyiruk Tajik Ethnic Town embodies Tajik cultural customs. Tourists will experience the exhilaration brought by eagle dance and feel the stirring music played by eagle flutes. Wutong Ecological Park is a 3A level scenic spot, covering an area of 1000 mu. The lake is rippling, and flowers are blooming. The majestic and tall wutong trees are very different in shape.

Zepu Branch closely monitors the matters related to charter flights and requests the County Tourism Bureau to coordinate and coordinate relevant departments such as travel agencies, scenic spots, hotels and homestays, and catering services in a timely manner, making every effort to do a good job in charter flight related matters. Request the relevant functional departments of the county to: firstly, strengthen the management of hotels and homestays, and provide training to practitioners to enhance their reception and service capabilities; The second is to coordinate the launch of "one-day tour of Jinhu Yang, parent-child tour of wutong Park, health tour of Changshou Village, experience tour of beautiful rural folk customs, study tour of red base" and other tourism routes; Thirdly, we will actively promote the entry of local specialty Jinfengzepu agricultural and sideline products, Milang handicrafts, and grape tree products into scenic spots and hotels, enriching the tourism supply system.

Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties officially launched an 8-day charter flight for tourism aid to Xinjiang, enjoying the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang; Charter flights to aid Xinjiang; Spring Airlines; Kashgar

Yecheng: Ancient City of Sitia, Restoring Ancient Western Civilization

According to relevant officials, the 4A level scenic spot Zonglang Lingquan Tourism Development Zone in Yecheng County is located on a 10000 acre natural grassland, with springs everywhere, dense forests, lush green grass, and blooming orchids. It is an excellent place for people to escape the summer, relax, and travel. The ancient city of Sitia is the first ecological architectural complex in Xinjiang to be restored by imitating ancient earth architecture. It artistically restores the ancient earth architectural complex with Persian charm from a thousand years ago, and has strong artistic appreciation. It is an important relay station for the Silk Road cultural tourism in southern Xinjiang and a classic showcase of ancient Western civilization. The Po Long Primitive Forest Ecological Tourism Scenic Area boasts beautiful scenery, including magnificent mountains and rocks, dense forests, deep canyons, and soothing grasslands. The world's second highest peak, Mount Qiaogori, is located in Yecheng. It is the main peak of the Karakoram Mountains, with an altitude of 8611 meters. It is tall and majestic, and is also one of the popular tourist attractions.

The cultural and tourism department of Yecheng County has already coordinated with Spring and Autumn Travel Agency to include attractions such as Sitia Mystery City, Zonglang Lingquan, Walnut Seven Immortals Garden, and Xinzang Line in the charter flight travel route. At the same time, we will focus on the accommodation, catering, and other matters for charter flight tourists coming to Yecheng, clarify the connection with hotels and restaurants, and require full preparation, strengthen service work, and continuously improve the satisfaction of tourists visiting the county.

Bachu: Red Sea Scenic Area, Experience Folk Customs and Customs

Shanghai Kashgar Four Counties officially launched an 8-day charter flight for tourism aid to Xinjiang, enjoying the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang; Charter flights to aid Xinjiang; Spring Airlines; Kashgar

According to Lin Yansong, the deputy commander of Bachu, the 4A level scenic spot of Bachu County, the Red Sea Tourism Scenic Area, has a folk culture village, the Kashgar River Silk Road ancient road, the Golden Populus euphratica island, the Red Bay Water Park, and the Red Sea Wetland Park. It is a paradise for appreciating natural scenery, experiencing folk customs, and tasting unique delicious food. Here, you can experience the beautiful life scene of the children of various ethnic groups living in the Populus euphratica forest, drinking, eating, living, and reproducing. You can witness the prosperity of Populus euphratica for three thousand years, including "being born but not dead for a thousand years, dying but not falling for a thousand years, and falling but immortal for a thousand years". You can also appreciate the national intangible cultural heritage protection projects such as carrying sheep, horse racing, and other folk sports activities. In Baisha Mountain Desert Park, you can enjoy the wonderful sand mountain landscape, with complex sand dunes winding and swirling, shining with golden light. At Mount Leyayiritag, you can enjoy the largest wind eroded castle landscape in China, with unique Yadan landforms full of fantasy colors.

For the work of charter flights to aid Xinjiang, Bachu conducted on-site research and communication with Chunqiu Travel Agency multiple times in the early stage, clarifying the routes and precautions; Take the lead in county propaganda, cultural and tourism, city supervision, transportation and other departments, and prepare for the reception of charter flights for aid to Xinjiang; Actively carry out the promotion of charter flights to aid Xinjiang, recruit passenger flow, and timely transfer information to Spring and Autumn Travel Agency for docking; Continue to enhance the image of the scenic area and prepare for the arrival of tourists from all walks of life.

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