The first exhibition was held in Shanghai, this is the country’s highest-level calligraphy and seal cutting touring exhibition

Release time:Jun 07, 2024 16:34 PM

On June 7, the first tour of the 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition in Beijing, directed by the Chinese Calligraphers Association and co-sponsored by the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shanghai Calligraphers Association, and China Art Palace, opened in Shanghai.

Xia Yujing, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Full-time Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Xia Yujing said that the National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition, which is held every four years, is the highest-level exhibition in the country and has a profound and far-reaching impact on leading the artistic creation of calligraphy and seal cutting and promoting the development of China's excellent traditional culture and art. “The first stop of the 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition’s tour in Beijing is in Shanghai, which fully demonstrates the trust and support of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Chinese Calligraphy Association for Shanghai. We are deeply honored and grateful for this. The city’s calligraphy and seal cutting exhibitions The art world is also greatly encouraged and inspired by this.”

In recent years, the Shanghai Calligraphy Association has closely integrated with the work of the center and proactively served the country. It has hosted three album exhibitions, five cursive calligraphy exhibitions, the National Youth Calligraphy Work Forum, the Chinese Calligraphy Association’s calligraphy education work conference and other important calligraphy activities. The first exhibition of the tour was held in Shanghai. Sun Xiaoyun, chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, hopes that this tour can help build the development pattern and cultural ecological environment of Shanghai's calligraphy, illuminate the city's cultural life with calligraphy art, and promote the revitalization and development of Shanghai-style calligraphy in the new era.

"Creation must go out, into the magnificent natural beauty, into the diverse social life, into everyone's rich inner world, and constantly look for the source of living water for calligraphy creation." The 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition comes to Beijing and Shanghai Exhibited author Hua Bo said that he must persist in the mutual promotion of calligraphy creation and calligraphy theory, actively participate in literary and artistic volunteer service activities, and contribute his meager strength to the promotion of China's excellent traditional culture.

The 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition touring Beijing has 275 works on display. As the epitome of the 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition, it includes works by calligraphers from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas. The calligraphers participating in the exhibition go deep into the classics, refine and temper themselves, attach great importance to the basic skills and techniques of writing, and focus on the meaning and emotion, accumulation and connotation of their works. They are rooted in tradition, have diverse styles, and have a distinctive flavor of the times, reflecting the overall appearance of current calligraphy creation. . The elegant and upright calligraphy style has become the mainstream, keeping uprightness and bringing out the new has become the consensus, activation and utilization have become conscious, and strengthening academics has become the trend, which conforms to the characteristics of the artistic development stage and reflects the aesthetic orientation of contemporary calligraphy.

At the opening ceremony, Li Xin, member of the leading party group of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, secretary of the branch party group of the China Calligraphers Association and resident vice president, Sun Xiaoyun, chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Pan Min, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and director of the Municipal Civilization Office, Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shanghai Xi Meijuan, Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Xia Yujing, Party Secretary and Full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles jointly opened the first exhibition of the 13th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition in Beijing.

The organizer said that this Shanghai tour can stimulate and integrate with Shanghai-style culture, promote the high-quality development of maritime calligraphy, and thus have far-reaching significance for contemporary maritime calligraphy creation. It will be beneficial to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of calligraphy culture, and enrich the The people's literary and artistic life plays a positive role, providing favorable conditions for creating a culturally confident and self-reliant Shanghai model, building the best practice site for Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, creating a new situation in the construction of an international cultural metropolis, and accelerating the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence. cultural conditions.

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