Research shows that short videos have become a new form of reading and promote the development of traditional reading

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 08:04 AM

The Shanghai Book Fair has just come to an end, and a reading frenzy has swept through Shencheng. It is not difficult to find that many booths have set up live broadcast booths to introduce books through short video platforms such as Tiktok, and communicate and interact with readers who have not been present in person. Short videos are leading a new reading trend online, including reading, lecturing, recommending, and selling books. The knowledge attributes of short videos are gradually becoming prominent and becoming a new way for the public to read.

Where is the novelty of short videos as a new way of reading? What are the changes in the reading ecology in the era of short videos? Recently, Shanghai University of Technology released a report titled "Research on Reading in the Era of Short Video". Professor Shi Yongqin, the head of the research group and professor at Shanghai University of Technology, pointed out during the presentation discussion that we have entered a new stage of symbiotic development of diverse reading forms. Short video reading and traditional reading coexist and promote each other, constructing a new reading ecosystem, which is of positive significance for promoting reading, knowledge and cultural popularization among the whole population.

Rich reading formats

In recent years, short reading videos have become popular among users. The 2023 Diaoyin Reading Book Ecological Data Report shows that in the past year, the number of reading videos released with more than 5 minutes on Tiktok increased 279.44% year on year, the number of reading videos played increased 65.17% year on year, the number of collections increased 276.14% year on year, and the number of live viewers nearly doubled year on year.

The report points out that the rich content categories of short videos, the content presentation that combines graphics, text, sound and shadow, and the interactive form of real-time sharing and communication are in line with the reading habits of the contemporary public, enriching people's reading forms and bringing them a new reading experience. 63.59% of respondents stated that they prefer short videos as an interactive reading experience compared to reading alone, and short video reading is popular among the public.

"With the evolution of technology, the types of reading are constantly changing, from paper books to online and mobile reading, and then to audiovisual forms such as audiobooks and short videos." Li Jianhong, President of the Publishing and Distribution Research Journal of the China Academy of Press and Publication, believes that in the future, there will be fewer single attribute reading products and more integrated attribute products.

Xu Shengguo, Director of the Publishing Research Institute of the China Academy of Press and Publication and Director of the National Reading Center, stated that reading is not about "reading words", but about understanding the thoughts and wisdom behind words, enhancing people's spiritual realm and life character. From this perspective, short video reading has a certain degree of inevitability of the times.

The report also points out that the new forms of reading represented by short videos are not only the result of technological development, but also reflect the changes in popular reading culture and lifestyle in the new era. Short videos and other new forms of reading are not a replacement for traditional reading, but a supplement to traditional reading methods, providing new choices for diversified reading in the digital age.

Research shows that short videos have become a new form of reading and promote the development of traditional reading

Breaking the knowledge barrier

"Today, many people have emotions and admiration for words, but when they calm down and think about it, words are not only a bridge of communication, but also a 'hard shell'." Zhang Wenyan, Vice Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Qingdao University, launched a discussion on some people's' paper book worship '. She believes that in the face of obscure and difficult to understand monumental works, high knowledge barriers block many readers, and short videos help break through the traditional circle of books, making classic and elite content "approachable".

With the rise of short video and live broadcast technology, the Internet platform has become the main place for knowledge production. At the same time, as an export of knowledge dissemination, it has expanded the channels for knowledge circulation. Xiao Zijuan, Chief Editor of Electronic Audio Video Society of Guangxi Normal University Press Group, stated that many publishing houses have invested in the production and dissemination of short video knowledge content, hoping to promote high-quality book content through short videos. But she also pointed out that currently, traditional publishing houses mainly produce short videos that tell the author's original intention for publishing and the book editing process, from a top-down perspective. The interaction with readers is weak, and the dissemination effect is not good. Further research and learning are needed.

At the same time, more and more people like to acquire and learn knowledge through short videos. According to survey data, 65.74% of respondents believe that "short videos are an important way for me to acquire knowledge and information.". The 2022 Tiktok Knowledge Data Report also shows this trend. From January to October 2022, more than 250 million users interested in Tiktok knowledge content, an increase of 44.1% compared with the beginning of 2021; Knowledge videos and graphic content on Tiktok have been shared 12.6 billion times by users; On average, each Tiktok user shared more than 20 pieces of knowledge content to friends and relatives; Tiktok users searched more than 16 billion knowledge related questions, which is equivalent to that each Tiktok user actively searched 27 knowledge points.

Some contents of 2022 Tiktok Knowledge Data Report

The data analysis also showed a significant positive correlation between the frequency of short video viewing by respondents and their recognition of short videos as an important way to obtain knowledge and information. That is to say, deep use of short videos can help users access and acquire more knowledge, and the sense of gain gained through short videos can also reverse promote users' use of short videos.

In this regard, the attending experts unanimously believe that short videos have rich and infectious content forms, which can help the public better understand and absorb knowledge; At the same time, with a wide range of dissemination and high efficiency, it can help benefit middle-aged and elderly groups or remote areas, and can be seen as an effective channel to promote the popularization of knowledge and culture among the whole population.

Assist the public in reading

Research shows that short videos have become a new form of reading and promote the development of traditional reading

"In the process of promoting nationwide reading, we have achieved good results in policy support, academic research, industry promotion, and other aspects, but still face the problem of uneven regional development." Li Shijuan, Vice Dean of the School of Publishing at Peking University, found in previous research that community libraries and other resources in high-end cities are complete, but in remote rural areas, rural libraries, village reading rooms, and so on often become decorations.

This dilemma is closely related to the low popularity of paper books and the high threshold for knowledge acquisition, and the high accessibility of short videos makes reading more accessible, which can help solve this problem.

The survey results show that 23.78% of respondents who read less paper books always or frequently watch short videos related to books; 71.41% believe that book based short videos can enhance interest in reading books, and 70.45% have purchased books due to recommendations for related short video content. It can be seen that short videos have expanded the audience for book reading, and some respondents who do not usually read physical books have increased their interest in reading and developed book buying behavior through short videos. Short videos encourage more people to participate in traditional reading and have the function of promoting reading and expanding the reading population.

Statistical results of descriptions of those who read less paper books

It is not difficult to see that short videos can promote the popularization of reading. On the one hand, it can stimulate reading interest and encourage low-frequency paper book readers to participate more in reading activities; On the other hand, it can improve reading efficiency and complement traditional reading, further helping high-frequency paper book readers to engage in more and better reading.

According to reports, Tiktok has always encouraged the production of diversified and valuable content, and paid attention to the mining and dissemination of knowledge and book content. In 2020, the "All Come to Read" national reading program was launched, attracting 9 universities, 39 cultural institutions, more than 60 writers and cultural and artistic celebrities to join. Through forms such as text, short videos, and live broadcasts, it called on everyone to come and read, enriching the spiritual world. Up to now, Tiktok # all come to read # topics have played more than 1.28 billion, and today's headline topics have read more than 380 million. It can be seen that the short video platform represented by Tiktok has become an important force to promote reading for all.

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