One has been successfully captured, and a Siamese crocodile suddenly appeared in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River

Release time:Jun 08, 2024 08:35 AM

Mr. Cheng, a citizen of Wuhan, is a well-known fishing friend and often goes fishing in the Yaotou section of Wuhu Street, Changjiang New District, Wuhan on the Yangtze River. Recently, for two consecutive days, Mr. Cheng discovered a crocodile along the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River.

He said that on the afternoon of June 6, when he went to the fishing spot by the reed marsh, he saw a crocodile more than one meter long lying motionless on the riverside. It has black and white stripes on its tail, and its belly is light yellowish white. He boldly took a dry reed pole and poked it at the crocodile's head. The crocodile immediately turned and bit the reed pole. Mr. Cheng walked six to seven hundred meters upstream and found another crocodile with a similar appearance. "I walked more than a kilometer upstream today and saw two more. I saw four, and the four were different sizes."

One has been successfully captured, and a Siamese crocodile suddenly appeared in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River

After watching the video taken by Mr. Cheng, a fish expert said that the crocodile discovered this time is very similar to the Siamese crocodile. "It is most likely artificially bred and will threaten the Yangtze River fish." It is understood that the Siamese crocodile is an exotic species. This species has been artificially cultivated in large numbers in our country. It is aggressive and has a strong bite force, which will threaten the safety of people and fish in the Yangtze River. "Either someone released it intentionally, or it escaped from the breeding farm, we must catch it as soon as possible."

At the same time, the Wuhan Xinzhou District Environmental Protection Volunteers Association accidentally discovered an escaped crocodile when conducting environmental monitoring surveys along the Yangtze River. The ecological security of the Yangtze River Basin is urgent.

One has been successfully captured, and a Siamese crocodile suddenly appeared in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River

According to Xu Jianli, president of the Xinzhou District Environmental Protection Volunteers Association, the crocodile species was confirmed to be a Siamese crocodile, with a body length of approximately 1 to 1.8 meters.

On the afternoon of the 7th, volunteers from the association successfully captured a Siamese crocodile with a body length of about 1.2 meters at the junction of the Yangluo and Wuhu river sections. President Xu said: The Siamese crocodile is an exotic species with a ferocious nature. It is difficult to survive in the north of the Yangtze River in my country. It can grow up to two meters in size. It is very dangerous if it grows up or if the crocodile hatchlings are left.

One has been successfully captured, and a Siamese crocodile suddenly appeared in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River

The Wuhan Agricultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment and the Yangtze River New Area Fishery Administration attached great importance to the incident and rushed to the scene to deal with it. The captured Siamese crocodile has been handed over to the fishery department for processing, and then handed over to the wildlife rescue station.

Note: Crocodiles are nationally protected animals, among which the alligator is also a first-level protected animal! Residents are not allowed to hunt after discovering it, report it to the local government agency or public security agency quickly, and pay attention to their own safety! Villagers along the river are asked to pay attention to safety and refrain from going into the water or fishing!

One has been successfully captured, and a Siamese crocodile suddenly appeared in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River
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