Finance for the People | What is the experience of attending morning classes at bank branches?

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:17 AM

What is the experience of attending morning classes at bank branches? "It's both energetic and practical, as well as fulfilling and fashionable." After seeing off her grandson to kindergarten, Aunt Fang started her day of retirement at the "morning classes" at the Shanghai Bank branch.

It is understood that the "Early Classroom" service launched by Shanghai Bank is an important part of the "Le Ling Shen Cheng · Early Shanghai" volunteer service activity jointly launched by 9 units including the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Bureau of Retired Cadres. In order to facilitate the participation of elderly residents in "morning classes", Shanghai Bank has opened more than 200 branches in the Shanghai area during the morning hours, working together with the government to build a learning park for the elderly.

Bank Branch Transformation Classroom

Early in the morning, the reporter followed a group of enthusiastic elderly residents into the Shanghai Bank branch. In the morning, when the branch had just opened, there were not many citizens coming to do business. In a corner of the branch lobby, the arrangement of sitting around a table was neat and comfortable, making it very suitable for elderly people to communicate.

Finance for the People | What is the experience of attending morning classes at bank branches?

Today, the morning class on "Card Security" slowly unfolds around some elderly people's blind spots in financial knowledge, as well as many operations and doubts in daily life card payments. Considering the language habits and learning characteristics of the elderly population, Shanghai Bank branch employees give lectures in vivid Shanghai dialect. By summarizing catchy anti fraud tips such as "one card, two codes, and three elements" and vivid cases that have occurred around us, Shanghai Bank employees have simplified complexity and made it easy to understand. With teaching and demonstration, they have led elderly residents to identify financial fraud tricks, identify legitimate channels to obtain financial services, and safeguard personal financial information security in half an hour.

The old friends of "Morning Classroom" listen, ask, and practice, creating a strong on-site learning atmosphere. "This way of explanation and demonstration is very intuitive and convenient for us elderly people to understand. Now that we know what to pay attention to when using cards, we can also accept and be able to pay with tied cards." Mr. Yuan, who participated in the "Morning Classroom", said, "In the past, we not only didn't know how to do it, but also dared not worry about safety. In the future, we can also try to buy groceries online or take a taxi, which is fashionable."

Helping bridge the "digital divide"

"Early Classroom" to assist the elderly and activate the vitality of "Early Shanghai". Shanghai Bank is in line with the habit of elderly people liking physical service channels, and closely integrates "Early Shanghai" volunteer service with the bank's branch "Service Early Market", opening up the venue space and high-quality service resources during the morning hours of the branch. Focusing on the digital smart life and financial science popularization of the elderly, Shanghai Bank offers morning classes to help them popularize financial knowledge through knowledge lectures, interactive exchanges, and hands-on demonstrations and guidance, bridging the "digital divide" in what they learn, enjoy, and enjoy, and enjoying various conveniences of smart life.

Finance for the People | What is the experience of attending morning classes at bank branches?

At present, each participating branch of Shanghai Bank has set up a unified "Early Shanghai" exhibition stand and signboard displaying various types of volunteer service welfare information. Elderly residents can view, timely understand, and select activities as needed by scanning the QR code. In the future, it is also convenient for citizens to participate in the "Morning Classroom" activity at the Shanghai Bank branch. They can search for the "Morning Shanghai" mini program on their mobile WeChat and click on "Morning Classroom" at the bottom of the page to select the bank branch and register for the courses they are interested in nearby. At present, the branch of the bank starts classes from 9:30 to 10:00 on the 1st of each month. Specific information will be available on the "Morning Shanghai" mini program in the near future, and elderly friends can view it through the "Morning Shanghai" mini program.

As a "citizen" bank, Shanghai Bank adheres to its original intention, never forgets its mission, and is committed to accompanying elderly customers in a better life. The bank has continuously invested and participated in the "Leling Shencheng" volunteer service activity for three consecutive years, actively responding to the needs and expectations of the elderly, helping them bridge the "digital divide", achieving good social effects, and has also been awarded the title of "Leling Shencheng" excellent member unit by the government organization department.

This year, the bank relies on the "Early Shanghai" elderly care service platform, focusing on the "financial+non-financial" diversified elderly care service scenarios, to better meet the people's aspirations for a better life. By leveraging their own advantages, enriching the morning life of elderly people in Shanghai, driving the upgrading of diverse scenarios in "early Shanghai", and contributing to the prosperity of Shanghai's early economy.

There are many benefits such as nine gold and ten silver

Finance for the People | What is the experience of attending morning classes at bank branches?

In addition to "early classroom" services, Shanghai Bank's financial benefits to the people are even more indispensable. It is reported that Shanghai Bank deepens the concept of "early Shanghai" and adheres to the principle of "serving the people with high-quality supply". It actively provides high-quality product supply to elderly customers with the power of financial expertise, further enhancing financial inclusiveness.

Recently, based on the investment preferences of elderly customers, Shanghai Bank has also launched a 2-year stable deposit product called "Beautiful and Leling Shencheng". The elderly population aged 60 and above can purchase anytime and anywhere as long as they are at Shanghai Bank branches or through mobile banking; Starting from 6000 yuan, you can enjoy an exclusive annual interest rate of 2.6% with flexible withdrawals, meeting the needs of elderly people for capital appreciation and preservation.

In fact, there are many benefits for citizens who receive pension benefits from Shanghai Bank, including 9 fee reductions such as exemption from card issuance fees, domestic and foreign interbank withdrawal fees, and various exclusive product options. In addition, you can also participate in numerous "exclusive" value-added benefits activities, such as Monday shopping, Wednesday food, Friday lucky draw, which are popular among the elderly population.

In the upcoming Double Ninth Festival in October, Shanghai Bank's long-standing word-of-mouth activity - the "Double Ninth" special opera will once again be performed, and eligible elderly customers can receive tickets for free. The bank also creates exclusive service channels, serving the new aspirations and needs of the elderly for a better life in the new era through extended service networks such as the "Service Morning Market" during the peak day of pension payments, elderly bank volunteer services, specialized mobile banking, dedicated lines for the elderly, and community "Beautiful Life Studio".

Finance for the People | What is the experience of attending morning classes at bank branches?
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