Financial Goodness | Shanghai Bank Collaborates with Shanghai Children's Fund and Chest Hospital to Escort Children with Congenital Heart Disease in Yanshan, Yunnan | Children's Fund | Yanshan, Yunnan

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:58 PM

On August 1st, a special group of visitors arrived in the pediatric cardiology ward of Shanghai Chest Hospital - accompanied by Hou Xumin, the deputy director of the hospital's medical department, Shi Hongmin, the deputy secretary and deputy president of the Shanghai Bank Party Committee, Shi Qiuqin, the deputy chairman of the Shanghai Children's Fund, and two children from Yanshan, Yunnan, exchanged warm greetings and condolences.

Thank you for giving my son a healthy body, which not only allows us to enjoy high-quality medical resources in Shanghai, but also helps us avoid returning to poverty due to illness. In the ward, Mr. Miao, the parent of a child with congenital heart disease, expressed excitedly.

Originating from public welfare, consolidating the joint force of "goodness"

As a financial state-owned enterprise, Shanghai Bank has always regarded investing in public welfare undertakings and fulfilling social responsibilities as an endogenous need for high-quality development. As the only vice chairman unit of a financial institution under the Shanghai Children's Fund, Shanghai Bank has established a special fund since 2012 to carry out children's public welfare and charity projects such as worry free summer care classes, parent-child marathons, and artificial hearing implants.

At the same time, Shanghai Bank and Yanshan County, Wenshan Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province have launched a "Hundred Enterprises Helping Hundred Villages" targeted assistance program. Since 2018, we have effectively linked poverty alleviation efforts with rural revitalization in the local area. In 2022, while conducting research on assistance needs, Shanghai Bank learned that there were dozens of children with congenital heart disease in the local area. Due to limitations in medical conditions and economic level, some children from difficult families were delayed in treatment, and as adults, they lost their ability to work and even faced life-threatening situations.

In order to organically combine the assistance provided by Yanshan in Yunnan with the practice of state-owned enterprise participation in public welfare, Shanghai Bank actively collaborates with the Children's Fund to include children with congenital heart disease in Yanshan County's assistance scope. With the strong support of the Children's Fund, Yanshan's children with congenital heart disease are arranged to come to Shanghai for treatment and bear their medical expenses. Miao's father's son is one of the beneficiaries of this rescue project.

Financial Goodness | Shanghai Bank Collaborates with Shanghai Children's Fund and Chest Hospital to Escort Children with Congenital Heart Disease in Yanshan, Yunnan | Children's Fund | Yanshan, Yunnan

On July 24th, Xiaomiao and Xiaoyi, two children from Yanshan, were successfully admitted to the thoracic hospital. With the careful care of pediatric cardiology medical staff, their bodies are slowly recovering.

Rushing thousands of miles to light up "hope in the heart"

On July 21, 2023, a medical assistance expert group led by Vice Dean Hou Xumin from Shanghai Chest Hospital flew over 2200 kilometers to Yanshan County Maternal and Child Health Hospital to carry out free diagnosis and screening activities for children with congenital heart disease.

At the free clinic, there was an endless stream of children who came to seek advice and treatment, and everyone lined up in an orderly manner under the guidance of volunteers. Experts patiently and enthusiastically receive every patient, providing professional treatment advice and scientific health guidance based on their condition and problems. The entire free clinic benefited 50 local children, with the youngest being only one day old.

Grandma Li, who brought her grandson for a check-up, excitedly said, "I didn't expect to have Shanghai experts see her face to face at her doorstep, and it's still free! Thank you to the Shanghai Bank and the Children's Fund for organizing such a free consultation! And thank you even more to the doctors at the chest hospital!"

In fact, due to limited local medical conditions, many children like Grandma Li's grandson who do not have obvious symptoms of the heart are prone to being overlooked. Some children may have their symptoms detected in a timely manner, but treatment may be delayed due to economic difficulties and other factors.

