Ideal life has a new definition, and I have seen the fully upgraded Tianzi 3.0 product

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 03:29 AM

What kind of work can define the cover standards of a city?

Perhaps it is the process of going from nothing to something, from something to something superior. Not only is it a breakthrough in the industry itself, but also an inner transcendence of leaders.

In the 20 years of deep cultivation in Shanghai, the birth and evolution of the Poly Tianzi system is telling a story of constantly exploring higher expressions of human settlement. The advanced journey of the Tianzi series in Xunji not only presents timeless works to the world, but also Poly's consistent product spirit and pure original intention.

Standardizing the Life Model of the Human Settlements Era

Many people know about Poly, but they always have a vague feeling about its high-end products, until the emergence of the Poly Tianzi series.

Ideal life has a new definition, and I have seen the fully upgraded Tianzi 3.0 product

Since 2020, Poly, adhering to the product concept of "only customization, no replication", has successively launched high-end residential Tianzi series products in the city center. The first Tianyue and Tianhui were respectively located on the North Bund of Humanity Xuhui and World Reception Hall, showcasing Shanghai's living standards as an international excellent city with the "Tianzi series", and thus ushering in the era of Tianzi series 1.0.

Poly Tianhui rendering

At this stage, the Tianzi system continuously elevates the "aesthetic" standards, and in the face of the proposition of contemporary living in the era, it looks at the consistent expression of global contemporary aesthetics. Through the constantly evolving facade art, international landscape design concepts, and China's green three-star building standards, the spirit of the works is closely linked with the urban temperament, providing a leapfrog innovation for China's urban residential aesthetics, and setting the tone for the artistic aesthetic characteristics of Tianzi products.

Renovation Model of Excellent and Great Cities

In 2022, Poly made its debut in Jing'an with two major works of natural aesthetics, the Tianhui Century Seal and the Jing'an Tianyue, marking the beginning of the era of Tianzi 2.0.

Ideal life has a new definition, and I have seen the fully upgraded Tianzi 3.0 product

The rendering of Poly Tianhui Century Seal

The will to stand up for urban renewal, the land endowed with the strength of the times, spiritual height, and cultural concentration, the Tianzi system resonates with the city through updated products, and through the fusion of Shanghai style red brick temperament and contemporary aesthetics, rejuvenates the urban interface and cultural style of Shanghai's peaceful hinterland, bringing a return of heart to the updated Shanghai.

Two new lifestyle proposals from Shanghai Poly, Jing'an, not only activate the endogenous energy of the region, but also promote the organic renewal of the city. The Tianzi system in the 2.0 era is a true manifestation of the strength of state-owned enterprises in Poly's operation and maintenance, as well as a direct manifestation of their active participation in urban co construction.

The response of the world above the Chaoqi River

Starting from the scorching heat, we mark a new curtain in the high-end residential market. Starting from the peak of the wave, we can see even greater scenery. Poly Tianzi is born out of talent, and in each update, it is on par with the excellent city. In 2022, Poly followed the trend of urban development and grandly laid out its eight branches in the "One River, One River" strategic core area of Shanghai. Together with Yuexiu Real Estate, Poly Yuexiu and Yuetianhui, a new trend in the era of Tianzi 3.0, responded to the world's expectations.

Ideal life has a new definition, and I have seen the fully upgraded Tianzi 3.0 product

Poly Yuexiu · Heyue Tianhui deeply embodies the top-notch genes of the Tianzi system, starting with the precious land veins in the southern section of Yangpu Binjiang, and showcasing the world's Shanghai with a multi-dimensional upgraded value sequence.

Poly Yuexiu and Yuetianhui renderings

The victory of localists in the aesthetic of home ceremony. Life is two, two is three, and all things are three. Poly Yuexiu and Yue Tianhui's three step landscape ritual seems to follow the rules, but in reality, it is constantly changing.

Upon entering the aesthetic realm, the hotel style drop off plaza design eliminates the boundary between the community and the city, softens the excessive sense of returning home, and blends artistic corridors with ceremonial water features, allowing the view to freely explore the realm space. The inner expectation for home gradually intensifies.

Entering the natural forest environment, using health, age, and vitality as carriers, outlining a majestic axis of about 400 meters, walking on the natural forest oxygen field, meeting the sunlight passing through the shadows of trees, and enjoying the relaxation of returning home. People run in nature, nature paddles beside them, and the 600 meter full age health and vitality ring is available. The gym is accessible without leaving the community, and you can freely choose your fitness time, making you feel at ease. Using one axis and one ring as the landscape framework, equipped with five shared spaces and nine private gardens, Poly Yuexiu · Heyue Tianhui connects nature and health, life and function, creating a boundless integration of scenery and environment.

Ideal life has a new definition, and I have seen the fully upgraded Tianzi 3.0 product

The realm of Three Enjoyments, from the aesthetics seen in the field of vision to the beauty felt in the heart, brings home cultivation through meticulous study of every detail. Consider different ways of returning home, and create luxurious double lobbies above and below the ground to provide ceremonial hospitality for high-level life returning home, making both entering and driving respected.

The three hidden luxury realms interweave into thousands of different paths, making the journey home no longer a repetitive single path, but a combination of surprise spaces with multiple arrangements.

The spirit of quality in the era of near zero energy building products. A good building is not only satisfied with living, but also knows how to make living more comfortable. Starting from climate characteristics and considering the characteristics of the site, Poly Yuexiu and Yue Tianhui designed green and healthy housing according to local conditions, innovatively introduced energy-saving technologies such as insulation materials and renewable energy, and achieved a higher living quality with almost zero energy consumption.

The reshaping of the full dimensional space of social function evolution. The field enclosed by nature is both an artistic and peaceful life on one hand, and a social and recreational space on the other. Poly Yuexiu · Heyue Tianhui innovatively creates a "super gravity" living room, providing more possibilities for neighbors and social interaction; Here, gardens are not just places for amusement and sightseeing, but also a meeting place of taste and interests. Inspired by handcrafted theaters, the tranquility of bookstores in the woods, and the joyful atmosphere of Zhiqu Square... With multiple thematic functions, everything is beautiful in an open spatial field.

Starting from the character development of the Tianzi system in the 1.0 era, we have opened up a life model for the era of human settlement; In the 2.0 era, we strive for self transcendence and become a model for the renewal of outstanding cities. Through the baptism of time, the Tianzi system always embraces the times and pays tribute to the attention and expectations of the city. Nowadays, as the 3.0 era led by the river surges towards the top of the wave, international living trends will once again be defined.

Ideal life has a new definition, and I have seen the fully upgraded Tianzi 3.0 product
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