LS6 Global First Launch with Confidence to Rank in the Top Three in China's Intelligent Driving Field

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:19 AM

On August 25th, the 26th Chengdu International Auto Show officially kicked off. The first global model of Zhiji Automobile, the "medium to large intelligent coupe SUV" Zhiji LS6, has officially made its global debut at the Chengdu Auto Show, with pre-sale prices ranging from 230000 to 300000 yuan, and blind bookings have been launched simultaneously. The new car will be officially launched in mid to early October and delivered by the end of October.

Specifically, in terms of intelligent cockpit, the Zhiji LS6 has created a full frame digital cockpit screen. Through multiple intelligent technological means such as "scene labeling+fusion perception+MR enhanced display+image algorithm", it achieves full domain digital field blind filling functions such as A-pillar intelligent blind filling, side and rear intelligent blind filling, and rear intelligent blind filling, improving driving safety. As the pinnacle product of Zhiji's high-end intelligent platform, LS6 is equipped with over a hundred cutting-edge technologies in the fields of three electronics, intelligent driving, and intelligent cabin interaction. It is committed to showcasing Zhiji's thinking in the field of intelligent driving with the core experience of "the most futuristic intelligent cockpit", "the strongest 800V platform", and "the most beautiful international design". Liu Tao, Co CEO of Zhiji Automobile, stated that after mastering the learning methods and problem-solving strategies, Zhiji has completed the painful technical accumulation through drawing lessons from others and accumulating knowledge. In a fully data-driven mode, Zhiji Automobile is fully confident in firmly ranking among the top three in the field of intelligent driving in China.

In addition, the Zhiji LS6 also adopts multiple future technologies to create an intelligent cabin ecosystem. In October, the first vertical GPT intelligent generative large model in the industry will be delivered and launched synchronously with the intelligent LS6. At the same time, Zhiji LS6 has a unique "one click AI driving" function in the industry to alleviate the anxiety caused by high-frequency pain points such as parking difficulties, reverse difficulties, and parking difficulties.

The latest data shows that the sales of Zhiji cars in July were 1722 units, a decrease of 14.2% compared to the previous month. Among them, the main model LS7 had 1572 units, indicating a weak sales trend. It can be seen that the Zhiji LS6, which has lowered its price to below 300000 yuan, is clearly used for price reduction promotions for Zhiji Automobile. Benchmark models include the NIO ES6, Avita 11, Tengshi N7, and Tesla ModelY. "China's mid to high end new energy intelligent vehicles, including Zhiji, aim to leverage users' inherent brand awareness through innovation. Once leveraged, there is potential. The sales target of LS6 is at least three times that of LS7." Liu Tao is not shy about this. Compared to the problem of unclear positioning that existed at the beginning of its establishment, with the gradual efforts of Zhiji Automobile in intelligent driving, the label and advantages of intelligence have gradually become prominent. According to Liu Tao, Zhiji has completed the 9-year journey of intelligent driving for top players in 2 years. In Liu Tao's view, in the current era of technology internalization, it is not only necessary to consider the existing models, functions, and experiences, but more importantly, the speed of intelligent iteration, which can truly reflect a brand's core intelligent capabilities.

Although the current delivery scale of Zhiji is relatively small, through innovative technological methods, Zhiji has already possessed a data production capacity of billions, producing 14 million kilometers of data per day. At the same time, Zhiji also has a complete set of highly professional data filtering, data cleaning, and data annotation processes. The IMAD equipped on the Zhiji LS6, which makes its debut this time, will enable the entire series to have the ability to remove high-precision map NOA, opening up a two-way acceleration run of technological evolution and high-level experience. According to the plan, IMAD will start urban NOA public testing in October; In 2024, 100 cities will open their commuting mode; By 2025, achieve "Door to Door" full scenario commuting.

In addition to breakthroughs in intelligence, the Zhiji LS6 is also the first vehicle equipped with a "quasi 900V dual silicon carbide high-performance platform" in terms of energy supplementation. Its maximum working voltage is 875V, rated voltage is 751V, and it adopts high-performance dual silicon carbide power module and customized ceramic bearings. It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.48 seconds and has a maximum speed of 252km/h. Thanks to the maximum charging rate of 3.75c battery cells, the peak charging power of the Zhiji LS6 reaches 396kW, and it can replenish 200 kilometers in 5 minutes of charging.

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