Financial Goodness | Shanghai Bank Collaborates with Shanghai Children's Fund and Chest Hospital to Escort Children with Congenital Heart Disease in Yanshan, Yunnan | Children's Fund | Yanshan, Yunnan

For the screened children who meet the conditions for surgical assistance, Shanghai Chest Hospital will provide surgical treatment, and Shanghai Bank, in conjunction with the Children's Fund, will provide relevant assistance to effectively reduce the economic burden on families of congenital heart disease patients, and prevent their families from falling into poverty or returning to poverty due to illness.

Shi Qiuqin, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Children's Foundation, stated that she will integrate the platform resources of the foundation, promote the project to benefit more children in Yanshan County, and enable children with congenital heart disease to have a healthy physique for learning and work.

After the free consultation, Shanghai Bank organized an expert group and Yanshan Medical and Health Line cadres to hold a medical assistance symposium. Hou Xumin, Vice President of the Medical Department of Shanghai Chest Hospital, stated that he will fully leverage the advantages of cardiothoracic specialties, establish a normalized and sustainable contact mechanism with Yanshan, provide a learning platform for medical institutions in Yanshan County, cultivate specialized talents, and truly benefit the local people.

Jointly guarding the sustainable "mountain and sea sentiment"

Since 2018, under the guidance of the Party Committee of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanghai and the unified leadership of the Party Committee of the Head Office, Bank of Shanghai has actively cooperated with three administrative villages in Yanshan County, namely Luotaiyi Village, Ajiao Village, and Aji Village, to carry out "Hundred Enterprises Helping Hundred Villages" paired assistance, linking the entire bank and various sectors of society, and implementing multi-dimensional assistance through financial donations, party building joint construction, volunteer pairing, industrial assistance, consumer assistance, and other means with sincerity, using sincerity, and genuine emotions.

While deepening assistance work, Shanghai Bank has highlighted two-way empowerment and launched the "Shangyin Emotion · Yanshan Dream" youth public welfare activity since 2019, organizing and mobilizing young employees throughout the bank to actively participate in assistance and education. Over the past 4 years, a total of 101 local students have been assisted, of which 3 have been admitted to universities and 17 have been admitted to high schools. On this basis, Shanghai Bank has successively launched themed calligraphy and painting competitions, as well as public welfare micro courseware production, based on the actual needs of Yanshan, such as the "Book Fragrance Warms Children's Hearts, Love Book Corner," "Holding Hands to Grow Together, Illuminating Micro Wishes," and "Warmth to Draw Dreams.". While deepening the work of assisting students in Yanshan, Yunnan, we also advocate for the correct value orientation among all employees in the bank, promoting the deep cultivation and external dissemination of Shanghai Bank's corporate culture.

Financial Goodness | Shanghai Bank Collaborates with Shanghai Children's Fund and Chest Hospital to Escort Children with Congenital Heart Disease in Yanshan, Yunnan | Children's Fund | Yanshan, Yunnan

In 2022, with the support of the Children's Fund, the "Shangyinqing · Yanshan Dream" Youth Public Welfare Activity was officially launched on the official WeChat platform of the Children's Fund. While online donations were made, the coverage of assistance was expanded, the sense of mutual assistance ceremony was enhanced, and the standardized operation of public welfare education activities was better promoted.

Upon learning that Yanshan Children will soon come to Shanghai for medical treatment, the young employees of the Youth League Committee of the Shanghai Bank Headquarters immediately took action and voluntarily donated money to alleviate the burden on families of children with congenital heart disease. They also handwritten love cards to send sincere blessings to the children. With the smooth implementation of the rescue project for children with congenital heart disease, in the future, Shanghai Bank will continue to shoulder the mission of a financial state-owned enterprise, carry out more children's public welfare and charity projects, and promote children's healthy growth and comprehensive development with heart and emotion, paving the way for children's growth and development to be healthy, successful, and fulfilling their dreams.

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